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Ôn tập tiếng anh 12

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- a little poem and wrote it in the card..
- Nowadays elephants are one of the.
- species in the world.
- In the past people believed that women’s.
- Many of the.
- participants in the race do B.
- participants in the races does C.
- participants in the race does D.
- participant in the race does.
- Lack of attention would lead to the rapid advance of the process of extinction..
- Already many kinds of wild animals have been so reduced in number that their role in the ecosystem is forgotten.
- the rapid advance of the process of extinction..
- “To threaten” in the passage means.
- Fill each of the numbered blanks in the passage below with suitable words:.
- enthusiasm that in the end you can’t live without it.
- it is D.
- A.should pay B.will be paid C.will pay D.
- The more money you put in the bank,.
- The organization was established in 1950 in the USA..
- An international medical conference initiated by Davison resulted in the birth of the League of Red Cross Societies in 1991..
- some point in the future..
- Air pollution happens when wastes are poured into the atmosphere and the air becomes contaminated and unpleasant to breathe.
- There are many causes that lead to air pollution..
- however, they also account for air pollution in the cities..
- only cars that cause air pollution.
- only waste from factories that causes air pollution C.
- only burning coal that causes air pollution.
- there are many causes that lead to air pollution 33.
- The most serious cause that leads to air pollution is.
- have no relation to air pollution B.
- do not account for air pollution D.
- and quantity of water in the world..
- Water covers about three-quarters of the Earth's surface.
- Three-fourths of the Earth's fresh water is frozen in glaciers and in the great polar ice caps.
- Most of the water we use (38.
- Less than one percent of the Earth's water is usable, and we use it over and over again..
- One of the (39.
- Dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago because of the earth’s.
- flood-effecting areas in the Mekong Delta.

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