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Cracking the SAT Biology 2009-2010 Edition

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- SAT Biology E/M * Subject Test.
- *SAT is a registered trademark of the College Board..
- Illustrations by: The Production Department of The Princeton Review.
- Strategy 6: I, II, III—You’re Out.
- Control of the Body, Part 1—The Nervous System.
- Control of the Body, Part 2—The Endocrine System.
- Transport Within the Body—The Circulatory System.
- Ventilation and Gas Exchange—The Respiratory System.
- Body Processing, Part 1—The Digestive System.
- Body Processing, Part 2—The Urinary System.
- Support and Protection of the Body, Part 1—The Skeletal System.
- Support and Protection of the Body, Part 2—The Muscular System.
- Support and Protection of the Body, Part 3—The Skin.
- Reproduction and Development, Part 1—The Male System.
- Reproduction and Development, Part 2—The Female System.
- Getting Bigger—the Ecosystem.
- Cracking the SAT Biology E/M Subject Test.
- We’ve developed the tech- niques you’ll find in our books, courses, and online resources by analyzing actual exams and testing their effectiveness with our students.
- we’ll give you just the information you’ll need to get great score improvements.
- You’ll learn to recognize and comprehend the relatively small.
- You’ll also learn to avoid common traps, to think like the test writers, to find answers to questions you’re unsure of, and to budget your time effectively..
- cracking the Sat biology e/m Subject teSt.
- On the day of the test, you will decide to take the Biology E (Ecology) test or the Biology M (Molecular Biology) test.
- This section of the test concentrates on molecular biology..
- When you sit down to take the SAT Biology E/M Subject Test, you’ll see some questions whose answers you don’t know right away.
- Take the SAT Biology E/M SAT Subject Test and see how much easier it is after you’ve read and studied this book..
- If you sat with your biology textbook and read about these subjects, you’d read about a whole lot of information that definitely will not be tested.
- You’d read about the roles of various enzymes, coenzymes, and cofactors.
- You’d see pictures like the one on the following page..
- And you’d read text like this:.
- You’d become so sick of it that you’d stop reading (which is fine, because reading your textbook might not help you raise your score anyway)..
- At the end, you’d know that both aerobic and anaerobic respiration involve break- ing down glucose to form ATP.
- You’d also know that aerobic respiration has to do with.
- And you’d know that anaerobic respiration has to do with (1) the absence of oxygen,.
- It’s written, it’s published, and you’re holding it in your hands.
- We had fun doing our job, and believe it or not, you’ll have fun doing yours.
- You’ll probably get about four of these little “matching tests”—about 16 classification questions in all—when you take the SAT Biology E/M Subject Test..
- (You will know, after you’ve finished studying this book.) Again, we just want you to know what this type of question looks like..
- This is a basic multiple-choice question, except that in this case you’re looking for the wrong answer—the one that doesn’t fit the state- ment given in the question.
- that’s a function of the pancreas.
- (You’ll know that, of course, after you read Chapter 10.).
- First you’re told about an experiment.
- Then you’re asked two to four five- choice questions about the experiment.
- You’ll be clear-headed and confident.
- You’re probably wondering: “What are the subjects that are likely to appear on the SAT Biology E/M Subject Test?” We’ll be glad to list these subjects for you here and now:.
- Pedigrees percent of the test = 10%.
- Classification and diversity of the five-kingdom system (prokary- otes, protists, fungi, plants, and animals).
- percent of the test = 11%.
- percent of the test = 30%.
- percent of the test = 12% (if taking Biology e, 37%).
- As you look at the list, you’re probably thinking two things: first—“Wow, that’s a lot”.
- The Exam Format, Question Types, and Strategies | 19 But here’s the Deal.
- You just need to know the basic concepts: the “big picture.” You’re free to study concepts without cramming details..
- Chapters 3 through 15 of this book teach you the biology you need to know for the SAT Biology E/M Subject Test and include interactive questions all along the way so you can immediately take the knowledge you’ve gained and practice it..
- Circle the ques- tion in your test booklet so you’ll be able to find it easily when you go back, and double-check it against your answer sheet..
- 2 0 | Cracking the SAT Biology E/M Subject Test.
- If you were to guess randomly, you’d pick the right answer one out of five times.
- If you guessed randomly on five different questions, you’d answer one cor- rectly and four incorrectly.
- You’d get 1 point for your correct answer, and lose 1/4 point for each incorrect answer.
- Because you answered four questions incorrectly, you’d lose one full point.
- By eliminating two wrong answer choices from each question and guessing from the rest, you’d answer two of the six ques- tions correctly and four incorrectly.
- You’d gain 2 points for your correct answers and lose 1 point (1/4 times 4) for your incorrect answers.
- What if you were able to eliminate three of the five possible choices? You’d have a fifty-fifty chance of getting the correct answer.
- If you were able to do this on four questions, you’d answer two of them correctly and two of them incorrectly.
- You’d get 2 points for your correct answers and lose 1/2 point (1/4 times 2) for your in- correct answers, a net gain of 1-1/2 points!.
- If you can’t cross off any answer choices as wrong and really have no idea what you’re doing, leave the question blank.
- This type of question can easily confuse you because you’re being asked to choose the incorrect statement, or the “wrong answer.” In other words, every answer choice is true except for one.
- that’s the one you have to pick out..
- Actually picking the incorrect statement isn’t the hard part.
- Often you’re so used to picking a true statement for an answer that it becomes very easy to grab the first correct statement you see (more on that later).
- A good way to remember that you’re being asked to choose the exception is to circle the word “LEAST,” “EXCEPT,”.
- strategy 6: i, ii, iii—you’re out!.
- Which of the following is (are.
- 2 2 | Cracking the SAT Biology E/M Subject Test.
- A, C, and E are gone, which means that you’re left with just B and D.
- You’ve got a fifty-fifty chance of guessing correctly.
- “college ice” is an old term for “ice cream sundae,” so the correct answer is D.) Do that with ten questions and you’ll get about five of them right..
- Let’s say you know for sure that thymine (option I) and cytosine (option II) are in DNA, but you’re unsure of uracil (option III).
- Again, you’re left with a fifty-fifty chance.
- But suppose you’re totally attached to those particular words.
- Which of the following correctly describe(s) an ovum?.
- Don’t become unglued just because the right answer to a question doesn’t leap out at you, even if it’s something you’ve studied and memorized..
- 2 4 | Cracking the SAT Biology E/M Subject Test.
- Which of the following best characterizes a simple carbohydrate?.
- You’ll learn about carbohydrates in the next chapter.) The problem is that even though choice C is true, it fails to answer the question..
- When you take the test, there will be a lot of things that you’ll know and some things that you won’t.
- When you get a tough question and you think you’re lost, you might look for a familiar face and grab at an answer that makes a state- ment you’ve heard before, even if that statement doesn’t answer the question..
- the pulmonary artery carries oxygen-poor blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs.
- If the answers are yes, then you’re probably not really finding the question hard, and you probably do know what the answer is.
- 2 6 | Cracking the SAT Biology E/M Subject Test.
- Why? Because of the temptation trap.
- Which of the following changes will most likely take place.
- 2 8 | Cracking the SAT Biology E/M Subject Test.
- Strategy 1: Study the Right Stuff in the Right Way You’ve already begun this strategy—you bought this book..
- Strategy 6: I, II, III—You’re Out!.
- For example, if you’ve de- cided that option I is false, eliminate all answer choices contain- ing option I.
- If you’ve decided that option II is true, eliminate all answer choices that do not contain option II..
- If a correct answer isn’t immediately apparent, calmly look for words that mean the same thing as the words you’ve memorized..
- Strategy 8: Avoid the Temptation Trap—Predict an Answer Don’t choose an answer before you’re sure of the question.
- Just because a statement is true doesn’t mean it’s the right answer..
- 3 0 | Cracking the SAT Biology E/M Subject Test.
- More Test Prep —If you’re looking to excel on your SAT, ACT, SAT Subject Tests, or AP exams, you’re in the right place