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- Sumarize essay master of science Theme: To analyse and give solution development effect financial activities in Song Hong clothing join stock company.
- Special this content is cleared analysis quotas to assess effect financial activities and from to give main method to development effect financial business.
- With arguments basis about analyse financial had in chapter I, content of chapter II concerned with study reality financial activities of Song Hong clothing join stock company and concentrate to analyse quotas, assess effect financial activities of business according informations on financial report of this company for two years 2007-2008 According analysis financial activities in this company, chapter 2 highlighted strong points and weak points about financial activities of this company.
- It shows cause of that exists to see general about effect financial activities of company Above arguments basis together reality financial activities in Song Hong clothing join stock company and remarks general about financial activities of company, content of chapter 3 gives solutions to development effect financial activities in company Sumarize, this essay is systematized arguments about financial and analyse financial business, above that to analyse, remark reality financial activities of Song Hong clothing join stock company to see strongths and weakness about financial activities of this company.
- From to give main method to development effect financial business.

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