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Associciated factors of constipation among parkinson older patients

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- A total of 133 Parkinson older patients were enrolled in the study.
- In multivariable regression model, increased odds of constipation were significantly associated with low water consumption (adjusted OR 4.55), low vegetable consumption (adjusted OR 6.16) and dependent activities of daily living (ADL) (adjusted OR 3.98).
- ADL needs to be regularly assessed and water and vegetable consumption should be closely monitored in older PD patients in order to improve health and reduce risk of constipation..
- Constipation is one of the main and disabling non-motor symptoms in patients with Parkinson’s disease, with prevalence varies widely, ranging from 24.6% to 63% in a 2015 study by Fasano et al.
- or from 7% to 71% in a 2017 study by Knudsen et al.
- 1,2 The wide ranges of prevalence of constipation in PD were mainly due to the different diagnostic criteria..
- Individual-level factors associated with chronic constipation reported in the literature include ethnicity, lifestyle,⁴ level of physical activity, diet,⁵ prescribed and illicit drug use, and genetic factors, although the effect of each of these has not been examined systematically..
- Few study addressed the topic of constipation and its associated factors in Parkinson patients.⁶ This study aimed to describe the prevalence of constipation and investigate factors with associated constipation among elderly PD patients in Vietnam..
- or (6) refusal to participate in the study..
- Diagnosis of constipation.
- To be diagnosed with function al constipation, participants must satisfy 3 criteria in Table 1 in the prior 3 months, with symptom onset at least 6 months prior to diagnosis..
- Onset of constipation symptoms at least 6 months before diagnosis.
- Must met the three criteria below in the past 3 months.
- Risk of fall: test of up and go was used to assess risk of fall.
- Those who took ≥14 seconds to complete the sequence of actions were considered to have high risk of fall..
- Study participants were informed clearly about the purpose of the study, and they were willing to participate in the study.
- There was no statistically significant difference in the distribution of constipation between male and female participants (p = 0.77).
- There was no statistically significant difference in the proportion of those with constipation between age groups (p = 0.61)..
- There was significant association between risk of fall and constipation with p = 0.029.
- Parkinson patients with constipation.
- High risk of fall .
- Multivariable logistic regression model revealed that higher odds of constipation was independently associated with water consumption of less than 1500 ml/day (OR CI vegetable consumption of ≤ 160g/day (OR CI and being dependent on others for ADL (OR CI .
- Risk of fall High risk of fall 1.
- Low risk of fall .
- Age, gender, physical activity level, risk of fall, nutrition, sarcopenia, and IADL had no significant association with increased odds of constipation..
- In other research of M Anti also referred that functional constipation was affected can significantly enhanced by increasing fluid intake to 1.5 - 2.0 liters/day.⁸ Although, another study by Shen et al.
- in 2019 showed that the amount of water consumption was significantly associated an with an increased risk of constipation in univariate analysis, but not in multivariate analysis.⁵.
- We also observed those who had 1 bowl (160g) or less of vegetable per day had increased odds of constipation (p = 0.001)..
- This finding is consistent with a recent study by Shen et al.
- in 2019 which found lower dietary fiber intake was associated with a greater risk of constipation.⁵ Similarly, in 2016, Yang et al..
- Constipation in the elderly of the Beijing region was closely related to diet habits, and the likelihood of having constipation significantly decreased with high staple foods intake and fish and high dietary fibers (fruits and vegetables) consumption.⁹ It was suggested the influence of dietary factors on constipation because food choices might easily reflect preferences directly as a result of constipation .
- Previously, in 2019, Gustafsson et al.
- reported people with a higher activity daily level scores were at decreased risk of constipation.
- Factors associated with higher odds of constipation in elderly PD patients were low water consumption, low vegetable consumption and ADL dependence..
- Classification and treatment of constipation.
- Camilleri M, Ford AC, Mawe GM, et al..
- Lacy BE, Mearin F, Chang L, et al.
- Anti M, Lamazza A, Pignataro G, et al..
- Yang XJ, Zhang M, Zhu H-M, et al.