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- At the edges of the valley, waterfalls (hanging valleys) flow down into the valley.
- Anemometer An instrument for measuring the speed of the wind.
- This shift is a result of the revolution of the earth around the sun..
- A geosyncline lifts up to form mountains because of the intense heat deep in the mantle.
- Erosion of the softer rocks underneath undercuts the caprock..
- Celestial equator The projection of the earth's equator onto the celestial sphere.
- In the case of the earth in orbit around the sun, the centripetal force acting on the earth is the sun's gravity.
- The relative ages of the fossils can be determined by their positions in the layers.
- The rocks are classified according to the size of the particles.
- This happens frequently, at all times of the year.
- Thunderstorms are formed in the very tall, violent clouds of the kind called cumulonimbus (See Thunderstorm)..
- Hard coal, anthracite, is the final result of the process.
- Constructional forces Forces in the earth's interior that produce deformations of the crust.
- Differential heating of the ocean results in the massive movement of water.
- Cretaceous period The final period of the Mesozoic era.
- As the water evaporates, it cools the bulb of the thermometer.
- The dinosaurs died out at the end of the Mesozoic..
- It is determined primarily by the nature of the underlying bedrock.
- The materials of the earth are arranged in layers according to density.
- The light gets to the moon by reflecting from the surface of the earth..
- Earth's interior The central zone of the earth.
- Earthquake waves reveal the structure of the earth's interior.
- Ecliptic The path of the sun across the celestial sphere.
- The following are some of the important elements of the earth:.
- of the hydrosphere.
- Iron is the main component of the earth's core and is also present in the crust.
- Thus, speed is a measure of the energy of the system..
- Equatorial countercurrent A large water current flowing eastward in the center of the Pacific Ocean..
- The moon's gravity produces tides and distortions of the earth's crust.
- temperature of the earth increases.
- What happens next depends on the mass of the star.
- Hydrogen makes up about 75% of the universe.
- The near side of the valley is extremely steep.
- The energy of the sun comes to the earth in the form of electromagnetic waves, and about half is infrared.
- About half of the earth's insolation is in the infrared, the rest is visible and ultraviolet.
- Much of the incident radiation does not warm the earth because it is reflected.
- Resolution depends on the size of the receiving antenna.
- Interstellar medium The material in the vast, empty spaces of the universe.
- In the earth's atmosphere, the ultraviolet rays of the sun ionize the air at a high altitude.
- It is based on the granitic nature of the main mass of continental rock.
- The satellite Io is one of the oddest bodies in the solar system.
- In windstorms, it is the kinetic energy of the air that does damage.
- The surface of the moon is pitted with craters.
- This is a very small part of the whole spectrum.
- It is determined chiefly by the wavelength of the light.
- A lunar eclipse is partial when the earth's shadow covers only part of the moon.
- Total eclipses of the moon occur, on the average, about once a year..
- It forms the upper layer of the earth's mantle.
- Apparent magnitude is the apparent brightness of the stars.
- Pressure is measured by the height of the mercury in the tube above the open surface.
- The sun is a star in one of the spiral arms.
- The center of the galaxy is obscured by dust..
- A few minerals make up the largest part of the earth's crust.
- Moho The Mohorovicic discontinuity, the boundary between the crust and the mantle of the earth.
- Nitrogen A gaseous element, making up 78% of the earth's atmosphere..
- North magnetic pole The S pole of the earth's magnetic field.
- Ocean The saltwater mass that covers 72% of the earth's surface.
- constitute ordinary salt, about 85% of the mineral matter in the sea.
- Most of the rest is sulfate (SO 3 2-.
- Great mountain ridges mark many parts of the ocean floor.
- The shape of the orbit, in general, is an ellipse.
- The partial pressure of the water vapor in the air is known as vapor pressure.
- Perigee The point in the orbit of the moon or an earth satellite at which it is closest to the earth..
- Phylum Any of the main divisions of the animal kingdom (for example, Mollusca, Arthropoda)..
- regardless of the size of the particles.
- Precambrian Roughly, the first 4 billion years of the earth's history.
- Temperature also determines the wavelength of the radiation emitted.
- At still higher temperatures, much of the energy is in the ultraviolet.
- Recharge Replenishment of the water table by precipitation.
- Rock Solid matter making up the crust of the earth.
- Seafloor topography The form of the bottom of the sea.
- The decreasing insolation angle brings cooling of the weather.
- Seismograph An instrument for measuring the vibrations in the crust of the earth.
- Sialic rocks make up the core of the continents.
- Humus generates acid, which contributes to the weathering of the rock..
- As weathering of the bedrock continues, all the layers deepen.
- See Phases of the moon..
- flowing out of the sun.
- The reason is the precession of the earth's rotation.
- South of the Antarctic Circle, there is no daylight..
- The path is the result of the earth's rotation so it is circular.
- Most of the star is hydrogen.
- What happens next depends on the size of the star.
- The subsequent history of the star depends on the mass remaining.
- the hills are far away at the edge of the floodplain.
- A large part of the star is blown off into space.
- Tectonic plates The large, continent-sized pieces of the earth's crust.
- The sudden heating of the air produces the thunder..
- At the time of the new moon the sun and the moon are on the same side of the earth.
- Conventional time is measured by the rotation of the earth.
- Local time is based on the length of the day..
- It is an important part of the atmospheric water cycle.
- the wave velocity is along the length of the string..
- When it is on the other side of the sun from us, it is full.
- The ash sometimes spreads very widely over distant parts of the earth.
- It is a reflection of the climate.
- Storage is the water in the zone of aeration of the soil, where it is accessible to plants.
- Artesian wells even provide water to oases in the middle of the Sahara Desert.
- Water table The upper surface of the zone of saturation.
- It is determined by the amplitude of the vibration that produced the wave