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Bài tập đọc hiểu Tiếng Anh lớp 3

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- Bài tập đọc hiểu Tiếng Anh lớp 3.
- They played hide-and-seek on Sunday.
- Penny hid under the bed.
- On Monday they dug holes in the yard.
- Penny hid a bone.
- Wags dug up some flowers.
- They played with balls on Tuesday.
- Wags chewed his ball to bits.
- Fill in the circle next to the correct answer 1.
- What do the dogs do first?.
- They play tug.
- They dig holes in the yard C.
- They play hide-and-seek.
- What do the dogs do on Wednesday?.
- They play tug B.
- They play with balls C.
- What does Wags do before he chews up his ball?.
- He digs up some flowers C.
- The teacher rings a bell.
- Ben knows what that bell means.
- It is story time! Ben knows what to do.
- He takes three big steps to the rug.
- Ben smiles at his teacher.
- He is ready for a story.
- Ben thinks story time is the best time..
- Who rings a bell?.
- What does the bell mean?.
- It is time to eat B.
- It is time to play C.
- It is time for a story.
- What is the first thing Ben does when he hears the bell?.
- Ben sits on the rug B.
- Ben smiles at his teacher C.
- Ben walks to the rug Reading 3.
- The spider wants food.
- She likes to eat bugs.
- The spider spins a sticky web.
- The web is hard for bugs to see.
- Whap! A bug flies into the web.
- The web shakes when the bug lands.
- The bug is stuck..
- What will probably happen next?.
- The spider will let the bug go B.
- The bug will fly away.
- The spider will eat the bug 2.
- What will a spider probably do if a big storm blows down her web?.
- She will spin a new web B.
- She will go to sleep.
- She will eat plants Reading 4.
- Snails live on land and in water.
- A snail’s body is soft.
- A snail moves by gliding along on the slime.
- It can even crawl upside down on its smile.
- All snails have hard shells, too.
- Then the snail’s soft body is safe..
- What is the story about?.
- where snails live B.
- some facts about snails 2.
- Where do snails live?.
- In water and on land C.
- On land only.
- What is true about snails?.
- Snails can crawl upside down B.
- Snails have two feet.
- Snails have hard bodies.
- Đáp án bài tập đọc hiểu Tiếng Anh lớp 3.
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- https://vndoc.com/tieng-anh-lop-3-chat-luong-cao