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Bài đọc hiểu Tiếng Anh lớp 4

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- Bài đọc hiểu Tiếng Anh lớp 4.
- Sasha and Adam go home after school.
- Adam throws his backpack on the kitchen floor..
- Then he pours himself a glass of milk.
- Sasha tosses her backpack on her bed.
- She gets herself a glass of milk and a snack.
- Then Sasha starts her homework.
- She likes to finish her homework before supper.
- Adam needs a break after school.
- He does his homework after supper.
- They both work at the kitchen table..
- Which one is true about Adam?.
- He puts his backpack on his bed B.
- He takes a break after school.
- He does his homework before supper.
- What do Adam and Sasha do before supper that is the same?.
- They both do their homework B.
- They both drink milk.
- They both play games.
- What does Sasha do after school that is different from Adam?.
- Sasha plays a game, but Adam does not B.
- Sasha eats a snack, but Adam does not.
- Sasha does her homework before supper, but Adam does not Reading 2.
- What looks like a bear and makes noises like a sheep? A giant panda! There are very few pandas in the world.
- They live only in bamboo forests.
- Bamboo is a tall grass that looks like a thin tree.
- Pandas eat lots of it.
- They eat bamboo 12 hours a day..
- Pandas are very small when they are born.
- Baby pandas are about the size of a stick of butter.
- Their skin is pink, and they have short white hair.
- Then baby pandas get black spots on their skin.
- Black fur will grow on those spots..
- What is the story mostly about?.
- What pandas eat B.
- Facts about pandas C.
- Bamboo forests.
- Which one is true about pandas?.
- They growl like a bear B.
- They eat for many hours during the day 3.
- Which one is true about baby pandas?.
- They first have black spots, and then they have black fur B.
- They are born with some black fur and some white fur C.
- They are very big when they are born.
- Each kind of tooth is a different shape.
- Your flat front teeth are good for biting into food.
- Your pointy teeth are sharp.
- They are good for tearing food..
- Big teeth are at the back of your mouth.
- They are wide and strong.
- These big teeth mash food to make it smaller.
- They are used for chewing food, too..
- using your front teeth to bite food.
- how different - shaped teeth do different things C.
- What is the job of your sharp teeth?.
- to chew food B.
- to bite into food C.
- Which teeth do you use to chew?.
- your sharp teeth C.
- your flat front teeth.
- Đáp án bài đọc hiểu Tiếng Anh lớp 4.
- Mời các bạn tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu Tiếng Anh lớp 3 hay và miễn phí tại:.
- https://vndoc.com/tieng-anh-lop-3-chat-luong-cao