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Bill Clinton My Life

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- There in the lower left-hand corner of the paper was a photo of Bill.
- First, we stayed just across Canal Street from the French Quarter in the Jung Hotel, on one of the higher floors.
- for jogging through the French Quarter in the early morning.
- While Mother was in New Orleans, I was in the care of my grandparents.
- We ate in the kitchen at a table next to the window.
- We would take a paper bag with sandwiches for supper, and I would sleep in the backseat of the car.
- He said it was in the closet.
- They were screaming at each other in their bedroom in the back of the house.
- Before I could get up he butted me in the head.
- Apparently the first owner had been in the gambling business.
- and, of course, a new extended family in the Clinton clan..
- Just ahead of Bert and me in the line was a woman who was visibly afraid of the water.
- In the early fifties Roy ran for the legislature and won.
- He had been part of the GI reform effort after World War II, although he wasn’t in the service himself.
- It was all the money in the world to me then.
- Along with the excitement of a new baby in the house was the thrill of the new TV..
- Elvis Presley began to make movies in the late fifties.
- In the ’92 campaign, some members of my staff nicknamed me Elvis.
- On Friday nights there was always a dance in the gym of the local YMCA.
- He slugged me in the jaw as hard as he could.
- We lived in the second house on the street.
- I got the role of the nephew, which Cary Grant played in the movie.
- I detest selfishness, but see it in the mirror every day.
- On Wednesday, July 24, we went to the White House to meet the President in the Rose Garden.
- A friend took a photo for me, and later we found film footage of the handshake in the Kennedy Library..
- O ne other memorable event happened to me in the summer of 1963.
- There were seven of us in the class.
- After class, all the students in the annex where our class met walked back to the main building.
- Georgetown had the best academic reputation in the city.
- In the next four years Tommy would introduce me to Baltimore.
- I chose German because I was interested in the country and impressed by the clarity and precision of the language..
- He was expelled from Yale and went to work in the Texas oil fields.
- In the South, the dark side of the scales has always been the bigger problem.
- At the start of the campaign, I was definitely a second stringer in the Holt Generation..
- One county courthouse in the Mississippi Delta still had “white” and “colored” designations on the doors of the public restrooms.
- In the fall he won with 54.5 percent of the vote.
- In the 1980s, like so many southern conservatives he became a Republican.
- After that, he made his mischief in the background.
- The main mailing lists were kept in the basement.
- Dodd’s son, Chris, now represents Connecticut in the Senate.
- Standing in the shadows, I saw what a light she was in his life.
- Looking back, I see I probably shouldn’t have run in the first place.
- It was the only interesting artifact in the whole house.
- Diplomacy in the Far East.
- The end of the draft in the 1970s made the point moot..
- Later in the fall, Daddy had gotten sick again.
- He was in the hospital for a while, but he wanted to come home to die.
- It was raining on the day of the funeral.
- He was not buried in the rain..
- There was a nice write-up in the paper, even a laudatory editorial.
- Loan shot the man in the head in broad daylight on the street in Saigon.
- It was a good metaphor for the confusion of the time..
- it was nearly three in the morning in Washington.
- We were not yet in the New South of the seventies, but we did have sense enough not to go backward..
- In the spring he received me in his office on Park Avenue.
- There were no available spots in the National Guard or reserves.
- and Eli Segal, whom I met in the McGovern campaign, became chief of staff of the Clinton-Gore campaign..
- embassy in London on October 15, in support of the main event back in the United States.
- It was the most elegant part of the house.
- We had a small, scraggly walled-in yard in the back..
- Frank was writing a thesis on the epic Long March in the Chinese civil war.
- Texas was ranked first and Arkansas second in the national polls.
- They were playing for the national championship in the last regular-season game of the one hundredth year of college football.
- He said, “I expect to see both teams score in the second half.
- bench, may win in the last quarter.
- I thought he was crazier than the two guys in the bar.
- When I got in, there were four other men in the car.
- On Vietnam, Clifford noted dryly, “It’s really one of the most awful places in the world to be involved.” The dinner was a heady experience for me, especially since I kept my feet on the ground in Gene McCarthy’s shoes..
- The man and woman in the other car seemed to be dazed but unhurt.
- He told me fascinating stories about the fear they lived with and the joy he and his classmates found in the work of the movement..
- I was going home to Arkansas, and in the meantime preferred politics to the law review.
- I enjoyed the drive west, including a visit in the Grand Canyon.
- The nicest thing about the place was the fireplace in the living room.
- Apparently my work in Connecticut redeemed me in the eyes of the McGovern campaign.
- There were a lot of complaints about the disarray in the campaign.
- In the last week of the campaign, though all was lost, I had two memorable experiences.
- We wrote a trial based on the characters in the movie Casablanca.
- It was easy to understand why he had been so effective in enforcing civil rights rulings in the South.
- I flew there in the first week of May.
- It’s beautiful and romantic there in the late spring.
- Sometimes guests would play touch football in the front yard.
- he couldn’t make a living in the hills.
- Hot Springs, where I grew up, was the biggest town in the south end of the district.
- Arkansas’ Third District comprised twenty-one counties in the northwest quadrant of the state and was one of America’s most rural congressional districts.
- seven northern counties in the Ozarks.
- eight counties in the Arkansas River valley below.
- and four in the Ouachita Mountains in the southwest.
- and in the river valley towns of Russellville and Dardanelle in the southeast part of the district.
- He spent a memorable night with Hillary and me in the White House.
- Unlike Bo Forney, he spent the night in the Lincoln Bedroom.
- Somehow in the travel, I lost five of them.
- Folks in the river valley didn’t know that until Steve Smith and I told them..
- I got the endorsement of the Arkansas Gazette, the state’s largest newspaper, plus several papers in the district.
- He carried it 38–34, but it was the only township in the county he won..
- in the fall, White-Collar Crime again and Constitutional Law.
- There was a FOR SALE sign in the yard.
- in from the road at two or three in the morning.
- My base in the Third District seemed secure.
- Despite all that, there were still gaping holes in the organization.
- One of the

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