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bài đọc Lesson 1

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- Photocopiable 1 © www.english-test.net.
- A day in the life of a parliamentary candidate.
- One year later the date of the general election was announced by the Prime Minister.
- Throughout the election campaign Henry's wife and his two teenage daughters worked night and day for him and he finally won a seat in the House of Commons by a very large majority.
- Every day of the campaign was a challenge, but there was one day in particular that Henry would never forget.
- That was the day he thought he was going to be blown up by a bomb..
- On a Friday morning at the beginning of the campaign, the phone rang in the Orpingtons' house at six-thirty in the morning.
- He wondered who could possibly be ringing at that early hour in the morning..
- Andrew: If you want my opinion, I suggest you cancel all your engagements for today and wait until the police get to the bottom of the matter..
- Henry: Certainly not! I'm not going to let myself be scared by some stupid crank..
- Photocopiable 2 © www.english-test.net Andrew: That makes the whole business even more sinister.
- Henry: No, I'm going to carry on as usual.
- Think of the advantage it would give my opponents if I were out of the campaign even for one day..
- As most of the men were out at work, his audience consisted mainly of women and young children.
- After the speech he shook hands with some of the women.
- They had spent the morning addressing envelopes for the leaflets he was sending out.
- Henry: I shall be calling at houses in Midhampton this afternoon, and then there's a big meeting tonight in the field behind.
- There was a large crowd in the field when Henry arrived at eight o'clock for what was perhaps the biggest meeting of the whole.
- Photocopiable 3 © www.english-test.net most important local issue concerned the subsidies that the new government would be paying to the farmers.
- I want to give the farmers a voice in the House of Commons..
- shouted one of the tractor drivers.
- Unfortunately for Henry, two of them hit him full in the face.
- And now let's get on with the meeting.".
- In the meantime the police had made a thorough search of Henry's house and assured him that there were no hidden bombs.
- Photocopiable 4 © www.english-test.net After supper, Henry and his family went home.
- You said, "I want to warn you about a bomb.".
- You see, I'm a farmer and I overheard some of the other farmers planning to break up your meeting..
- Harris: Well, if we hadn't been cut off I was going to warn you about a bombardment of tomatoes!.
- Photocopiable 5 © www.english-test.net.
- House of Commons one of the two Houses of.
- Photocopiable 6 © www.english-test.net get to the bottom of the find out the truth about it matter.
- crank someone with strange ideas housing estate an area with houses of the same.
- Photocopiable 7 © www.english-test.net community district and its people.
- issue question or problem for discussion subsidies help in the form of money.
- win the crowd over to his side win the support of the crowd bombardment in the military sense, with heavy.
- Photocopiable 8 © www.english-test.net.
- The Prime Minister announced the date of the general election..
- He thought a bomb was going to blow him up..
- I'm not going to let some stupid crank scare me..
- Two of the tomatoes hit him in the face..
- Photocopiable 9 © www.english-test.net C.
- crank cut off.
- I'm going to _________all my engagements..
- Henry: I'm not going to let myself be scared by some stupid crank..
- Henry: I'm going to carry on as usual..
- Photocopiable 10 © www.english-test.net.
- The one in which he was living..
- Because most of the men were out at work..
- He overheard some of the other farmers planning to break up Henry's meeting..
- The date of the general election was announced by the Prime Minister..
- He thought he was going to be blown up by a bomb..
- We've been cut off..
- I'm not going to let myself be scared by some stupid crank..
- He was hit in the face by two of the tomatoes..
- If we hadn't been cut off.....
- Photocopiable 11 © www.english-test.net C..
- Henry said that he wasn't going to let himself be scared by some stupid crank..
- Henry said that he didn't because he was half asleep, but the man didn't seem to be threatening him..
- Henry said that he was going to carry on as usual..
- Andrew said he would like to make it clear that he was dead against it.

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