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Java network programming, 2nd edition

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- The most obvious change to the first edition is that all of the examples have been rewritten with the Java 1.1 I/O API.
- Organization of the Book.
- Parsing and rendering HTML is one of the most difficult.
- You should be thoroughly familiar with the syntax of the language.
- You should also be an accomplished user of the Internet.
- Indeed, in many of the.
- Figure 1.3 shows an early prototype of the HAWC controller.
- When part of the calculation is complete, the program makes a network connection to the.
- A multibrowser parallel computation of the Mandelbrot set.
- 1.1.8 Applications of the Future.
- The other 10% of the time you'll be in the transport layer and talking to the application layer or the internet layer.
- that's the point of the layer model..
- As a Java programmer you don't need to worry about this layer unless something goes wrong with it—the plug falls out of the back of your computer, or someone drops a backhoe through the T-1 line.
- between you and the rest of the world.
- (In practice most IP datagrams are much smaller, ranging from a few dozen bytes to a little more than eight kilobytes.) The header of each IP datagram contains these 13 items in this order:.
- The IP address of the sending node..
- The IP address of the destination node..
- This is accomplished through the use of the UDP protocol.
- administrators would consider that a feature.) In the rapidly changing world of the Internet, this is a significant disadvantage.
- Therefore, many of the "standards".
- status of the different Internet protocols..
- Informational N/A Version 1.0 of the application layer protocol used by.
- Others send a list of the files and folders in the directory as shown in Figure 3.1.
- Some documents refer to the fragment part of the URL as a "section".
- Therefore, rather than requiring each URL to be specified in its entirety, a URL may inherit the protocol, hostname, and path of its parent document (i.e., the document in which it appears).
- HTTP 1.0 is the currently accepted version of the protocol.
- HTTP 1.0 is the version of the protocol that the client understands.
- The rest of the document goes here 18.
- The other header lines identify the server software (the NCSA server, Version 1.4.2), the version of MIME in use, the MIME content type, and the length of the document delivered (not counting this header)—in this case, 107 bytes..
- The server has created a data file at a URL specified in the body of the response.
- Just the headers of the email message.
- attribute of the FORM element.
- methods of the current ClassLoader object..
- (The printable ASCII characters are those from 33 to 126 that exclude the various whitespace and control characters.) The first line contains characters 33 through 104 sorted.
- For instance, here's an implementation of the generateCharacters.
- No specific knowledge of the subclass is required..
- This is often preferable to the behavior of the single-byte read.
- method, which in the same circumstances will block execution of the running program..
- methods return -1 to signal the end of the stream.
- When one of the stream's read.
- dependent line separator character to the end of the line they write.
- Notice that the declaration of the.
- encodes the length of the string in the output stream.
- method does include the length of the string.
- method of the BufferedReader class.
- These are very strong conditions in the heterogeneous world of the Internet.
- method returns the original name of the file.
- before being passed into one of the previous constructors.
- CipherInputStream overrides most of the normal InputStream methods like.
- CipherOutputStream overrides most of the usual.
- though most will override some of the other write.
- though most will override some of the other read.
- equivalents of the byte-oriented BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream.
- A Thread with a capital T is an instance of the java.lang.Thread class..
- The work of the thread is actually performed in the.
- Since the signature of the run.
- The essential logic of the program is unchanged..
- However, at the end of the run.
- CallbackDigest needs to know only the name of the method in.
- At the end of the run.
- First, each instance of the main class,.
- This is one of the strengths of this approach..
- Suppose, however, we used this variation of the run.
- method returns the current priority of the thread:.
- handing off control of the CPU to a different thread.
- at the end of the loop.
- in the rest of the code.
- If this is within the normal flow of control of the main.
- read the rest of the stream....
- in a loop that checks the current state of the object.
- It's possible that when the final point of the main.
- hostName contains the name of the host.
- Example 6.2 uses the IP address for www.oreilly.com instead of the name..
- Example 6.3 demonstrates by returning a complete list of the IP addresses for www.microsoft.com..
- Example 6.4 prints the address of the machine it's run on..
- Find the Address of the Local Machine.
- (If the port argument is greater than -1, this method checks whether a connection to the named host on the specified port is allowed.) The.
- Example 6.6 uses this method to print the IP address of the local machine in the customary format..
- Find the IP Address of the Local Machine.
- significant byte (i.e., the first byte in the address's dotted quad form) is the first byte in the array, or element zero—remember, Java array indices start with zero.
- If you need to know the length of the array, use the array's.
- Print the IP Address of the Local Machine.
- as the key instead of the InetAddress itself..
- method that returns a short text representation of the object.
- get the bytes of the IP address try.
- Otherwise, it gets the address of the requested system.
- looks at each character of the string.
- By default, the log reports the IP addresses of the sites that connect to the server.
- However, that support is through various parts of the.
- They are not part of the default installation of HotJava 3.0..
- methods of the java.applet.Applet.
- method returns a String containing the scheme of the URL:.
- method returns a String containing the hostname of the URL.
- method returns the named anchor part of the URL.
- method returns the query string of the URL.
- The URL is http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/demoweb/html-primer.html#A1.3.3.3 The scheme is http.
- This overloaded variant of the getContent.
- method of the URL class.
- Most of the time this happens behind the scenes..
- This method is deprecated in JDK 1.3 because it doesn't fill in the new properties of the URL

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