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Java Programming Unleashed

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- In order for users to use Java content, they must have a key piece of Java software—the Java.
- Thus, Java-enabled browsers “see” the Web plus more—applications written using Java.
- Numerical Simulation of the Lorenz Equations.
- Thus, Java profoundly changes the texture of the Web in the following ways: </P>.
- around the text of the document’s title.
- This is the body of the document..
- Here is a sample use of the APPLET tag: </P>.
- Java browser display of the HelloWorld applet.
- Java has a String class as part of the java.lang package.
- These simplifications eliminate some of the “tricks”.
- As Figure 2.7 shows, a Java-age browser is “lightweight,” not coming with a monolithic store of knowledge of the Web, but with the most important capbility of all—the ability to learn.
- The API consists of the packages in the Java language.
- A document available from the Sun Microsystems Java site (http://java.sun.com/) called “The Java Virtual Machine,’ specifies how the Java language is designed to exchange executable content across networks.
- This is called “The Java Interchange Specification.” </P>.
- Overview of the Web.
- The Origins of the Web.
- The following were important components of the proposal: </P>.
- A Definition of the World Wide Web.
- Here is a more technical definition of the Web: </P>.
- The technical organization of the Web.
- Figure 4.2 shows the display of the TickerTape applet.
- Here’s the code to do this: </P>.
- On the opening page of the Stones Voodoo Lounge.
- Thus, the Web has become richly interactive with the advent of the Java age.
- The biggest player in the Web browser world, Netscape, is at the front of the Java support line..
- For more information on the JDK, check out Chapter 10, “The Java Developer’s Kit.” </P>.
- Following is a list of the major features in HotJava: </P>.
- You’ll learn more about the applet viewer in Chapter 10, “The Java Developer’s Kit.” You can use either of these applications as a test bed for final release Java applets.
- Following is a list of the main components of the JDK: </P>.
- Following is a list of the most important runtime interpreter options: </P>.
- Following is a list of the compiler options: </P>.
- Besides, the real value of Java is not the specific code that makes it work, it’s the idea behind it.
- Seamless Integration of the JDK Tools.
- The next part of the book, “The Java Language,” covers all the juicy details of the Java language.
- The details of methods are covered in Chapter 14, “Classes, Packages, and Interfaces.” The single method in the HelloWorld class is called main, and should be familiar if you have used C or C.
- These tokens define the structure of the Java language.
- up to the end of the line are ign.
- The javadoc tool is covered in Chapter 37, “Java Documentation.” The following are a few examples of using the various types of comments: </P>.
- The syntax of the Java declaration statement for variables follows: </P>.
- function of the standard input stream (System.in) returns an int.
- Following is an example of the proper indentation of blocks in Java: </P>.
- You’ll get a crash course in some of these other storage mechanisms in Chapter 19, “The Utilities Package.” </P>.
- You’ll learn all the gory details of the String class in Chapter 18, “The Language Package.” </P>.
- The results of the Conditional program follow: </P>.
- With the exception of the simple assignment operator.
- InitializationExpression part of the for loop.
- You don’t need to worry about fixing this problem right now, as it will be resolved when you learn more about input and output in Chapter 20, “The I/O.
- It’s the most popular, yet generally least understood programming technology to come about in a while, and it all revolves around the concept of an object.
- The name of the action to perform (accelerate) III.
- In the real world, there are often many objects of the same kind.
- Fundamentals,” the introduction of classes puts a few new twists on casting.
- If you aren’t familiar with the data type wrapper classes, don’t worry, you’ll learn about them in Chapter 18, “The Language Package.” For now, all you need to know is that the Double and Long sibling classes are both derived from the Number class.
- This is accomplished with either of the following statements: </P>.
- The second statement imports all of the classes in the java.awt package.
- Therein lies the barrier to a mainstream threaded environment—the large effort required to rewrite existing libraries for thread safety.
- This code suffers from the most pure form of the “synchronization problem:” the.
- System.out.println(“The point’s x is.
- System.out.print(“The point’s x is.
- (Of course, in this example, you didn’t have anything else you wanted to do while waiting for join() anyway.) Here’s the output produced: </P>.
- Here’s the output: </P>.
- Now, because run() is not defined as throwing this exception, you must “hide” the fact by catching and handling it yourself..
- Because you’re now declaring a method without a throws clause, you must “catch” the expected exception and do something useful with it: </P>.
- System.out.print(“the.
- a class variable of the exception’s class.
- Overview of the class libraries.
- You’ll learn much more about the classes that make up the utilities package in Chapter 19, “The Utilities Package.” The most important classes contained in the utilities package follow: </P>.
- You’ll learn a lot more about the classes that make up the I/O package in Chapter 20, “The I/O Package.” The most important classes contained in the I/O package follow: </P>.
- The Java language package is at the heart of the Java language.
- Some of the most useful methods provided by the String class follow: </P>.
- Following is an example of using one of the substring methods: </P>.
- Some of the most useful methods implemented by StringBuffer follow: </P>.
- StringBuffer sb2 = new StringBuffer(“The tires make contact.
- The value of the resulting StringBuffer object is .
- The second string buffer object begins life with the value “The tires make contact.
- Following are a few of the more useful methods in the Runtime class: </P>.
- An example of the output of running the Memory program follows: </P>.
- Some of the more useful methods implemented by the Class class follow: </P>.
- “implement” the interface.
- clone() Creates a clone of the BitSet object..
- size() Returns the size of the set..
- getDate() Returns the day of the month..
- getDay() Returns the day of the week..
- nextToken() Returns the next token of the string..
- nextElement() Returns the next element of the enumeration using the.
- capacityIncrement Size of the incremental allocations, in elements..
- Returns the capacity of the Vector..
- Creates a clone of the Vector..
- Returns an Enumeration of the elements..
- Returns the first element of the Vector..
- Returns the last element of the Vector..
- Removes all elements of the Vector..
- setSize(int) Sets the size of the Vector..
- Returns an Enumeration of the values..
- Returns an Enumeration of the keys..
- The clone() method can be used to create a copy (clone) of the Hashtable.
- Creates a clone of the Hashtable..
- Returns an Enumeration of the Hashtable’s values..
- Returns an Enumeration of all of the keys..
- shows how the System.in object can be used along with the first version of the read method.
- A FileOutputStream object can be created using one of the three following constructors: </P>

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