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- "...the most specific, detailed, general-purpose guide to electronic shenanigans I've seen.
- One of the first "aha's".
- "computer espionage"...all of a sudden, everyone was looking over their shoulders for lurking cyberspooks and sniffing their computer disks and downloads to see if they had con-tracted nasty viruses.
- (copying, actually) of a piece of information "critical to the operations of the Emergency 911 system".
- the most Potent and popular image of the hacker is that of a pirate.
- and the "vast oceans of the Internet.".
- Hackerdom is one of the domains that is rapidly fueling the fire..
- This myth of the hacker, based on the "parity of power".
- He writes: "...[S]orne elements of the hacker ethic which were once indispensable means to channel their energies into the quest for interactivity (system-crashing, physical and logical lock-busting) have changed character as the once innocent world of hackerism has become the mul-timillion-dollar business of computer crime.
- each level of the hack.
- And surely, after word leaks to the computer sites of the world the remaining information will be rendered non-.
- A good piece of telecommunications software will have many of the following features.
- In the middle of the nonsense symbols was this: "d-b".
- Those who aren't will seek the advice of the gurus.
- In the.
- Do we start with the creation of the computer, by J.
- computer security called Out of the Inner Circle.
- Public postings never made it to the screens of the computer community.
- speaking on behalf of the hacker community for various media.
- Before you can move out of the few directories allowed by your minimal access level, you will have to figure out a way to.
- Then there's the matter of the computer.
- of the system, and articles encouraging.
- And you may be able to procure one from a friendly member of the company's computer department (do some social engineeringi - pretend you're a company manager or supervisor)..
- Try taping just the video part of the tape you want to freeze.
- The rest of the num-ber was invisible due to glare on the screen.
- Several times dur-ing the course of the story the camera came close to the.
- computer's screen, where the electronic address of the computer they had hacked was visible.
- account on the system (I just called and checked), and some of the more common ways of gaining access to the system have been noticeably shut down.
- instead of the cor-rect.
- 706 were five letters, all of the same case, and.
- Cyberspace devotees might do likewise, as well as using zero for their required number, putting it in place of the letter "O.".
- The easiest thing to do would be to change the program by getting rid of the.
- of the BBS soft-ware that produced less-than-secure passwords.
- Get rid of the words like "perspectives".
- And that is the topic of the following two chapters..
- Also, notice the mention of the word problem.".
- Consequently, you may want to try making a phone call at the end of the workday..
- YOU: "...and I can't seem to get things started up..
- At one of the libraries I belong to, the com-puter system has a "3 o'clock slow down.".
- I thought you were having problems with it, but I guess you're in the part of the.
- (M_______,is the name of the receptionist's boss.).
- Alternately, have part of the sabotage program give out the phone number.
- Did the computer put a carriage return at the end of the number? If not, see if you can back up and alter digits..
- The last digit of the answer is 5..
- Barry went to the main menu of the information system.
- and positioned the cursor at the beginning of the underline.
- Also remember to have the program print asterisks (or periods, or dashes, or whatever's appropriate) on the screen instead of the user's password..
- It's all part of the nature of being what you are.
- If you have to leave in a hurry, you can slip the end of the paper clip into the hole next to the disk drive, and your disk will pop out.
- creating your own simulation of the menuing system..
- The final variation on the menu ploy is to com-pose a simulation of the menu.
- In any case, a careful exploration of the files on the system will reveal the pattern they follow.
- This might expose them to the ravages of the clean-up program.
- That is the topic of the next chapter..
- I walked behind the counter and into the back areas of the shop.
- In fact, those eyes don't even have to be at the scene of the crime.
- There is usually a charge to subscribe to the service, then there may be any number of the following charges:.
- Some of the pay-for-play services offer access to the Internet.
- If you get a computer of the second type (one which asks you for name and password before saying if your login is accepted), then time how long it takes to display the password prompt on the screen.
- Many of the BBSs you encounter will be strictly legit operations.
- These usage logs may go back to the beginning of the day, or farther..
- are used to go outside of the BBS pro-gram.
- It all depends on the BBS software being used, and the whims of the sysop..
- Lets users send private messages to other users of the system..
- the old version of the software with its "new".
- I've always wondered about that "\x.".
- in the above, substitute names of the program and data files that were uploaded with the application.
- To touch on the second criticism of the "law-abiders,".
- Notify the system administrator of the presence of a security problem..
- Operating systems control the functioning of the entire computer.
- You want to be familiar with the limitations of the operating system's security, so that you can exploit.
- of the OS.
- You have to emulate the TALK header which announces the name of the user sending text.
- If you happened to name that file ".login",(Under UNIX, "Jogin".
- ".login".
- program instead of the It official".
- Then there are two copies of the worm.
- Make the best of the situation..
- It is something you should be doing from the very beginning, thinking about every step of the way..
- Applicability of these laws depends on the nature of the "crime,".
- part of the title comes from..
- then we won't have to worry about any of the above..
- These computers are the essential targets of the phone company hacker.
- One of the doctor's names I tried had the name as a password too.
- There was also an old bulletin posted from one of the sysops.
- BBS operated by MIKE WENDLAND of the WDIV-TV I-Team.
- They are knowledgeable of the culture and the lingo and the way we think.
- One of the things that tripped up Lt.
- it did not destroy the contents of the message.
- But WITH hacking, you have instantaneous control of the world.
- Many hackers and non-hackers have given their versions of the "Hacker's Ethic.".
- What I'm about to do is give my own version of the Hacker's Ethic.
- Now if you type ".TITLE".
- I tried ".HELP99999,".
- I tried other variations, such as ".HELP 99999".
- and ".HELP <.
- Finally I gave ".HELP99999".
- special favors were out of the ques-tion..
- Part of the sender data included the word "minicirc,".
- Out of the Inner Circle

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