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Đề thi Toefl 23

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- (B) Give the notes to the woman..
- (B) Drive her to the conference..
- (B) He doesn’t want to go to the concert..
- (D) All of the tickets have been sold..
- (D) Complain to the manager about the extra charges..
- (B) He’ll be able to talk to the woman in a few minutes..
- (C) He hadn’t noticed a lot of the woman’s mistakes..
- (B) She didn’t go to the game..
- (A) The cost of meals in the cafeteria..
- (B) The size of the cafeteria..
- (D) The food served in the cafeteria..
- (D) Serving food to the students..
- (C) Make some of the meals less fattening..
- (A) They’re members of the Latin club on campus..
- (B) A tape recording that he made of the concert..
- (C) A review of the concert that he wrote for the campus paper..
- (D) The corrected text from the program of the concert..
- (D) The growth of the cattle industry..
- (A) The extent of damage to the nervous system..
- (B) They purify the water in the aquifer..
- (D) They trap water in the aquifer..
- (D) It creates holes in the aquiclude..
- a legislature are constitutionally elected by a broad spectrum of the population..
- astonishing expansion credited largely to the Morrill Act of 1862..
- (D) in the presence of which.
- One theory of the origin of the universe is ---from the explosion of a tiny, extremely dense fireball several billion years ago..
- Roads in the United States remained crude.
- with graved or wood planks, until the beginning of the twentieth century..
- widely distributed in the United States..
- In cases of minor injury to the brain.
- Philosophy is the study of the nature of reality, knowledge, existent, and ethics by means of rational.
- lowlands of the continental interior of North America..
- of the country’ s most compact regional linguistic minority..
- The National Marine Sanctuaries Program is administered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a branch of the United States Department of Commerce..
- They range in size from the very small (less than I square kilometer) Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary in American Samoa to the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary in California, extending over 15,744 square kilometers..
- Over 100 designated areas exist around the periphery of the Carbbean Sea.
- The word “intent” in line 3 is closest in meaning to.
- The word “administered” in line 8 is closest in meaning to.
- The word “these” in line 11 refers to (A) sites.
- According to the passage, when was the National Marine Sanctuaries Program established?.
- According to the passage, all of the following are achievements of the National Marine Sanctuaries Program EXCEPT.
- The word “periphery” in line 24 is closest in meaning to.
- The passage mentions which of the following as a threat to marine areas outside the United States?.
- (A) Limitations in financial support (B) The use of marine species as food (C) Variability of the climate.
- Sometimes artisans transformed material provided by the customer wove cloth of yam spun at the farm from the wool of the family sheep.
- To the best of their ability, colonial artisans tried to keep their shops as efficient as possible and to regularize their schedules and methods of production for the best return on their investment in time, tools, and materials, While it is pleasant to imagine a woodworker, for example, 20) carefully matching lumber, joining a chest together without resort to nails or glue, and.
- The word “inception” in line 1 is closest in.
- The word “fabricating” in line 3 is closest in meaning to.
- The phrase “resort to” in line 20 is closest in meaning to.
- The word “few’ in lines 23 refers to.
- Some functions result directly from the ingenuity of the citizenry, but most functions result from the needs of the local area and of the surrounding hinterland (the region that supplies goods to the city and to which the city furnishes services and other goods).
- Situation refers to the general.
- position in relation to the surrounding region, whereas site involves physical.
- characteristics of the specific location.
- Situation is normally much more important to the continuing prosperity of a city.
- It also overlooks what is one of the world’ s finest large farming regions.
- These factors ensured that Chicago would become a great city regardless of the disadvantageous characteristics of the available site, such as being prone to flooding 15) during thunderstorm activity..
- Philadephia and Boston both originated at about the same time as New York and shared New York’ s location at the western end of one of the world’ s most important oceanic trade routes, but only New York possesses an 20) easy-access functional connection (the Hudson-Mohawk lowland) to the vast Midwestern.
- The word “ingenuity” in line 2.
- According to the passage, a city’ s situation is more important than its site in regard to the city’ s..
- The author mentions each of the following as an advantage of Chicago’ s location EXCEPT its..
- The word “characteristics” in line 14 is closest.
- According to the passage, Philadelphia and Boston are similar to New York City in (A) size of population.
- The word “functional” in line 20 is closest in meaning to.
- The word “it” in line 21 refers to (A) account.
- The word “significant” in line 26 is closest in meaning to.
- The largest of the giant gas planets, Jupiter, with a volume 1,300 times greater than Earth’ s, contains more than twice the mass of all the other planets combined.
- Perhaps this is primeval 20) heat or beat generated by the continued gravitational contraction of the planet.
- starlike characteristic of Jupiter is its sixteen natural satellites, which, like a miniature model of the Solar System, decrease in density with distance— from rocky moons close to Jupiter to icy moons farther away.
- If Jupiter were about 70 times more massive, it would have become a star, Jupiter is the best-preserved sample of the early solar nebula, and with its satellites, might contain the most important clues about the origin of the Solar System..
- The word “attained” in line 4 is closest in meaning to.
- The word “flamed” in line 5 is closest in meaning to.
- The word “they” in line 6 refers to (A) nuclear reactions.
- According to the passage, hydrogen can become a metallic -like liquid when it is.
- According to the passage, some scientists believe Jupiter and Earth are similar in that they both have.
- The author uses the word “puzzling” in line 15 to suggest that the Great Red Spot is (A) the only spot of its kind.
- Paragraph 3 supports which of the following conclusions?.
- (D) Scientists might learn about the beginning of the Solar System by Studying Jupiter..
- (C) To suggest a possible explanation for the number of satellites that Jupiter has (D) To suggest a possible source of the.
- According to the passage, Jupiter’ s most distant moon is.
- Which of the following statements is supported by the passage?.
- The tern “art deco” has come to encompass three distinct but related design trends of the 1920’ s and 1930’s.
- The first was what is frequently referred to as “zigzag moderne” –the exotically ornamental style of such skyscrapers as the Chrysler Building.
- in New York City and related structures such as the Paramount Theater in Oakland, 5) California The word “zigzag” alludes to the geometric and stylized ornamentation of.
- and mural form to the exterior and interior of the buildings.
- Many of these buildings were shaped in the ziggurat form, a design resembling an ancient Mesopotamian temple tower 10) that recedes in progressively smaller stages to the summit, creating a staircase-like effect..
- “speed stripes.” In architecture, these elements were frequently accompanied by round windows, extensive use of glass block, and flat rooftops..
- classical moderne,” also came to the forefront during the Depression, a period of severe economic difficult in the 1930’ s.
- For example, like “art nouveau art deco also used plant motifs, but regularized the forms into abstracted repetitive patterns rather than presenting them as 25) flowing, asymmetrical foliage, Like the Viennese craftspeople of the Wiener Werkstatte, art deco designers worked with exotic materials, geometricized shapes, and colorfully ornate patterns.
- Furthermore, like the artisans of the Arts and Crafts Movement in England and the United States, art deep practitioners considered it their mission to transform the domestic environment through well-designed furniture and household accessories..
- The word “encompass” in line 1 is closest in meaning to.
- The phrase “The first” in line 2 refers to (A) the term “art deco”.
- In line 9, the author mentions “an ancient Mesopotamian temple tower ” in order to (A) describe the exterior shape of certain “art deco” buildings.
- The streamlined moderne style is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT.
- The phrase “came to the forefront” in line 16 is closest in meaning to.
- According to the passage, which of the following statements most accurately describes the relationship between art deco and art nouveau?.
- (D) Art deco became important in the United States while art nouveau became popular in England..
- According to the passage, a building having an especially ornate appearance would most probably have been designed in the style of (A) zigzag moderne.
- According to the passage, which of the.
- (D) an argument of the advantages of one artistic form over another

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