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bảo vệ Hacking tấn công vào trang web

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- Hacking Web Servers.
- Web Servers.
- Popular Web Servers and Common Vulnerabilities.
- Apache Web Server Security.
- Attacks against Web Servers.
- Patch Management.
- Increasing Web Server Security.
- Increasing Web Server Security Apache Vulnerability.
- Web Server Defacement.
- Web Server Vulnerabilities.
- How Web Servers Work.
- The browser connects to the server and requests a page.
- The server sends back the requested page.
- running a web server.
- How Web Servers Work (cont’d).
- The server name.
- The browser communicates with a name server, which translates the server name, www.website.com, into an IP address.
- The browser then forms a TCP connection to the web server at that IP address on port 80.
- request to the server, asking for the file http://webpage.html.
- The server sends the HTML text for the web page to the browser.
- How are Web Servers Compromised?.
- Bugs: OS bugs may allow commands to be run on the web.
- Installing the server with defaults:.
- Service packs may not be applied in the process, leaving holes behind.
- How are Web Servers Defaced?.
- Credentials through Man-in- the-middle attack.
- Web Server extension intrusion.
- For instance, consider the vulnerability which was found in the Win32 port of Apache 1.3.20.
- IIS is one of the most widely used web server platforms on the Internet.
- Microsoft's web server has been a frequent target over the years.
- Buffer Overflow exploits (IIShack.exe).
- These outdated vulnerability has been presented here as a proof of concept to demonstrate how a buffer overflow attack works.
- For example, "%c0%af".
- Thus, by feeding the HTTP request (as shown below) to IIS, arbitrary commands can be executed on the server:.
- GET/scripts/..%c0%af../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/.
- This outdated vulnerability has been presented here as a proof of concept to demonstrate how a buffer overflow attack works.
- A malformed URL could be used to access files and folders that lie anywhere on the logical drive that contains the web folders.
- This allows the attacker to escalate his privileges on the machine.
- This would enable the malicious user to add, change or delete data, run code already on the server, or upload new code to the server and run it.
- This outdated vulnerability has been presented here as a proof of concept to demonstrate how privilege escalation attack works..
- Hacking Tool: IISxploit.exe.
- By sending a specially crafted WebDAV request to an IIS 5.0 server, an attacker may be able to execute arbitrary code in the Local System.
- This outdated vulnerability has been presented here as a proof of concept to demonstrate how a Denial of Service attack works.
- This outdated vulnerability has been presented here as a proof of concept to demonstrate how a buffer overflow works.
- ASP Trojan is a small script when uploaded to a Web Server allows you complete control of the remote PC.
- http://victim.com/scripts/..%c0%af../..%c0%af../..%c 0%af../..%c0%af../..%c0%af../..%c0%af../..%c0%af../..
- .%c0%af../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir+C:\Winnt\sys tem32\Logfiles\W3SVC1.
- This tool helps to grab web server logs and build graphically rich self-explanatory reports on website usage statistics, referring sites, traffic flow, search phrases, etc..
- This tool clears the log entries in the IIS log files filtered by an IP address.
- When executables and DLL files are not preceded by a path in the registry (e.g.
- explorer.exe does not have a fixed path by default).
- Windows NT will search for the file in the following locations in this order:.
- the directories specified in the PATH environment variable.
- Listing patches applied previously to the current software.
- diagnose and eliminate the effects of anomalies in the packaging of hotfixes for Microsoft Windows 2000.
- Qfecheck.exe determines which.
- hotfixes are installed by reading the information stored in the following registry key:.
- cacls.exe Utility.
- Built-in Windows 2000 utility (cacls.exe) can set access control list (ACLs) permissions globally.
- C:\>cacls.exe c:\myfolder\*.exe /T /G System:F Administrators:F.
- Whisker is an automated vulnerability scanning software that scans for the presence of exploitable files on remote web servers.
- Refer to the output of this simple scan below and you will see that Whisker has identified several potentially.
- WebInspect is an impressive web server and application-level.
- It can analyze a basic web server in 4 minutes, cataloging over 1,500 HTML pages.
- UrlScan is a security tool that screens all incoming requests to the server by filtering the requests based on rules that are set by the administrator.
- Web Server Protection Checklist.
- Enable failed logon attempts in the log.
- Web Server Protection Checklist (cont’d).
- Access to the metabase is restricted by using NTFS permissions 10.
- Code access security is enabled on the server.
- Web servers assume critical importance in the realm of Internet security.
- Vulnerabilities exist in different releases of popular web servers and respective vendors patch these often.
- The inherent security risks owing to compromised web servers have impact on the local area networks that host these websites, even on the normal users of web.
- Different tools/exploit codes aid an attacker in perpetrating web server hacking

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