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Apress Troubleshooting Oracle Performance Jun 2008 1590599179

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- Structure of the Trace Files.
- Overview of the Package dbms_stats.
- The first takes advantage of the output of instrumentation code (see Chapter 3 for more information).
- Users are unsatisfied with the current performance of the application..
- You can find a discussion about it in the book Oracle Insights: Tales of the Oak Table (Apress, 2004)..
- To do so, it is essential to focus on the most time-consuming part of the processing..
- In the following query, the selectivity of the operation accessing the table is 1.
- In the following query, the selectivity of the operation accessing the table is rows returned out of 10,000):.
- In the following query, the selectivity of the operation accessing the table is 0 (0 rows returned out of 10,000):.
- In this type of situation, it is not possible to compute the selectivity of the access operation based on the number of rows returned by the query (in this case 1).
- Here, the selectivity of the access operation is .
- The key information associated with the parent cursor is the text of the SQL statement..
- identify the root cause of the problem.
- T oo often we hear things like “The database has performance problems!” Sometimes this is true, sometimes it is not.
- The SQL statement and response time of the interactions between the data access object (AccountDao) and the database.
- Profiling analysis Always-available coverage of the whole application..
- Multitier profilers provide end-to-end view of the response time..
- size of the attribute's value OCI_ATTR_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER.
- Overview of the response time for all requests.
- Response time of the action Sign-on.
- Correlation of the response time for the action Sign-on with other metrics.
- Request tree of the action Sign-on.
- Notice that this class is part of the Spring framework.
- With the zoom capabilities of the JProbe Console, it is also possible to get a more readable call graph.
- Line-level statistics of the method getAccount.
- Here is an excerpt of the trace file related to the previous sample.
- Levels of the Debugging Event 10046 Level Description.
- The process type is available in the column type of the view v$session..
- The name of the trace file itself used to be version and platform dependent.
- instance name: This is the lowercase value of the initialization parameter instance_name..
- It is available in the column instance_name of the view v$instance..
- For parallel slave processes, it is found in the column server_name of the view v$px_process.
- For most other background processes, it is found in the column name of the view v$bgprocess..
- Its value is found in the column spid of the view v$process..
- The value of the parameter tracefile_identifier is available in the column traceid of the view v$process.
- The structure of the trace file shown on the right in Figure 3-19 may be generated with the following PL/SQL block:.
- As of Oracle Database 10g, the format of the trace files has changed in this area.
- The explanations are based on a trace file generated during the execution of the following PL/SQL block:.
- sort=option Set of zero or more of the following sort options:.
- Note that this is done independently of the number of SQL statements present in the trace file.
- The text of the SQL statement in some situations is formatted.
- Note that the ID of the SQL statement is available only as of Oracle Database 11g..
- cost is the estimated cost of the operation.
- For example, the writing of the trace file itself is not accounted for.
- In the analysis of the wait events, the key is knowing to which operation they are related..
- You can find a short description of most of them in the appendixes of the Oracle Database Reference manual..
- Optionally, change the default value of the command-line arguments.
- number of statements) in the output file (integer number >= 0, unlimited = 0) -o,--output output file name (a temporary XML file with the same name but with the extension xml is also created) -r,--release major release of the database engine that generated the input trace file .
- input specifies the name of the input file.
- output specifies the name of the output file.
- In the HTML version of the output file, you can simply click that ID to locate the SQL statement details.
- At first, general information about the execution environment and the text of the SQL statement is given.
- Notice that the primary keys consist of the underlined columns..
- The package runs with the privileges of the user executing it.
- State diagram of the profiler.
- The code of the procedure is available in the script perfect_triangles.sql..
- Performance of the I/O subsystem.
- Performance of the CPU.
- mode of the procedure gather_system_stats to stop, as shown in the following command:.
- If one of the I/O statistics cannot be computed, it is set to NULL (as of Oracle Database 10g) or -1 (in Oracle9i)..
- Note that the execution of the previous command does not take 30 minutes.
- The computation of mreadtim based on noworkload statistics and the block size of the database.
- System statistics make the query optimizer aware of the system where the database engine is running.
- The following is an explanation of the table statistics returned by this query:.
- chain_cnt is the sum of the rows in the table that are chained or migrated to another block (chained and migrated rows will be described in Chapter 12).
- To get the low and high value of the column val1, you can use the following query:.
- The following is an explanation of the column statistics returned by this query:.
- The column endpoint_number provides the cumulated frequency of the value.
- To create a height-balanced histogram, think of the following procedure.
- Figure 4-6 shows a graphical representation of the data it returns.
- The histogram does not store the frequency of the values..
- As shown in the output of the next query, the hidden columns have the same name as the extensions.
- leaf_blocks is the number of leaf blocks of the index..
- Computation of the average number of leaf blocks that store a single key.
- Computation of the average number of data blocks referenced by a single key.
- Parameters of the Procedures Used for Gathering Object Statistics.
- ownname specifies the name of the schema to be processed.
- indname specifies the name of the index to be processed.
- tabname specifies the name of the table to be processed.
- The other columns are counts of the number of utilizations (not executions, so be careful).
- statown specifies the owner of the table specified with the parameter stattab.
- In Oracle Database 10g, you can change the default values of the parameters cascade, estimate_.
- The following query shows the effect of the setting performed on the previous PL/SQL blocks.
- This is the name of the new scheduler available as of Oracle Database 10g..
- You can do this by executing one of the following procedures in the package dbms_stats.
- This is carried out by executing one of the following procedures:.
- Be aware that the package dbms_stats isn’t the only one that gathers object statistics and, therefore, is affected by locks on object statistics.
- The following example, which is a continuation of the previous one, shows this behavior:.
- You can simply take advantage of the new functions in the package dbms_stats..
- The following example, which is an excerpt of the output generated by the script comparing_.
- The following example compares the current object statistics of the table t with a set of object statistics named set1 and stored in the backup table mystats:.
- The following example compares the current object statistics of the table t with the object statistics of one day ago (for example, prior to a gathering of statistics that was executed during the night):.
- The following example compares the current statistics of the table t with the pending statistics:.
- Therefore, it is essential to take advantage of the Table 4-10.
- Parameters of the Procedures Used for Deleting Object Statistics.
- The following sections describe several services of the package dbms_stats that are used for both system statistics and object statistics..
- -1 disables the purging of the history..
- With the following query, it is possible to display when the object statistics of the table tab$ in the schema sys where modified:.
- As shown in the following example, its creation is a matter of specifying the owner (with the parameter ownname) and the name (with the parameter stattab) of the backup table..
- If the parameter tblspace is not specified, by default, the table ends up in the default tablespace of the user.

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