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managing resources

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- Configure the Database Resource Manager.
- Create consumer groups.
- Specify directives for allocating resources to consumer groups.
- Map consumer groups to plans.
- Activate a resource plan.
- Monitor the Resource Manager.
- Concepts Resource Plan Consumer Group Plan Directives Mapping.
- Resource Manager.
- Database Resource Manager: Overview.
- Use the Resource Manager to:.
- Resource plan directives.
- Database Resource Manager Concepts.
- A blueprint for resource allocation among resource consumer groups (one.
- resource consumer groups (within the scope of.
- Resource consumer.
- Resource plan.
- Why Use Resource Manager.
- consumer group..
- Why Use Resource Manager?.
- Resource Plan Consumer Group Plan Directives Mapping.
- Allocation Methods Resource Consumer.
- Creating a New Resource Plan.
- Creating Consumer Groups.
- Concepts Resource Plan.
- Consumer Group Plan Directives Mapping.
- Assigning Users to Consumer Groups.
- Specifying Resource Plan Directives.
- Concepts Resource Plan Consumer Group.
- Plan Directives Mapping.
- maximum percentage of CPU resources a consumer group can use..
- The Database Resource Manager can estimate the execution time of an operation proactively..
- You can specify a maximum estimated execution time for an operation at the resource consumer group level..
- Consumer Group Switching.
- Switching Back to the Initial Consumer Group at the End of Call.
- Resource Consumer Group Mapping.
- Concepts Resource Plan Consumer Group Plan Directives.
- Resource Consumer Group Mapping Full Notes Page.
- Activating a Resource Plan .
- Database Resource Manager Information.
- consumer_group DBA_USERS.
- Consumer group mapping.
- Monitoring the Resource Manager.
- resource_consumer_group column that shows the current group for a session.
- V$RSRC_PLAN : A view that shows the active resource plan.
- V$RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP : A view that contains statistics for all active groups.
- Monitoring the Resource Manager Full Notes Page.
- Using the Resource Manager.
- Creating a resource consumer group.
- Specifying CPU resource allocation directives for consumer groups.
- Associating users with a resource consumer group.
- Activating a resource plan.
- Deactivating a resource plan

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