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Understanding MySQL Internals

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- Configuration variables are the controls of the server.
- portion of the code.
- This is particularly true of the older code.
- Interaction of the Core Modules.
- Most of the code is found in the file sql/mysqld.cc.
- Most of the code is found in sql/mysqld.cc.
- defined in the same file..
- Most of the code is in sql/sql_acl.cc.
- The bulk of the work happens on the storage engine level..
- Most of the code is found in sql/sql_show.cc.
- However, most of the work in logging happens in the binary replication log.
- Most of the code is found in sql/.
- They are found in the BUILD directory of the BitKeeper tree.
- in the root directory of the source tree..
- libmysql_r Thread-safe version of the client library..
- Set mode of the step operation.
- Show mode of the step operation.
- i r Prints the contents of the processor registers.
- lasts until the end of the query execution.
- at the end of the query..
- If the patch is reasonably small (under a few kilobytes), include it in the body of the message.
- Members of the THD class.
- uint32 query_length Length (in bytes) of the current query.
- const char* proc_info Points to the value of the Info column in the output of SHOW PROCESSLIST .
- Members of the THD class (continued) Member definition Description.
- Type of the current server command.
- Set to the value of the last generated automatically incrementing unique key.
- Members of the NET class.
- unsigned char *buff Start of the data buffer..
- Contains the number of the operating system socket descriptor..
- Members of the NET class (continued).
- Members of the TABLE class.
- uint reclength Length of the record in bytes.
- uint primary_key Array index of the primary key in the key array.
- The length of the array is stored in the variable keys.
- Members of the TABLE class (continued).
- Otherwise, the name of the alias.
- char *real_name The name of the table.
- Members of the Field class.
- char *ptr Points to the field data in the in-memory copy of the record..
- Members of the Field class (continued).
- MySQL makes heavy use of the C preprocessor.
- Returns a pointer to the terminating null character of the result..
- Size of the query cache.
- Fields of the server’s greeting packet.
- 8 1 Default character set (or more precisely, collation) code of the client..
- Fields of the server’s greeting packet (continued).
- This is possible due to the weakness in the encryption method of the old protocol.
- Table 4-5 explains the meaning of the bits used in the capabilities’ bit mask.
- The argument of the command, if present..
- followed by the byte containing the value of the.
- Varies Zero-terminated text of the error message..
- Varies Table name of the field in the data field format.
- If the table was aliased in the query, contains the name of the alias..
- Varies Column name of the field in the data field format.
- If the column was aliased in the query, contains the name of the alias..
- See Table 4-12 for the explanation of the bits..
- 1 Decimal point precision of the field..
- If present, contains the default value of the field in the standard field data format..
- Varies Database name of the field in the data field format..
- If the table was aliased in the query, contains the original name of the table..
- If the column was aliased in the query, contains the original name of the table..
- 2 Character set code of the field (low byte first)..
- See Table 4-13 for the explanation of the bits..
- One of the first things main.
- Internals of the Configuration Option Parsing.
- after the value of the option has been initialized..
- in the same file.
- Suppose that, in the middle of the night, a small table somehow gets corrupted.
- byte *ref Stores the value of the current record reference.
- For this field, MyISAM uses the offset of the record in the data- file.
- MEMORY uses a pointer to the start of the record.
- The length of the value is stored in the ref_length member..
- uint ref_length The length of the value stored in the ref member..
- with the value of the key range limit specified by the argument.
- MyISAM uses the datafile offset of the record.
- MEMORY uses the memory address of the record.
- For MyISAM tables, this value is the position of the record in the datafile.
- thus the name of the method..
- calls, and resets the operational modes of the storage engine to the defaults..
- Returns the next value of the autoincrement key.
- The default implementation just returns the value of the argument..
- const =0 Returns a pointer to the string containing the name of the storage engine.
- The last element of the array is 0.
- Members of the handlerton structure.
- const char *name The name of the storage engine..
- const char *comment The value of the Comment column in the output of SHOW STORAGE ENGINES.
- Should be set initially to the size of the savepoint structure..
- Members of the handlerton structure (continued).
- Read operations start from the beginning of the file.
- Corresponds to the name of the storage.
- The internal convention of the Example 7-4.
- Basics of the Optimizer Algorithm.
- method of the result processing object associated with the join.
- For regular (nonderived) tables, join_tab[k-1].table->alias , where k is the number of the table in the join order.
- join_tab[k-1].type , where k is the number of the table in the join order..
- join_tab[k-1].keys , where k is the number of the table in the join order..
- The name of the key is stored in the name member of the KEY structure..
- length member of the KEY structure..
- Collected from a number of the join descriptor data members.

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