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Expert SQL Server 2005 Development.

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- elsewhere and are suitable for advanced SQL Server developers—the kind of.
- Programmability Team “The authors of this book are well-known in the SQL Server community for their in-depth architectural analysis and attention to technical detail.
- //Name of the dealership.
- //Owner of the dealership.
- //Make of the car.
- //Model of the car.
- things simple, we’ll assume that they’re public.) The name of the dealership and owner are.
- of the following: bool TransferFunds(.
- implementation of the consumer.
- In this object-oriented example, the bookstore “has” the books.
- supertype with an additional attribute identifying the subtype of each instance.2 The following.
- A recent trend is for software developers to “fix” the impedance problems that exist between.
- the same in most cases: the developer “plugs” the ORM tool into an existing object-oriented.
- a database should not require knowledge of internal information—the application should only.
- out of the server.
- And performance testing—the kind of testing.
- In the case of the.
- most of the time.
- parts of the application.
- 20 years.2 The key to dealing with large amounts of data in a timely manner is to reduce bottlenecks..
- Jim Gray, “The Personal Petabyte, the Enterprise Exabyte,” http://research.microsoft.com/~Gray/talks/.
- GO Although SomeTable does not exist, the stored procedure is created—the T-SQL parses.
- key word is “sometimes”: the error levels as generated by SQL Server are highly inconsistent.
- user.”2 The majority of exceptions thrown by SQL Server are in this range, including con-.
- documented as indicating that “the given object or entity does not exist.”3 However, error 208,.
- ior of the exception.
- The %i embedded in the error message is a format designator that means “integer.” The.
- But the basic rule is, if you can “fix” the exception one way or another.
- The first section, the try block, contains exception-prone code to be “tried.” The second.
- case “rethrowing” the exception requires raising a user-defined exception and sending back.
- It might be simple to temporarily “fix” the.
- certificates, permissions are additive rather than impersonated—the additional permissions.
- in the section “Asymmetric Key and Certificate Encryption,” the service master key is the key-.
- In other words, you will not need to “unhash” the data.
- All of the same aforementioned cautions.
- GO If you want to encrypt data with a symmetric key, you must first open—or decrypt—the.
- will replace the text of the event with “The text has been replaced with this comment for.
- the application code carries a number of concerns, which are detailed in the section “The.
- The result of the BuildMac().
- instead of the entire number.
- Rumors of the death.
- First of all, unit tests will not need to be rewritten—the same tests that.
- In the case.
- written for a given system—the engine would make sure they behave.
- assembly is not enough—the entire stack is walked each time, without regard to assembly.
- work while waiting for the response—the requested data—to come back.
- that of the DataTable (but not as good as XML serialization with the TYPE directive).
- 16—the data size of a GUID—and set up a readonly, static instance of the ThreadSafeDictionary.
- some of the most.
- that contains information about the query in a normalized form.1 The parse tree is further.
- predicate were needed—the number of cases would jump from four to eight, meaning that.
- of the stored procedure.
- The IF block validates that exactly one table is selected (i.e., the.
- A special subclass of the.
- is good—the lock has been successfully acquired.
- of the data by clients.
- the time of the update.
- come for free—the data must be transferred into TempDB.
- of the database.
- bothering—the BuildSpatialDatabase.bat script works, and runs fast enough (at least on my computer).
- Here’s the CLR version of the code anyway,.
- nique explained in the section “The Bounding Box” enables an index seek (and thus vastly.
- point of the search (marked X in Figure 9-6).
- Here’s the T-SQL code required to implement this two-step implementation:3 DECLARE.
- And fortunately, the CLR version results in better performance as well.4 The preceding code takes on average 0.957 ms with the index, 2.3% faster than the T-SQL ver-.
- sion of the function.
- (in case it ever comes up in a trivia quiz—that’s the distance from Marshall to Martinsville).
- This has a severe impact on performance—the time needed to find the nearest neigh-.
- Once I set @MaxDist to 120—and waited over two minutes—the query finally.
- To save you the hassle of flipping pages, here’s the definition of that index.
- And that’s the key to the dynamic bounding box algorithm.
- does exactly that (returning only the calculated distance, as that’s the only thing I’m interested.
- So without further ado, here’s the code.
- of an index on longitude or latitude—the latter is great in ensuring that locations that are near.
- want to search: Place (P) or Station (S).6 The other parameters are all of data type FLOAT, and.
- section “Representing Geospatial Data by Latitude and Longitude.” The 10-kilometer radius.
- Here’s the new version of.
- GO And here’s the adapted version of the Texas city list: SELECT.
- Here’s the code: CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fHtmNearestLatLon2.
- of the object.
- month,” “yesterday,” “Labor Day,” and “the holiday season.” Although these are similar.
- did we think happened on a certain (other) day?” The question might also be phrased.
- first want to ask the question “What is the minimum date value in the table?” The following.
- only the number of days was added back to the reference date—with no time portion—the.
- Once the result of the.
- of the month, and then use it to find “last Thursday.” The fourteenth has significance because.
- this week?” To find the first and last days of “this week,” the following query can be used: SELECT.
- “Friday of last week.” The following query is a first attempt at doing so: SELECT FridayLastWeek.*.
- we have this month?” The following T-SQL answers that one: SELECT COUNT(*).
- seasonal time periods, such as “early spring,” “mid summer,” or “the holiday season,” to help.
- zone data out of the registry and puts it into a collection of TimeZoneInfo objects.6 The sample.
- here for brevity—the method signature is the same, so only a single line of code in each.
- people in the eastern United States, is “tomorrow.” The time portion will be truncated,.
- every row of the table.
- ManagerId is NULL, that employee is the root node in the tree (i.e., the head of the com-.
- For an adjacency list, traversing “up” the hierarchy—in other words, finding any given node’s.
- In the case of the Employee_Temp.
- there is nothing to cascade—the row will be deleted, and no further logic is necessary.
- all of the.
- Increment the value obtained in the previous step by 1—that’s the new node’s left

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