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Oracle Database Application Developer’s Guide - Object-Relational Features

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- 1-2 Key Features of the Object-Relational Model.
- Introduces the key features and explains the advantages of the object-relational model..
- Enter one of the options.
- That you can repeat a portion of the code.
- Key Features of the Object-Relational Model.
- Oracle implements the object-type system as an extension of the relational model..
- This section lists the key features and concepts of the object-relational model that are related to the database..
- Methods are procedures or functions provided to enable applications to perform useful operations on the attributes of the object type.
- An instantiation of the object type creates an object built according to the template.
- When you create a variable of an object type, you create an instance of the type and the result is an object.
- A constructor method is called on a type to construct or create an object instance of the type..
- As a multi-column table in which each attribute of the object type person_typ .
- data—rows for both the type of the view and for its subtypes..
- A REF can be scoped to an object table of the declared type (person_typ in the example) or of any subtype of the declared type.
- If scoped to an object table of a subtype, the REF column is effectively constrained to hold references only to instances of the subtype (and its subtypes, if any) in the table..
- But in the first case, Oracle allocates space for an object in the contact column and sets each of the object's attributes to NULL.
- The first example places a PRIMARY KEY constraint on the idno column of the object table person_extent : CREATE TYPE location_typ.
- In the second SELECT statement, idno is the name of an attribute of the person_typ object in the column named contact .
- You cannot use a database link to do any of the following:.
- The name of the constructor method is just the name of the object type, as shown in the following simple example:.
- whenever an instance of the subtype invokes the method.
- implementations of the same method.
- Subtypes of the current type are not searched..
- description, and category_id attributes of the category_typ supertype..
- This version of the student_typ subtype is substitutable.
- typ from the declared type of the view, person_typ:.
- The syntax of the function is:.
- It gets the name attribute and typeid of the object instances in the person_obj_table table.
- Each of the instances is of a different type:.
- You query table functions by using the TABLE keyword before the function name in the FROM clause of the query..
- corresponding to rows of the table or view.
- The name of a type's constructor method is simply the name of the type.
- The following example illustrates a literal invocation of the constructor method for the nested table type people_typ..
- A nested table is an unordered set of data elements, all of the same datatype.
- No maximum is specified in the definition of the table and the order of the elements is not preserved.
- If the column in a nested table is an object type, the table can also be viewed as a multi-column table, with a column for each attribute of the object type..
- When a column in a relational table is of nested table type, Oracle stores the nested table data for all rows of the relational table in the same storage table.
- If the TABLESPACE clause is not specified, then the storage table of the nested table is created in the tablespace where the parent table is created.
- Constructor parameters have the names and types of the object type's attributes..
- nests the elements of the collection in the result row with which the collection is associated..
- Updating elements of the collection..
- For example, suppose v_planets is a variable declared to be of the planets nested table type nt_pl_t.
- where person_typ (12, 'Bob Jones is an element of the same type as the elements of the nested table math_majors..
- on page 2-35 for an example of the COLLECT function.
- Oracle Database SQL Reference for syntax of the COLLECT function.
- The limit on the cardinality of the multiset argument is 32..
- submultisets of a nested table of the specified cardinality.
- The limit on the cardinality of the nested table argument is 32..
- The nested table returned is of the same named type as the input nested table..
- Manage the size of the object cache's memory..
- For example, to manipulate instances of the object types in a C program, you must represent these types in the C host language format.
- You can use a tool provided by Oracle called the Object Type Translator (OTT) to generate the C mapping of the object types.
- The following Visual Basic example illustrates how to access attributes of the Address object in the person_tab table:.
- The following Visual Basic example illustrates how to access attributes of the EnameList object from the department table:.
- SQLJ types use the corresponding Java class as the body of the type.
- In a SQL representation, the attributes of the type are stored in columns like attributes of ordinary object types.
- If the object's class is a superclass of the attribute's type/class, an error is raised.
- For the return type of the function, specify the Java type mapped to the SQL type..
- Define an object type, where each attribute of the type corresponds to an existing column in a relational table..
- Specify a unique value, based on attributes of the underlying data, to serve as an object identifier, which enables you to create pointers (REFs) to the objects in the view.
- synthesize the principal object instances of the view.
- The address objects are constructed from columns of the relational table..
- An object type (for example, emp_t) is defined to correspond to each relational table, with attributes whose types correspond to the types of the.
- In the view, the deptno column becomes the deptno attribute of the object type.
- In the example we have been developing, each object selected out of the dept_.
- many-to-one side of the relationship can be modeled using object references..
- Oracle updates the base tables of the object view if there is no ambiguity..
- We implement the trigger by means of the following code:.
- For example, in the case of the department and employee, the department object currently includes a list of employees.
- Any subview must be based on a direct subtype of the type of its direct superview..
- If you specify individual attributes of the view's declared type in the SELECT list or do a SELECT.
- The ONLY keyword confines the selection to the declared type of the view that you are querying:.
- Declare a variable or parameter of the named type..
- Selecting columns of an object table does not require privileges on the type of the object table.
- For example, the following statement causes syn1 to point to type typ2 instead of the type it formerly pointed to:.
- Some of the key performance factors are the following:.
- Java in the Database.
- Export writes object type definitions and all of the associated data to the dump file.
- Each of these leaf-level attributes of the original object type is stored in a table column..
- The leaf-level attributes that are not collection types are called the leaf-level scalar attributes of the object type..
- You must declare these tables as part of the object table declaration.
- It will also have hidden columns for attributes of the subtypes of person_typ.
- These retrofit the tables to store data of the new type.
- You can build an index on attributes of any of the types that can be stored in a substitutable column.
- Here the values stored in the hidden column for major may be different from the results of the TREAT expression.
- In any case, table data is always returned in the format of the latest type version.
- You can retrieve the definition of the latest type from the system view USER_.
- conversion of the related data..
- The column can then store subtype instances of the altered type..
- Table 7–1 lists some of the important options in the ALTER TYPE statement for altering the attribute or method definition of a type..
- Converts data stored in all user-defined columns to the most recent version of the column's type..
- Only the metadata of the column is marked unused.
- See Table 7–1 on page 7-16 for a discussion of the INCLUDING DATA option..
- In your definition of the constructor, you can initialize the attributes to any appropriate values.
- The mode of each of the user-defined constructor's parameters (after the implicit SELF parameter) must be IN..
- Note that, if you evolve a type—for example, by adding an attribute—the signature of the type's attribute-value constructor changes accordingly.
- encapsulated information into parameters of the generic types.
- In the body of the procedure, you can detail how to handle the encapsulated data and type.
- You can query the data of the underlying datatypes like any other data..
- User-defined aggregates are a feature of the Extensibility Framework

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