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Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming

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- Part I: Basics of the Microsoft .NET Framework...15.
- Chapter 1: The Architecture of the .NET Framework Development Platform...16.
- The Internal Structure of the GAC...76.
- Metadata: The Cornerstone of the .NET Framework...392.
- Part of the Microsoft .NET initiative is to provide this development platform.
- Some of the Microsoft .NET My Services (like Passport) exist today.
- One of the.
- I’ll also discuss various parts of the FCL.
- Part I: Basics of the Microsoft .NET Framework.
- Chapter 1: The Architecture of the .NET framework Development Platform.
- Chapter 1: The Architecture of the .NET Framework Development Platform.
- you have pretty low−level control of the system.
- However, several versions of the .NET Framework can be installed on a single machine simultaneously.
- These utilities “scramble” the names of all the private symbols in your managed module’s metadata.
- Technical Group 2 Develop a standardized version of the C# programming language..
- This is the job of the CLR’s JIT (just−in−time) compiler..
- This code is the implementation of the WriteLine method (the version that takes a String parameter).
- Table 1−3 lists some of the application−specific namespaces in the FCL..
- Because types are at the root of the CLR, Microsoft created a formal specification—the Common Type System (CTS)—that describes how types are defined and how they behave..
- Field A data variable that is part of the object’s state.
- regardless of the language because the CLR’s CTS defines the behavior of the type..
- Perform a shallow (bitwise) copy of the instance.
- Obtain a string representation of the instance’s object’s current state.
- Some languages expose a large subset of the CLR/CTS.
- the name of the field is AnEvent.
- In the process, I’ll take you on a brief historical tour of some of the problems that the .NET Framework is solving..
- One of the assembly’s files is chosen to hold a manifest.
- that is part of the assembly.
- The C# compiler produces an assembly when you specify any of the following command−line switches: /t[arget]:exe, /t[arget]:winexe, or /t[arget]:library.
- This switch takes a file (any file) and embeds the file’s contents into the resulting PE file.The manifest’s ManifestResourceDef table is updated to reflect the existence of the resources..
- “public perception” of the version.
- The third number, 719, indicates the build of the assembly.
- If the assembly can’t be found in any of the preceding subdirectories, the CLR starts all over, using a n .
- In the future, it will be possible to have multiple versions of the .NET Framework installed on a single machine simultaneously..
- Figure 2−6 : Applications node of the Microsoft .NET Framework Configuration tool.
- Include the name of the assembly to remove as a parameter.
- Include the full name of the assembly to remove as a parameter..
- Lists the contents of the global assembly cache.
- Suppresses display of the logo banner /silent.
- Figure 3−3 : General tab of the System Properties dialog box.
- Figure 3−4 : Version tab of the System Properties dialog box.
- The Internal Structure of the GAC.
- In my case, just one version of the System.dll assembly is installed:.
- Again, the presence of the public key allows the assembly to be placed in the GAC.
- Attempting to install the assembly into the GAC will fail because a hash of the file’s contents hasn’t been done—the file appears to have been tampered with.
- Here’s the AssemInfo.cs file I use for all my personal projects:.
- However, MSCorLib.dll is closely tied to the version of the CLR that’s running.
- public key token, locate version of the same assembly instead..
- If the publisherPolicy element’s apply attribute is set to yes—or if the element is omitted—the CLR examines the GAC and applies any version number redirections that the publisher of the assembly feels is necessary.
- Figure 3−7 : General tab of the System.Drawing Properties dialog box.
- Figure 3−8 : Binding Policy tab of the System.Drawing Properties dialog box.
- Figure 3−9 : Codebases tab of the System.Drawing Properties dialog box.
- So, the CLR will continue to operate using the older version of the assembly.
- You should test the new version of the assembly for backward compatibility.
- Basically, the CLR is keeping a record of the assemblies that an application used.
- ToString By default, returns the full name of the type.
- containing a string representation of the object’s state.
- Note that ToString is expected to be aware of the.
- Type safety is therefore an extremely important part of the .NET Framework..
- in my code—the compiler a u t o m a t i c a l l y e x p a n d s t h e r e f e r e n c e s t o ".
- Of the 128 bits, 1 bit.
- Here’s the best way to go about using checked and unchecked:.
- Reference types are always allocated from the managed heap, and the C# new operator returns the memory address of the object—the memory address refers to the object’s bits.
- The only difference is that C# “thinks” the instance initialized if you use the new operator.
- Instances of the type aren’t frequently returned from methods.
- With each iteration of the loop, a Point value type’s fields are initialized.
- The address of the object is returned.
- First the address of the Point fields in the boxed Point object is obtained.
- Here’s the correct way to write this code:.
- all of them perform identically—the only difference is in the number of parameters.
- For example, the System.Console type offers several overloaded versions of the WriteLine method:.
- However, this situation isn’t the only one in which you’ll need to box an.
- (I’ll talk about interfaces in Chapter 15.) The following code demonstrates:.
- Create an instance of the Point value type on the stack..
- Optional overloads of the.
- You also should provide overloads of the.
- operator are of the System.Object type.
- System.Object’s implementation of the GetHashCode method doesn’t know anything about its derived type and any fields that are in the type.
- So if you made a deep copy of an object that has a field that refers to a string, you’d be creating a new object and a new string—the new object would refer to the new string.
- Refer to a deep copy of the set passed..
- A type can define zero or more of the following members:.
- Methods typically read and write to the fields of the type or object..
- associated with the type itself, not an instance of the type.
- associated with an instance of the type, not the type itself.
- Here’s the new version of the DLL assembly’s code:.
- In the table entry, the name of the constructor method is always .ctor..
- The CLR calls a type constructor at either of the following times:.
- type (defined in a library) that offers an overload of the + operator:.
- Construct an instance of the CSharpType..
- compiler error because Visual Basic doesn’t know how to translate ‘ the + symbol to call CSharpType’s op_Addition method..
- For value type instances, a copy of the instance is passed to the method.
- the type of the object referred to.
- Here’s the fixed BetterPhone class:.
- instance of the type:.
- Return the state of the indexed bit..
- Construct an instance of the SomeType type..
- objects of the event.
- to pass to the receivers of the notification..
- Construct an instance of the MailMsgEventHandler.
- It’s the add method that registers the delegate with the event by adding it to the event’s linked list of delegates..
- notifying registered objects of the event

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