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Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide

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- 14-2 Creating Types in the Database.
- 19-2 Cartridge Services — OCI External Procedures.
- What Is Included in the OCI Package for Windows.
- You can send com- ments to us in the following ways:.
- Part III lists OCI function calls in the OCI library and other reference information..
- This chapter continues the OCI relational functions started in the last chapter.
- 7.x Upgrade Note: An item marked with "7.x Upgrade Note".
- on page 3-7.
- on page 7-5.
- on page A-3.
- Datetime and Interval and Daylight Savings datatypes are described in the following sections:.
- Data definition language (DDL) statements manage schema objects in the database..
- Data manipulation language (DML) statements can change data in the database tables.
- Lock a table in the database.
- All queries begin with the SQL keyword SELECT , as in the following example:.
- Queries can require the program to supply data to the database using input (bind) variables, as in the following example:.
- A table name in the FROM clause - customers.
- A literal input value in the WHERE clause.
- A placeholder for an input variable in the WHERE clause - :sales.
- Controlling transactions that access objects in the server.
- Additionally, the OCIDescribeAny() function provides information about objects stored in the database..
- OCI release 7 and the OCI calls of this release can be mixed in the same.
- lists the 7.x OCI calls with their later.
- Table 1–2 OCI Routines Not Supported.
- Adding Post-release 7.x OCI Calls to 7.x Applications.
- Table 1–3 OCI Instant Client Shared Libraries.
- libclnstsh.so.10.1 oci.dll Client Code Library.
- Release 10.1 library names are used in the table.
- Therefore, server-side external procedures cannot operate in the Instant Client mode..
- work in the Instant Client mode.
- For a discussion of the OCI functions that apply to a.
- See Also: Descriptors are discussed in the section "OCI Descriptors".
- Table 2–1 OCI Handle Types.
- on page 8-2.
- The direct path handles are necessary for an OCI application that uses the direct path load engine in the Oracle database server.
- on page 9-4.
- For example, the following statements set the user name in the session handle by writing to the OCI_ATTR_USERNAME attribute:.
- SQL query, describe information relating to the select-list items is returned in the statement handle..
- get the number of columns in the select list.
- on page 4-8.
- Each of the steps in developing an OCI application is described in detail in the following sections.
- First, the three main steps in initializing the OCI environment are described in the following sections:.
- on page 9-2..
- on page 1-6..
- A server context is created and set in the service handle..
- on page 2-35 for information about specifying a blocking or nonblocking connection in the OCIServerAttach() call..
- set the server attribute in the service context handle*/.
- set the user session attribute in the service context handle*/.
- To verify that the connection to the server is not terminated by the OCI_ERROR, an application can check the value of the attribute OCI_ATTR_SERVER_STATUS in the server handle.
- Table 2–3 OCI Return Codes.
- Use indicator variables in the OCI bind call..
- In the case of a NULL fetch in an.
- If the application returns a code variable in the subsequent OCIDefineByPos() call, the OCI assigns a value of ORA-01405 (for NULL fetch) or ORA-01406 (for truncation) to the return code variable..
- Days of the week (translated).
- Abbreviated days of the week (translated).
- language is the optional message language corresponding to the language specified in the NLS_LANG parameter.
- The text message file is found in the following location:.
- One of the lines in the text message file is:.
- External datatypes are host language types that have been defined in the OCI header files.
- on page 3-4.
- The Oracle internal datatype codes are listed in the section.
- on page 3-4..
- It is the responsibility of the database designer to choose the appropriate Oracle internal datatype for each column in the table.
- Prior to the addition of these datatypes, all numeric values in an Oracle database were stored in the Oracle NUMBER format.
- The value_sz parameter determines the length in the OCIBindByName() or OCIBindByPos() call..
- Trailing blanks are stripped, and the resulting value is used in the SQL statement or PL/SQL block.
- Of course, a NULL must be allowed for the bind variable value in the SQL statement.
- Specify the desired length for the return value in the value_sz parameter of the OCIDefineByPos() call, or the value_sz parameter of OCIBindByName() or OCIBindByPos() for PL/SQL blocks.
- determines the order of the bytes in the variable.
- The number is represented in the host system's floating-point format.
- Table 3–4 Format of the DATE Datatype.
- The length is contained in the first four bytes.
- The length is determined by the value_sz parameter in the OCIBindByName() or OCIBindByPos() call..
- Specify the desired length for the return value in the value_sz parameter of the OCIDefineByPos() call.
- it is not part of the data in the table..
- In the OCI, named datatype refers to a host language representation of the type.
- These structs can be generated from types stored in the database by using the Object Type Translator..
- For more information about working with named datatypes in the OCI, refer to Part II of this guide..
- See Also: For more information about working with REFs in the OCI, refer to Part II of this guide.
- on page 2-33 for more information about the use of the ROWID descriptor.
- changes made through the OCI participate fully in the transaction.
- Storage is in the same format as for TIMESTAMP .
- fractional_seconds_precision is the number of digits in the fractional part of the SECOND datetime field.
- Named datatypes stored in the database can be converted to SQLT_NTY (and represented by a C struct in the application) on output..
- (2) For input, host string must be in the Oracle DATE character format..
- OCITypeCode is the C datatype of the typecode.
- For each of the steps in the diagram, the corresponding OCI function calls are listed..
- Each step is described in detail in the following sections..
- Table 4–1 OCI_ATTR_STMT_TYPE Values and Statement Types.
- In the following example,.
- For each item in the select-list of a query, the OCI application must define an output variable to receive the results of the query.
- Any rows remaining in the array are ignored.
- dynamically by passing in the appropriate buffers at runtime.
- Request a parameter descriptor for position 1 in the select-list.
- Get the number of columns in the query.
- These statements fetch data associated with the sample code in the section "Steps Used in OCI Defining".
- Chapter 7, "LOB and BFILE Operations", for more information about working with LOB locators in the OCI..
- it indicates the current position in the result set..
- execute the scrollable cursor in the scrollable mode.
- on page 5-6.

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