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Knowledge Networks: The Social Software Perspective

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- Knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer have a strong effect on the success of the born-globals..
- The following figure shows the logic structure of the framework..
- Logic structure of the proposed framework.
- In the following sections, a detailed descrip- tion of the three levels of the framework is provided..
- The General Facilities of the proposed framework can be described along three main directions:.
- Enabling Infrastructure: hard infrastruc- ture concerning the connectivity of the system;.
- networks that connect clients and servers of the or- ganization.
- tional characteristics that exalt individual and collective aspects of the interactions.
- measures of the properties of an object (for example temperature, price.
- of all involved actors in the different phases of the content life cycle..
- Schwartz P., Kelly E., Boyer N., “The emerging global knowledge economy”, in “The Future of the Global Economy: Towards a Long Boom.
- The folksonomy is a good example of the collective intelligence at work.
- One of the key characteristics of networks is centrality..
- Proceedings of the Computer-supported Collaborative Learning 2002 Conference, Hillsdale, N.J..
- Report of the information services working group on collaborative tools..
- Proceedings of the Online Learn- ing and Teaching Conference 2006, Brisbane:.
- Proceedings of the International Con- ference on Knowledge Management (I-KNOW.
- Proceedings of the Ninth Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2003, pp..
- informality and co-location have to be taken seri- ously in the design of the community engine.
- This is done by formalized localization of the medial artifacts.
- For that purpose we will introduce the key concepts of the Web 2.0 in the following..
- Figure 3 shows a simplified diagram of the LAS architecture and the interrelations between server elements described in the following.
- Hahne for the implementation of the Virtual Campfire services..
- The Image of the City.
- “Morphology of the Folktale”..
- The result is the evolution of the Internet to a real political medium (section 2.3)..
- Since the early 2000s, and the emergence of the “Web2.0”.
- One of the known method is Delphi (Linstone &.
- The paradigms of the global village (McLuhan.
- The e-democracy concept has emerged because of the increased use of the Internet.
- Citizen Activism in the Age of the Internet.
- Journal of the American Society for Information Science .
- Wizards, Bureaucrats, Warriors, and Hackers: Writing the History of the Internet.
- Nevertheless, it illustrates the problem of the digital divide.
- Virtual states: the Internet and the boundaries of the nation state.
- The topics of the investigation were Communities and collaboration tools..
- Some of the less used tools are also the most widspread ones (forum, mailing list, videoconference).
- In this respect, the case of the forum is particu- larly significant.
- Rethinking Knowledge Management: the Role of ICT and the Rise of the Virtual Workspace..
- In Inventing the Organization of the 21st Century, Malone T.W., Laubacher R.
- Knowledge sharing has a strong effect on the success of the born globals.
- The objective of the chapter is to create a better understanding of the impact of knowledge sharing in the value network of born globals.
- Knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer have an effect on the success of the born globals (Levy, Loeb- becke and Powell, 2003).
- The primary advancement is the realization of the role the complementors can play in the value creation (Armstrong, 1997).
- The majority of the companies have a home base in Finland.
- The results of the statistical analyses are as follows.
- The results of the present chapter have important managerial implications.
- Toward a knowledge-based theory of the firm, Strategic Management Journal .
- Knowledge of the firm, combinative capabilities, and the replication of technology, Organization Science .
- A resource-based View of the Firm, Strategic Management Journal .
- In the beginning of the 1990s, constructivist theories on learning gained popularity.
- “meaning” of the world that we are striving to un- derstand.
- between the members of the knowledge network (Säljö, 2000).
- Summary of the three perspectives on learning (adapted from Leidner &.
- Benefits and limitations of the sociogram approach will be.
- Ten of the eleven enrolled students responded to a.
- 244) definition of the term: ‘the self as reflexively understood by the individual in terms of his or her biography).
- The way(s) in which the use of the wiki software contributes to the collaborative process.
- Of the total number of re- spondents (47), 35 were male (74%) and 12 female (26.
- Articles discussing the use of the tools and their pedagogical value.
- More particularly, the analysis of the focused discussions revealed:.
- Finally, questions were posed concerning the use of the software (e.g.
- In the Greek Educational Blogosphere The weblogs (39) of the e-course were hosted on several free platforms (e.g.
- Participant AP states the purpose of the wiki environment (communi- cation, idea exchange, joint problem solving, socializing).
- also he expresses his intention for further exploration of the issue (the ozone hole)..
- also she checks her understanding of the wiki module task to be completed..
- Overviews All participants agreed on the quality of the work produced (encour- agement, agreement, consensus).
- Future trends for the use of the wiki in education.
- Toward a positive critique of the social web.
- Brain of the Blogger..
- Journal of the Learning Sciences, 1, 37-68..
- Toward a critique of the social web.
- Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet.
- A Dialogic Understanding of the Relationship between CSCL and Teaching Thinking Skills.
- They are all part of the micro dynamics of a “knowledge-in-use”.
- “Bodies of knowledge” opposite of the.
- ”culture and the corresponding structures and functions of the material infrastructure.
- Toward a Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm.
- Handbook of the Emotions, New York, S.
- The Phenomenology of the Social World, New York.
- (1998), Pluralist Epistemology and the Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm, Organization, Vol.
- Exploring uncertainty and emotion in the knowledge-based theory of the firm.
- A Bergsonian Critique of the Notion of Tacit Knowledge.
- The role of the emotional climate in learning organizations.
- Axes of the proposed c onceptual f ramework.
- The quantitative analysis of the problem-solv- ing outcomes could include:.
- Quality of the content of problem solver’s proposed final solution (such as single/alter- native solution presented).
- the direction of the information flow (dif- ferent kind of communication among the participants).
- Relevance of the NSCL model to the solvers’.
- Effect of the NSCL model to the acquisition of knowledge and skills.
- Quality of the problem-solving resources.
- Usability of the technological systems used.
- explanations of the given problem, solutions of similar problems, calculators, etc.
- The figure below represents the first and the last day of the study.
- Interna- tional Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning .
- Journal of the Learning Sciences .
- The Journal of the Learning Sciences .
- The Evolving State- of-the-Art.
- IC Valuation and Measure- ment: Classifying the State of the Art.
- The Contributing Processes and a Review of the Literature

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