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Microsoft Windows 2000 server

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- Much of the OSI model link layer functionality is implemented in the protocol stack.
- The address of the adapter.
- Windows NT and Windows 2000 adjust the size of the ARP cache automatically to meet the needs of the system.
- This parameter is described in Appendix A..
- It can be forwarded using one of the locally attached NICs..
- The route table above is for a computer with the class A IP address of the subnet mask of and the default gateway of .
- See the section, “The NDIS Interface and Below” for supported media types..
- The range defines the network part of the address.
- Each ARP client is configured with the ATM address of the ARP server.
- If the -d (do not do a DNS inverse query on each IP address) switch is used, the IP address of the near-side interface of each router is reported.
- It is the address—not the membership of the group—that is permanent.
- The smaller of the two MSS values is used for the connection.
- Now, two of the 11 RCEs point to the new gateway..
- The Nagle algorithm resulted in a huge savings in the number of packets sent—the number of packets was reduced by a factor of about three..
- Each segment contained several of the Y characters.
- PrioritizeRecordData TCP/IP registry parameter can be used to prevent the DNR component from sorting local subnet addresses to the top of the list..
- Transmission delay depends on the speed of the media..
- By default, Windows 2000 TCP/IP completes a recv() call when one of the following conditions is met:.
- If one of the IP addresses in the list is on the same (classless) network as the calling binding of NetBT on the local computer, that address is selected.
- If one of the IP addresses in the list is on the same logical subnet as any binding.
- Source media access control address: The NIC address of the local computer..
- Source IP address: The IP address of the local computer..
- indication of the move.
- IP Address.
- Note that in Windows 2000 the current active default gateway is shown at the end of the list of routes.
- host name and IP address of the DNS server to which the lookup was sent.
- The following parameters receive default values during the installation of the TCP/IP components.
- Description: This parameter controls access to raw sockets.
- Value Type: REG_DWORD—Boolean.
- (A change to the definition of the parameter was introduced in Windows NT 4.0 SP2.).
- Value Type: REG_DWORD—Number Valid Range: 1–3.
- Description: This parameter specifies the path to the standard Internet database files (Hosts, Lmhosts, Network, Protocols, Services).
- Description: This parameter can be used to control DHCP Media Sense behavior..
- Description: This parameter can be used to disable logging of DHCP Media Sense events.
- Backup gateways may be defined in the Advanced section of the TCP/IP configuration dialog in the Network Control Panel.
- This parameter is new in Windows 2000..
- Description: This parameter enables or disables IP autoconfiguration.
- Description: This parameter controls the subnet mask assigned to the client by autoconfiguration.
- This value must be greater than or equal to the value of the ForwardBufferMemory parameter.
- Description: This parameter controls the number of cached (pre-allocated) Transport Control Blocks (TCBs) that are available.
- Value Type: REG_DWORD—number.
- This value must be greater than or equal to the value of the NumForwardPackets parameter.
- Setting this parameter to a value outside of the valid range causes the nearest valid value to be used (5000 or 65534)..
- Valid Range: 88–the MTU of the underlying network Default: 0xFFFFFFFF.
- Description: This parameter controls the number of TCB table partitions.
- Description: This parameter is used internally to keep a back-up copy of the PerformRouterDiscovery value.
- Value Type: REG_DWORD—number (flags) Valid Range .
- Value Type: REG_DWORD—number Valid Range: 1–3.
- Description: This parameter controls the number of connections in the SYN-RCVD state for which there has been at least one retransmission of the SYN sent, before SYN-ATTACK attack protection begins to operate.
- Description: This parameter controls the size limit of the TCP header table.
- Default: The smaller of the following values:.
- Valid Range .
- Description: This parameter specifies the DNS domain name of the interface.
- Value Type: REG_SZ—character string Valid Range: Any valid DNS hostname Default: The computer name of the system.
- Description: This parameter specifies the DNS host name of the system, which is returned by the hostname command..
- Description: This parameter specifies the IP addresses of the IP interfaces to be bound to the adapter.
- default, only the value of the Domain parameter is appended.
- This parameter is used by the Windows Sockets interface.
- Description: This parameter specifies the subnet masks to be used with the IP interfaces bound to the adapter.
- Each route is stored in the value name string as a comma-delimited list of the form:.
- Description: This parameter specifies the DHCP-configured IP address for the interface.
- Description: This parameter specifies the IP address of the DHCP server that granted the lease on the IP address in the DhcpIPAddress parameter..
- The value of the parameter is the name of the Windows 2000 device to which IP should bind.
- Description: This parameter identifies the context of the IP address associated with an interface.
- If this timer expires, the ATMARP client does one of the following things:.
- Value Type: REG_DWORD —number.
- Description: This parameter is used to reset the TTL on the WakeupTimer if ½ of the TTL is less than 6 hours when the machine is put into sleep or hiberate mode..
- Once the machine is in a steady state the number of free handles increases to ½ the value of the used handles.
- specified in the registry..
- Value Type: REG_DWORD — number.
- Description: This parameter applies to a multihomed host only.
- Description: This parameter specifies the NetBIOS name scope for the node.
- If this parameter contains a valid value, it overrides the DHCP parameter of the same name.
- Setting this parameter to the value.
- Value Type: REG_DWORD.
- Description: This value determines the size of the name tables that are used to store local and remote names.
- Description: This parameter is used to disable all NetBIOS name queries..
- This value is written by the Advanced TCP/IP Configuration dialog box of the NCPA..
- Description: This parameter specifies the IP addresses of the list of WINS servers configured for the computer.
- Description: This parameter specifies the IP addresses of the list of WINS servers, as provided by the DHCP service.
- Description: This parameter is written by the DHCP client service.
- Value Type: REG_DWORD — number Valid Range: 1–8.
- Description: This parameter specifies the NetBT node type.
- Description: This parameter is used internally by the RPC component.
- Description: This parameter is used internally during product development.
- Description: This parameter is used to prevent address sharing.
- DynamicBacklogGrowthDelta Value Type: REG_DWORD.
- FastSendDatagramThreshold Value Type: REG_DWORD.
- Description: Normally, Windows 2000 completes a Windows Sockets Receive when one of the following occurs:.
- MaxActiveTransmitFileCount Value Type: REG_DWORD.
- Description: Allows configuration of the maximum number of concurrent.
- Value Type: REG_DWORD Default: 2.
- SmallBufferListDepth Value Type: REG_DWORD.
- TransmitIoLength Value Type: REG_DWORD.
- Value Type: REG_DWORD —seconds.
- Description: This parameter can be used to completely disable DNS dynamic update registration.
- Description: This parameter can be used to control the dynamic DNS registration refresh interval..
- Description: This parameter can be used to control the cache time for negative records..
- By default, the DNR sorts addresses that are on the same subnet as one of the interfaces in the querying computer to the top of the list.
- Description: This parameter controls whether or not the IP address of the DNS server queried is matched to the IP address of the server that sent the DNS response.
- target.microsoft.com, and possibly target, depending on the value of the AllowUnqualifiedQuery parameter.

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