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Web Design in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference

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- This is the inherent nature of the Web.
- The name of the site..
- Introduction of the <abbr>.
- Color on the Web of the document.
- >...</>.
- of the document..
- <body>...</body>.
- <head>...</head>.
- <html>...</html>.
- portion of the document.
- <title>...</title>.
- Specifies the title of the document.
- Identifies the author of the web page..
- <address>...</address>.
- <blockquote>...</blockquote>.
- <div>...</div>.
- <hn>...</hn>.
- <p>...</p>.
- <abbr>...</abbr>.
- <acronym>...</acronym>.
- <b>...</b>.
- <big>...</big>.
- <blink>...</blink>.
- <cite>...</cite>.
- <code>...</code>.
- <del>...</del>.
- <em>...</em>.
- <font>...</font>.
- <i>...</i>.
- <ins>...</ins>.
- <kbd>...</kbd>.
- <q>...</q>.
- <s>...</s>.
- <samp>...</samp>.
- <small>...</small>.
- <span>...</span>.
- <strike>...</strike>.
- <strong>...</strong>.
- <sub>...</sub>.
- <sup>...</sup>.
- <tt>...</tt>.
- <u>...</u>.
- <var>...</var>.
- <center>...</center>.
- <multicol>...</multicol>.
- <nobr>...</nobr>.
- <pre>...</pre>.
- <dir>...</dir>.
- <dl>...</dl>.
- <dd>...</dd>.
- <dt>...</dt>.
- <li>...</li>.
- <menu>...</menu>.
- <ol>...</ol>.
- <ul>...</ul>.
- An unordered list is delimited by the <ul>...</ul>.
- A definition list is designated by the <dl>...</dl>.
- <a>...</a>.
- <A HREF="filename.html">...</A>.
- <A HREF="http://server/path/file.html">...</A>.
- <A HREF="http://server/path/file.html#fragment">...</A>.
- <A HREF="#fragment">...</A>.
- <A HREF="mailto:username@domain">...</A>.
- <A HREF="ftp://server/path/filename">...</A>.
- <map>...</map>.
- <A HREF="http://www.littlechair.com/web/index.html">...</A>.
- <A HREF="talk.html">...</A>.
- tag attributes listed in the section “Setting Colors in <body>” earlier in this chapter.
- TARGET="_blank">...</A>.
- TARGET="display">...</A>.
- HTML tags in the document: the ISMAP attribute within the graphic’s <img>.
- <A HREF="ftp://server/pathname">...</A>.
- <A HREF="ftp://user:password@server/pathname">...</A>.
- <A HREF="ftp://user:password@server/pathname;type=a">...</A>.
- <A HREF="ftp://[email protected]/program.exe">...</A>.
- <A HREF="ftp://ftp.superwarehouse.com/games;type=d">...</A>.
- <applet>...</applet>.
- <embed>...</embed>.
- <marquee>...</marquee>.
- <noembed>...</noembed>.
- <noscript>...</noscript>.
- <object>...</object>.
- <param>...</param>.
- Defines the name of the parameter..
- Defines the value of the parameter..
- <script>...</script>.
- Specifies the language of the script.
- Star bright.</P>.
- When used for a plug-in media type, classid functions like <embed>’s pluginurl attribute, which points to the place where the appropriate plug-in can be found and automatically installed..
- <caption>...</caption>.
- <colgroup>...</colgroup>.
- <table>...</table>.
- <tbody>...</tbody>.
- <td>...</td>.
- <tfoot>...</tfoot>.
- <th>...</th>.
- <thead>...</thead>.
- <tr>...</tr>.
- the thickness of the border.
- the color of the cell background

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