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Programming Visual Basic .NET

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- 8.6 Relations Between DataTables in a DataSet 8.7 The DataSet's XML Capabilities.
- Chapter 2 examines the syntax and use of the Visual Basic .NET language.
- The syntax of the Add method is:.
- In Visual Basic .NET, assignment statements are of the form:.
- The result is the product of the operands..
- The result is the sum of the operands.
- This is the purpose of the bitwise operators.
- The syntax of the For loop is:.
- (See Section 2.5.4 earlier in this chapter for an explanation of what constitutes a collection type.) The type of the items in the collection must be compatible with the type of the loop variable.
- following the name of the class.
- Even if the base class exposes a parameterized constructor having the same signature (i.e., the same number and types of parameters) as the derived class's constructor, by default the compiler generates code that calls the base class's parameterless constructor..
- The name of the method..
- Indicates the end of the method definition..
- Each parameter in the list is of the form:.
- The output of the DoTest method is:.
- Specifies the name of the parameter..
- Specifies the data type of the parameter.
- In the.
- The name of the class is not important.
- The components of the declaration are:.
- Represents the name of the property..
- Indicates the data type of the property.
- Indicates the end of the property definition..
- 2.14.8 The Me and MyClass Keywords.
- 2.14.9 The MyBase Keyword.
- Conceptually, the interface of a class is the set of members that are visible to users of the classå i.e., the class's public members.
- The properties of the Exception class are:.
- This is the purpose of the InnerException property..
- The methods of the Exception class are:.
- Returns a text representation of the Exception.
- processing of the server object.
- The name of the method is not important..
- The type name is the name of the attribute..
- 3.3 Portions of the CLI.
- All of the .NET Framework assemblies reside in the GAC.
- Because of the.
- 3.10 A Brief Tour of the .NET Framework Namespaces.
- The syntax of the GetConfig method is:.
- 3.11.3 The <appSettings>.
- In the Properties window, change the value of the Name property.
- The syntax of the LayoutMdi method is:.
- The syntax of the ClipRectangle property is:.
- The syntax of the Graphics property is:.
- All of the Graphics class's.
- The color of the Windows desktop.
- The color of the frames surrounding windows.
- The color of the text in the client areas of windows..
- The syntax of the Cancel property is:.
- The syntax of the HasMorePages property is:.
- A rectangle that specifies the area of the page that is within the document margins (i.e., the area of the page on which rendering should occur).
- The syntax of the MarginBounds property is:.
- The syntax of the PageBounds property is:.
- The syntax of the PageSettings property is:.
- The properties of the PageSettings class are:.
- This is the same value found in the PageBounds property of the.
- The syntax of the Bounds property is:.
- The syntax of the Color property is:.
- The syntax of the Landscape property is:.
- Indicates the size of the margins.
- The syntax of the Margins property is:.
- Indicates the size of the paper.
- The syntax of the PaperSize property is:.
- The syntax of the PaperSource property is:.
- The syntax of the PrinterResolution property is:.
- The syntax of the PrinterSettings property is:.
- The syntax of the CanDuplex property is:.
- The syntax of the Collate property is:.
- The syntax of the Copies property is:.
- The syntax of the DefaultPageSettings property is:.
- The syntax of the Duplex property is:.
- The syntax of the FromPage property is:.
- The syntax of the InstalledPrinters property is:.
- The syntax of the IsDefaultPrinter property is:.
- The syntax of the IsPlotter property is:.
- The syntax of the IsValid property is:.
- The syntax of the LandscapeAngle property is:.
- The syntax of the MaximumCopies property is:.
- The syntax of the MaximumPage property is:.
- The syntax of the MinimumPage property is:.
- The syntax of the PaperSizes property is:.
- The syntax of the PaperSources property is:.
- Indicates the name of the printer.
- The syntax of the PrinterName property is:.
- The syntax of the PrinterResolutions property is:.
- The syntax of the PrintRange property is:.
- The syntax of the SupportsColor property is:.
- The syntax of the ToPage property is:.
- Creates a copy of the PrinterSettings object.
- The syntax of the Clone method is:.
- The syntax of the GetHdevnames method is:.
- The syntax of the SetHdevmode method is:.
- The syntax of the SetHdevnames method is:.
- Various appearances of the Button control.
- It can take any value of the.
- For example, if the Text property has the value "Click here for more details", you can make the whole text a hyperlink, or you can make part of it (e.g., the word "here") a hyperlink.
- You use the Add method of the.
- This is the index of the selected item.
- This is the index of the first visible item in the ListBox.
- textBox1.Dock = DockStyle.Left textBox2.Dock = DockStyle.Top textBox3.Dock = DockStyle.Right textBox4.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom textBox5.Dock = DockStyle.Left textBox6.Dock = DockStyle.Fill The Splitter control.
- The syntax of the ShowDialog method is:

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