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Starcraft - Uprising

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- Now, in the wake of the tragedy, things had changed..
- In Korhal’s capital city of Styrling, Colonel Achton Feld—the elected leader of the rebel forces in the absence of General Mengsk—was busy shouting orders, standing atop a guardwalk at the city’s perimeter, the myriad antiair missile turrets that served as outer defenses forming a jagged outline on the horizon behind him.
- “Hundreds, you say?” The colonel’s calm veneer was slipping, and the naked fear began to become apparent on his face..
- Sela either did not notice or chose to ignore the infraction and continued “—the tank can be transformed into siege mode, where it will provide cover artillery fire with the 120mm shock cannon.”.
- He was aware of the whis- perings from the nearby tables.
- It wasn’t long before the largest of the men shouted: “Who you tryin’ to impress, Fringe-squib? We all know you can’t read.” The other men at the table snickered.
- “Whatcha gonna do, squib?” the other man said through clenched teeth as he stepped closer..
- The moment was then interrupted by a low, some- what hoarse voice that said, “Any man who causes trou- ble will forfeit half of his period stipend.” The men turned to see Pollock Rimes.
- “What’s the cause of this disturbance?” Pollock stopped, his patchwork face very close, eyeing each man in turn..
- “This squib’s the one causing the trouble, sir.” The large man looked back at his cronies, who began nod- ding adamantly.
- voiced one of the men.
- “Return to your seat, warp-rat.” The man emitted a small laugh to indi- cate that he knew the lieutenant was joking.
- Finally, mercifully, much to the delight of the new recruits (and the relief of the alarmists), the general called for a briefing..
- front of the swirling column of light.
- “Long ago, before the Guild Wars, a research center was built in the eye of the tempest, to study it.” The perspective of the holo-image changed once more, moving through the cyclone winds of the anomaly, into its center, where a sprawling complex of structures were seen to rest on the sandy floor..
- There are four missile turrets around the facility’s perimeter to discourage an attack from above.” The per- spective moved forward, down the wind tunnel, level- ing out at the bottom and circling to provide a view of the four turrets..
- “I’ll be a swampbat’s uncle,” the old man said.
- to the impact sounds of the gritty sand like a constant rainfall;.
- and to the now high-pitched, persistent drone of the overworked engine..
- “Here goes the farm.” The tank then lumbered through the outer barrier and into the Fujita Pinnacle..
- But could she control it? “We’ll see if she can give it orders,” the doctor finally replied..
- Somo was the first one out of the tank.
- That’s right.” The assistant smiled and wiped sweat from his forehead.
- Then, another of the dots faded.
- all of the marines had now been dispatched.
- “I told you it was going to be okay.” The assistant nodded feverishly, laughing and returning the doctor’s smile.
- “You are now a prisoner of the rebellion,”.
- Half of the room was covered in a purplish goop..
- We’ll allow our friendly doc- tor to prove beyond a doubt that his loyalty has been subverted.” The general looked down at Sarah.
- “Something’s the matter, Lieutenant?” asked Mengsk..
- “Hello,” the man said..
- “Well, Sarah, rest easy.” The general then turned and was gone..
- It doesn’t like fire very much.” The professor smiled, obviously very excited about his work..
- I think what we’re seeing now is just the first stage of its life cycle.” The pro- fessor was still grinning eagerly..
- “Of course,” the professor replied.
- pieces of the greater whole.
- It, hm-mm,” (the doctor cleared his throat and swallowed.
- “Why experiment on humans?” The general’s eyes were twin drills now, boring through the doctor’s skull and peering right into his mind.
- “I’m warning you not to lie to me,” the general said flatly.
- And what happened to the inhabitants of the Fringe planets, where the species was originally discovered? Surely the Confederacy didn’t have all of them eliminated.” The calmer Arcturus remained, the more uncomfortable the doctor became..
- “Escort the doctor out,” the general said.
- Once the doctor was escorted out of the room, Pollock turned to the combat-suited marine seated in the corner..
- “Was he lying?” the general asked..
- “Good,” the general replied.
- I welcome you.” The general offered a smile, the first that Sarah had seen cross his face.
- She arrived at the open door of the master bedroom.
- “I’ll tell ya what,” exclaimed Forest, turning his wild eyes to Sarah briefly, “they sure know how to grow ’em on Umoja! Milk-fed, that’s the way to go every time..
- Affected a few of the Fringe worlds, if I remember right.
- “It’s time for your weapons drill, Private,” the lieutenant said to Somo..
- Rimes is the kind of person who simply does not scare.” The general turned now, facing Sarah.
- “Report to the sick ward immediately,” the gen- eral answered to the lieutenant, then pressed another button on the comm.
- “Nav!” the general blurted..
- “Too late,” the general whispered to himself..
- “Full stop, yes, sir,” the navigator responded..
- “No,” the general answered.
- “No, I would rather have you here to protect me, if it becomes necessary.” The general turned to Sarah then, and a moment passed between the two of them..
- “I’m Sergeant Roosevelt Brannigan of the Confederate marines.
- Stand fast.” The general glanced at the chronometer and pressed another button.
- “Yes, sir,” the sergeant responded.
- “Shields to full! Shields to full! And take crash positions!” the colonel yelled.
- One of the men passed Pollock a gauss rifle.
- They were almost on top of the Norad now.
- She could see small details on the looming, larger ship now, hatches, panels, and outer compart- ments—the kinds of things a person saw on another ves- sel just before a collision..
- “I want to know just what in the name of the fathers is firing at us!” the colonel yelled.
- “Sir, the shields are spent,” the Nav informed Mengsk..
- “Nav, are we clear for subwarp?” the general asked anxiously.
- “I’m unarmed! I’m unarm—” the marine then stepped just enough in front of the doorway so that Pollock could get a clean shot.
- “Sir, the enemy craft has engaged subwarp,” the Nav offered..
- “Thank you for keeping me apprised of the situation, Nav,” the colonel responded hotly.
- “Are you gonna help clean up this mess or—” The rebel’s sentence was cut off by a cha-chink sound, a noise any experienced soldier would immediately recognize as a C-10 canister rifle being cocked.
- “I was going to say a sheet, but—” The general was interrupted by Somo’s frantic voice from the comm..
- I locked myself in one of the compartments.”.
- “Lock yourself in here and don’t open the door until you hear from me.” The general looked up at Sarah with equanimity.
- The pattern was stronger now, emanating from the end of the corridor.
- Dejected, Sarah turned and looked toward the end of the hall.
- It was more than the act of the killing itself.
- General Mengsk stood looking at the prone body of the deceased man.
- Pridewater provided a staging area from which the Sons of Korhal would be able to launch their most audacious attack yet—the raid on the Ghost Academy on Tarsonis..
- The rebels carried the proper pass cards, and wore the proper clothes, and the cargo ship that would transport them to the termi- nal—the giant-class Homage—carried the proper load of minerals for appraisal and processing..
- Sarah stood as her comrades near the front of the.
- Sarah retreated silently to the back of the room.
- Somo sur- veyed the rest of the room.
- The rest stayed near the mouth of the tunnel.
- Together, they dashed toward the lifts at the end of the hall..
- “That wasn’t the plan—”.
- That’s the way it should have happened.
- Forest approached one of the chambers at the far end of the section.
- Cha-chink! Cha-chink! Cha-chink—the sound of numerous canister rifles being cocked at once.
- Glancing around her, she saw twinkling flashes—the falling glass, also suspended.
- “Show yourself, and tell me who you are,” the voice demanded..
- A computer screen below showed an overhead map of the room.
- Two of the rebels near the door fell.
- There was a blast, and one of the men fell..
- The maddening, rambling voice of the major contin- ued.
- The doors at the top of the cell were closed.
- Then, the door at the edge of the cell slid open.
- Suddenly the repair hatch at the top of the structure flipped open.
- 24718, were one of the three.
- That Ghost, the most important of the three,.
- The general believed they had not seen the last of the aliens

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