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Extensive structural variation in the Bowman-Birk inhibitor family in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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- Extensive structural variation in the.
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- Genome-wide studies of the BBI gene family have been performed in rice [25], common bean [46] and other an- giosperms [38].
- Bowman-Birk inhibitor genes are unevenly distributed in the common wheat genome.
- The identification of BBIs in the T..
- An HMMscan analysis of the corresponding full-length pro- teins (TraesCS1D02G265900, TraesCS1D02G265800 and TraesCS1B02G276900) revealed that they did not contain a BBI domain, indicating these genes do not encode func- tional BBI proteins (Additional file 2, Table S3)..
- Overall, 21 BBI genes (36.8% of the total) formed seven complete triads (1:1:1 for A:B:D genome), close to the 35.8% for all wheat genes in the genome [55].
- BBI genes underwent extensive tandem duplications in the Triticeae.
- To gauge the approximate timing of the BBI gene family expansion in wheat, we identified BBI proteins from common wheat’s ancestors.
- Orthologs of the BBI genes on T.
- 2 Distribution of 57 BBI in the T.
- Table 1 Homoeologous group identification and categorization of the BBI gene family in wheat.
- 3 Comparison of the wheat BBI gene family with other monocots.
- 4 Comparison of the BBI gene family in different wheat germplasm.
- a The number of BBI genes in the genomes of different wheat species..
- Strikingly, none of the five analyzed cultivars shared an identical complement of BBI genes..
- Wheat BBI genes on homoeologous group 3.
- 6 Alignment of the conserved Cys-rich domains of common wheat BBI proteins.
- et al.
- A summary of the different types of wheat BBI proteins in common wheat is shown in Fig.
- We next used public RNA-seq datasets to characterize transcript levels of the 57 BBI genes in common wheat [56].
- 7 Summary of the proposed structural composition of the BBI gene family in common wheat.
- Protein sequences were obtained from the reference as- semblies of Hordeum vulgare (IBSC_v2, 236,301 protein sequences), Brachypodium distachyon (v pro- tein sequences), Aegilops tauschii (Aet_v protein sequences) [77], and Triticum urartu (ASM34745v1, 33,483 protein sequences) [78] from Ensembl Plants (https://plants.ensembl.org/info/data/ftp/.
- rice.plantbiology.msu.edu) and converted to IRGSP-1.0 gene IDs and Zea mays proteins (Zea_mays.B73_Ref- Gen_v4, 131,585 protein sequences) were downloaded from MaizeGDB (https://www.maizegdb.org).
- WEWseq v2 proteins (205,916 sequences) were down- loaded from https://search.datacite.org/works/10.5447/.
- Gene structure analysis of the functional domains and motifs.
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- List of BBI genes in T.
- search.datacite.org/works/10.5447/ipk/2019/0..
- The six putative BBI protein sequences described in Additional File 2, Table S3 were downloaded from UniProt (https://www.uniprot.org.
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