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Comprehensive analysis of differentially expressed circRNAs and ceRNA regulatory network in porcine skeletal muscle

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- Comprehensive analysis of differentially expressed circRNAs and ceRNA regulatory network in porcine skeletal muscle.
- Background: Circular RNA (circRNA), a novel class of non-coding RNA, has a closed-loop structure with important functions in skeletal muscle growth.
- The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of differentially expressed circRNAs (DEcircRNAs), as well as the DEcircRNA-miRNA-mRNA regulatory network, at different stages of porcine skeletal muscle development.
- Here, we present a panoramic view of circRNA expression in porcine skeletal muscle from Large White and Mashen pigs at 1, 90, and 180 days of age..
- DEcircRNA host genes were concentrated predominately in TGF- β , MAPK, FoxO, and other signaling pathways related to skeletal muscle growth and fat deposition.
- The constructed ceRNA network plays a vital role in skeletal muscle growth and development, and fat deposition.
- miR-23b and SESN3 were found to participate in skeletal muscle growth regulation, also playing an important role in fat deposition.
- In summary, circ_0015885 may further regulate SESN3 expression by interacting with miR-23b to function in skeletal muscle..
- miR-23b/SESN3, a new network regulating skeletal muscle growth and fat deposition, was identified as important for increasing the growth rate of pigs and improving meat quality..
- To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/..
- The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data..
- Therefore, investigating the molecular mechanisms affecting skeletal muscle growth and develop- ment, and fat deposition in pigs is vital to improve the growth rate and meat quality of pigs..
- CircRNAs act in a tissue and developmental stage-specific manner, with numerous studies verifying their important role in skeletal muscle development and intramuscular fat deposition [6–11].
- Shen et al.
- Lu et al.
- Huang et al.
- Compared with Sscrofa11.1 (http://www.ensembl.org/Sus_scrofa/Info/.
- As LW and MS pigs have significant genetic differences, the present study predominantly focused on circRNAs common to both breeds, thereby investigating the role of circRNA in skeletal muscle growth and fat deposition in pigs.
- Finally, we screened 44 DEcircRNAs may be related to skeletal muscle growth and intramuscular fat deposition..
- The constructed ceRNA network plays an important role in skeletal muscle growth and development, and in fat de- position.
- CircRNA is a key regulator of skeletal muscle development [31, 32].
- Hence, studying circRNA expression conditions during different porcine skeletal muscle developmental stages, as well as its role in skeletal muscle growth and intramuscular fat deposition in present study, is of great significance..
- Zhang et al.
- Further- more, they observed that DEcircRNA host genes were enriched in skeletal muscle function during porcine muscle development [35].
- Our previous study found sig- nificant differences in both growth rate and skeletal muscle growth between LW and MS pigs at different de- velopmental stages (1, 90, and 180 days old .
- Considering the differences in skeletal muscle diameter, density, and intramuscular fat content between LW and MS pigs at different developmental stages, examining the role of circRNAs in skeletal muscle growth and intramuscular fat deposition in the longissimus dorsi muscle of these two breeds is of great importance.
- Liang et al.
- In this study, 1098 and 539 DEc- ircRNAs were found in the skeletal muscle of LW and MS pigs, respectively, at different developmental stages..
- Among them, 327 DEcircRNAs co-existed in both breeds, indicating their importance as candidates for regulating skeletal muscle growth and development, as well as intramural fat deposition, in pigs..
- Li et al.
- miR-183, miR-23a, and miR-23b may play important roles in porcine skeletal muscle fat deposition..
- b Circ_0015885 expression patterns in LW pig skeletal muscle at three developmental stages.
- c Circ_0015885 expression patterns in MS pig skeletal muscle at three developmental stages.
- found that miR-23a me- diates the formation of bovine skeletal muscle fat.
- The above results indicate that circRNAs differen- tially expressed in the skeletal muscle of LW and MS pigs at different developmental stages play an important role in skeletal muscle growth and development, as well as in intramuscular fat content.
- Convergent and divergent pri- mer amplification, RNase R digestion, and qPCR con- firmed that circ_0015885 is existed, differentially expressed during skeletal muscle development.
- Thus, SESN3 may be in- volved in the regulation of skeletal muscle growth and lipid deposition.
- In addition, a DEcircRNA-miRNA-mRNA ceRNA network was constructed in which we identified circ_0015885/miR-23b/SESN3, a new network regulating skeletal muscle growth and fat deposition, both of which are important factors for increasing the growth rate of pigs and improving meat quality..
- The circ_0015885 expression pattern at different skeletal muscle developmental stages, as well as the expression profile in various pig tissues, were detected using qRT-PCR..
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