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Transcriptomics analysis of differentially expressed genes in subcutaneous and perirenal adipose tissue of sheep as affected by their pre- and early postnatal malnutrition histories

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- Transcriptomics analysis of differentially expressed genes in subcutaneous and perirenal adipose tissue of sheep as.
- Background: Early life malnutrition is known to target adipose tissue with varying impact depending on timing of the insult.
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- In contrast to SUB, the specific roles of perirenal adipose tissue (PER) in relation to development of obesity and associated disorders is less elucidated, and most studies of PER in humans have relied on indirect measurements using ultrasound and other non-invasive approaches [12].
- In this context, nutrition has been shown to pro- gram gene expression and development of adipose tissue (i.e.
- PBK 11 POLE 0.009771 MELK 10.921 PBK 11.
- EXO1 10 TTK 0.009771 CENPN 10.474 CENPN 9.
- ATP6V1A 5 ACTN2 0.007682 CYBB 10.239 ENTPD5 3.
- GO_Biological Process regulation of interleukin-6 production 10.04 GO_Molecular Function cell adhesion molecule binding 8.92 GO_Biological Process positive regulation of myeloid cell differentiation 7.81.
- The cholesterol content of adipose tissue is positively correlated to the size of adipocytes [50, 51].
- Obesity is characterized by adipose tissue expansion due to increase in adipocyte size (hypertrophy) and/or num- bers (hyperplasia), with visceral fat expansion as the pri- mary target of early phase obesity development, followed by SUB, as shown using mouse models [9].
- PER: Perirenal adipose tissue.
- SUB: Subcutaneous adipose tissue.
- The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi..
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