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NanotatoR: A tool for enhanced annotation of genomic structural variants

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- nanotatoR passed all quality and run time criteria of Bioconductor, where it was accepted in the April 2019 release.
- Conclusions: The extensive annotation enables users to rapidly identify potential pathogenic SVs, a critical step toward use of OGM in the clinical setting..
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- With the advent of the high-throughput short-read sequen- cing (SRS) techniques, identification of molecular underpin- nings of genetic disorders has become faster, more accurate and cost-effective [1].
- a change or variation of a single bp in the genome) or small insertions and deletions (INDELs.
- Importantly OGM has allowed refinement of intractable, low-complexity regions of the genome and discovery of genomic content missing in the reference genome assembly [19]..
- The nanotatoR pipeline takes as input Bionano-annotated SV files, in the format of either unmodified SMAP (BNG’s SVcaller output) or text (TXT) files that retain information from the SMAPs, but also append additional fields.
- For trio analysis (proband, mother, father), BN_VAP performs molecule checks for SVs identified in the proband (self-molecules) and checks whether the SV is present in the parents’.
- Finally, all of the sub-functions are compiled into a Main function..
- In order for the SVs to be considered “same”, nanotatoR , by default, checks whether two independent variants of the same type (e.g.
- Currently the 50% size similarity cutoff is not implemented by default for inversions and translocations, as sizes have only started to be provided in the SVcaller output recently.
- If the query SV matches with multiple variants in the BNDB from the same BNDB sample, nanotatoR counts these as a single variant/sample, with allele count of 2 for homozygous/unknown and 1 for heterozygous matches..
- 1.1dFrequency calculations: for DECIPHER and DGV, SV frequency is calculated by dividing the number of query matched database variants (step 1.1a) by the total number of alleles in the database, i.e .
- which is stored in the form of a text file.
- SVs overlapping gaps in hg19/hg38 are annotated in the output SMAPs as “nbase” calls (e.g..
- For duplications, inversions, and translocations nanotatoR evaluates whether chimeric scores “pass” the thresholds set by the Bionano SVcaller during de-novo genome assembly [34].
- SVs with the same family ID as the query are not included in the overall internal frequency calculation as described in the previous paragraph.
- “Internal_Homozygotes” are appended to each of the annotated input files (nonrelevant fields contain dashes)..
- A function to encode more complex intra-family relatedness and identify individual samples, termed nanoID, is in devel- opment and will be available by default in the next re- lease of nanotatoR..
- Expression values for overlapping and non-overlapping SV genes are extracted from the genome-wide expres- sion matrix and appended into separate columns in the overall SV input file.
- For example, an overlap of gene X with a SV in the proband, with an expression value of 10, would be represented as gene X (10), and printed in the “OverlapProbandEXP” column.
- The appended num- ber of columns in the output is dependent on which functions were run.
- inversions or translocations) and integration of the primary gene list (either provided by the user or generated by nanotatoR as described in section 4) into the input SV-containing file.
- and near SVs that are present in the primary gene list are printed in separate columns.
- indel_dup_denovo if not present in the parents (Found_in_parents_BSPQI_molecules/.
- indel_dup_both if present in the proband, as well as both parents (e.g..
- indel_dup_cmpdHET if present in the heterozygous state in parents.
- 2 variants with genomic coordinates overlapping with the same gene, one present in the mother, the other in the father..
- A visual representation of the steps is shown in Fig.
- where it was accepted in the April, 2019 cycle.
- The output is in the form of an Excel workbook subdivided into variant types and inheritance modes in familial cases.
- The user has an option to either filter the data based on input parameters or perform the filtrations steps in the final Excel sheets.
- Theoretical examples of the nanotatoR annotation process and output are illustrated in Fig.
- 1 Workflow of the nanotatoR pipeline: The nanotatoR pipeline is divided into 3 layers.
- Bionano SVcaller identified a total of 9387 SVs in the proband (NA24385), shown in the last tab of the 9-tab report, termed “all”.
- The vast majority (8680) were in the “ indel_dup ” tabs.
- 114 (out of 279 unfiltered) inversions were reported in the “ inv ” tab, and 0 (out of 84) translocations in the “ trans ” tab.
- All the translocations called by the Bionano SVcaller in this sample were in the categories “ trans_interchr_.
- Out of the 952 insertions, deletions and duplications, only 8 were de novo.
- 68 in the mother only.
- and 82 in the father only.
- These numbers can be used to evaluate pathogenicity of the SVs.
- 150 SVs would be reported in the “ indel_dup_.
- 2 nanotatoR annotates genes overlapping or near a SV: a The cartoon shows three hypothetical scenarios: one deletion in the region upstream of Gene X (yellow) which may contain regulatory regions, indicated as solid purple in the reference genome (top) and lilac in the patient ’ s genome (bottom).
- However, analysis of the genomes with OGM had revealed a deletion variant affecting the UGT2B17 gene in the son and the mother [41].
- 169 SVs were found to be overlapping with the primary gene list, and were shown in the “all_PG_OV” Tab..
- To investigate the frequency of the variant in the 8- sample internal cohort database, we first selected all var- iants with within − 10 kb of start breakpoint and + 10 kb of the end breakpoint (i.e.
- 3 Filtration and annotation of SV distribution in the NA24385 trio dataset: Out of the total 9387 variants found by SVcaller, 8804 passed the nanotatoR filtration of “ Present in self molecules ” and “ Pass chimeric score ” conditions.
- This annotation can be used to evaluate relevance of the variants to the condition studied.
- shown in the “GM24385_Variant_UGT2B17” tab in Table S3) and the other two are found in his mother.
- Bionano SVcaller also called another variant in the mother with the same end breakpoint, and a similar, but not identical, start break- point.
- As described in Methods section 1.2b, nanotatoR selects the variants that pass size similarity and breakpoint criteria, and reports the zygosity for each in the parents (“GM24385_del_ex- ample_Zygosity” tab in Table S3)..
- In addition to the family, the variant was found in two other samples of the internal cohort.
- As the internal control cohort was composed of 8 samples, of which 3 were part of the Ashkenazi family, the total number of alleles in the internal cohort was calculated as 10 = 2 x (8–.
- 3), where 2 is for diploid genomes, 8 is the total number of samples in the cohort and 3 is the number of related individuals.
- Next, we calculated the filtered and unfiltered frequency (Formula 2, Function 1.1d) of the deletion overlapping UGT2B17 in the Bionano reference database.
- To generate the primary gene list for the trio sample, we downloaded the ClinVar and GTR databases, using the downloadClinvar = TRUE and downloadGTR = TRUE parameters in the gene_list_generation function..
- The time taken for each of the functions is reported in Supplementary Table S5.
- Further breakdown of the indel_.
- For dual-enzyme label- ing, fewer variants were called in the SVmerge dataset (6814), of which ~ 9% were filtered out by nanotatoR de- fault filtration.
- Of the remaining are “indel_.
- Breakdown of the indel SVs between deletions, insertions and duplications is shown in Fig.
- Proportions of insertions and deletions are similar in the two data sets, while the dual enzyme labeling called more duplications and inversions than single-enzyme labeling in this example..
- The 4 deletion variants identified in the study overlapped GSTM1, LCE3B, LCE3C, CR1 and SIGLEC14 genes.
- SV breakpoints reported in the original publication and in the nanotatoR- annotated data sets are shown in Supplementary Table S8;.
- SV type and gene names are highlighted in the all_PG_.
- Example III: Duchenne muscular dystrophy cohort We have previously published validation of the OGM technology to identify variants in the DMD gene in a cohort of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy [27].
- Each of these types of variants was placed in the correct final Excel output tab with.
- b SV distribution in the NA12878 DLE and SVmerge filtered datasets: Deletions (dark blue), insertions (light blue), duplications (grey) and inversions (orange) numbers are as shown in the pie charts.
- For DLE, the majority of the identified SVs were insertions (64.9.
- While the total number of variants called is different between DLE and SVmerge, a similar pattern is seen in the SVmerge dataset.
- Many more duplications and inversions were called in the dual labeling than single DLE labeling method.
- As a result of the erroneous input, internal frequency is currently overestimated for variants on the X chromosome..
- Using nanotatoR, we were able to automate steps that previously had to be taken manually to identify the pathogenic SVs in the DMD gene in the data sets:.
- The details of the variants can be found in Barseghyan et.al.
- Deletion variant on chromosome 4 identified in sample NA24385: Cartoon of the chromosome 4 region deleted in the NA24385 genome (a) and screenshot of the matching UCSC genome browser output (b).
- Content of the various tabs is detailed in the first tab.
- of the Excel workbook.
- SVs reported in the indel, inv., and trans tabs have undergone the default nanotatoR filtration (found in self molecules, passed chimeric score threshold)..
- Content of the tabs and column names is detailed in the first tab.
- The columns used to calculate the filtered and unfiltered frequencies are highlighted in the del_totalData tab..
- The columns used to calculate the filtered and unfiltered frequencies are highlighted in the GM24385_data_all tab..
- nanotatoR annotation of structural variants in the DLE-labeled sample NA12878 dataset.
- of the Excel book.
- SVs reported in the indel, inv., and trans tabs have undergone the default nanotatoR filtration (found in self molecules, passed chimeric score threshold).
- In the all_PG_OV tab, the cells containing the query genes are highlighted in purple.
- nanotatoR annotation of structural variants in the dual-labeled sample NA12878 dataset (SVmerge output).
- In the all_PG_OV tab, the cells con- taining the query genes are highlighted in purple.
- Overlapping genes coordinates identified in the original paper by Mak et al.
- Singleton samples CDMD_1003 and CDMD_1159 were analyzed with single DLE labeling and are shown in the SingleLabel_Solo tab.
- Singleton samples CDMD_1155, CDMD_1156, and CDMD_1187 were analyzed with dual enzyme labeling and are shown in the.
- Mother proband dyads CDMD_1131, CDMD_1157, and CDMD_1163 were analyzed with dual enzyme labeling and are shown in the DualLabelDuo tab.
- Columns in each sheet of the workbook are either a direct output of SVcaller or appended by nanotatoR , as indicated in column 3 of the table in the first tab.
- https://doi.org .
- https://doi.org/10..
- Beyond sequencing: optical mapping of DNA in the age of nanotechnology and nanoscopy.
- https://doi.org/.
- Long-read single-molecule maps of the functional methylome.
- The database of genomic variants: a curated collection of structural variation in the human genome

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