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2200 Từ Vựng Thi TOEFL Và IELTS

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- Ex: The handle is fragile.
- đích thực.) Ex: Jane wore an imitation fur coat that every one thought it was made of genuine leopard skin..
- Ex: The other driver exonerated Dad of any responsibility for the accident..
- áp đảo thống trị, độc đoán.) Ex: The American colonists revolted against the despotic governement of King.
- đối lập.) Ex: Charley disputed my answer to problem 9 until I showed him definite proof that I was right..
- Ex: The huge edifice under construction near the airport will be a modern hotel..
- Ex: The atomic era began with the dropping of the first atomic bomb in 1945..
- Ex: The Pilgrims initiated the custom of celebrating Thanksgiving Day..
- lá cở đen với đầu lâu trắng và hai khúc xƣơng chéo nhau.) Ex: The Jolly Roger flying from the mast of the approaching ship indicated that it was a pirate ship..
- Ex: The original doors at the main entrance to our school have been replaced by bronze portals..
- Ex: The ribs are curved bones extending from the spine and enclosing the upper part of the body..
- Ex: The assassination of President Kennedy was a national calamity..
- Ex 2: The merchant had expected a host of customers, but only a few appeared..
- Ex: The twins are so alike that it is hard to distinguish one from the other..
- Ex: The missing hikers were famished.
- Ex: The bacteria shown in your textbook have been greatly magnified.
- Ex: The new restaurant will accommodate 128 persons [=>.
- Ex 2: The escaped prisoner was apprehended as he tried to cross the border..
- Ex: The last time we were late for the party, I was the culprit.
- Ex: The new director hopes to reduce expenses by eliminating unnecessary jobs..
- Ex: The shoplifter was apprehended with a number of pilfered articles in his possession..
- Ex 1: The water shortage in abating, but it is still a matter of some concern..
- Ex 1: The weavers of Oriental rugs are famous for their superior craft..
- Ex 2: The Greeks took Troy by craft.
- Ex: The Indians of New England used beads as currency..
- Ex: The heavy rain did not deter people from coming to the school play.
- Ex: The curtains were spotless.
- Ex: The average American city requires a prodigious amount of fresh milk daily..
- Ex: The severe earthquake killed hundred of persons and left thousands destitute..
- Ex 1: The old man had nothing to eat but bread and cheese.
- Ex: The increase in dues is only 10 cents.
- Ex: The new wing to the hospital was made possible by a gift of $500,000 from an affluent contributor..
- Ex: The magazine has apprised its readers of an increase in rates beginning January 1..
- thú nhận ) Ex: The white flag of surrender is an avowal of defeat..
- Ex: The new student was going in the wrong direction until someone enlightened him that his room is at the other end of the hall..
- Ex: The rank of second lieutenant in the Army corresponds to that of ensign in the Navy..
- Ex: The watermelon was very luscious.
- Ex: The main dish has little flavor, but I made it palatable by adding condiments..
- Ex: The steak will be dry if you leave it in the oven longer.
- Ex: The skyscraper dwarfs the surrounding buildings.
- Ex: The fortified city of Singapore was once considered unconquerable.
- Ex: The lifeguard was in excellent physical condition.
- Ex 1: The Royals must be on the playinjg field by 4 p.m.
- Ex 2: The finance company took away Mr.
- Ex: The motorist was given a ticket for ignoring a stop sign..
- Ex: The owner of the stolen car was himself remiss.
- Ex: The night watchman who apprehended the thief was praised for his vigilance..
- Ex: The judge called the defendant a murderer..
- Ex: (Từ sách ) The North Pole has a latitude of 90 degrees north..
- Ex: (Từ sách ) The coyote is somewhat smaller in size than a timber wolf..
- Ex: The goods in that store always have exorbitant prices..
- Ex: (Từ điển ) The business is prospering..
- Ex: (Sách ) The complexity of their design is an attribute of handcrafted objects..
- Ex: The union showed defiance of the court order against a strike by calling the workers off their jobs..
- Ex: The author of the pamphlet advocating the overthrow of the government was arrested for sedition..
- Ex: The union and management held a lengthy meeting with out getting to the essence of the men‟s dissatisfaction – low wages..
- Ex: The day before the accident, I had a foreboding that something would go wrong..
- Ex: The wrongdoer was punished for his misdeed by a fine and imprisonment..
- Ex: The unsportsmanlike noises of the tans so unnerved our star player that he missed two foul shots in a row..
- Ex: The walls of a dam must be strong enough to withstand tremendous water pressure..
- despite [(Nghiã đen “không đứng ra chống lại” mặc dù.
- Ex: The aging king abdicated his throne and went into retirement..
- Ex: The island of Cuba is adjacent to Florida..
- Ex: The judge adjourned the court to the following Monday..
- Ex: The Weather Bureau gave adequate warning of the advent of the hurricane..
- =Having to do with study after graduation from high school or college (Chỉ cấp học sau khi tốt nghiệp cử nhân hoặc sau khi tốt nghiệp trung học.) Ex: After college, Marvin hopes to do postgraduate work in law school..
- Ex: The purpose of a postmortem is to discover the cause of death..
- Ex: The bicentennial of George Washington‟s birth was celebrated in 1932..
- Ex: The letters on the monument had been incised with a chisel..
- Ex: The art department is exhibiting the outstanding posters produced in its classes..
- bao gồm ] Ex: The accused is not the only guilty party.
- Ex: The treasurer should not have been offended when asked for a financial report.
- Ex: The name of the winner will be inscribed on the medal..
- Ex: The Democrats are trying to heal intraparty strife so as to present a united front in the coming election..
- Ex: The monitor ordered the student to go to the end of the line, but the teacher countermanded the order..
- Ex: The suspect‟s fingerprints on the safe were considered incontrovertible evidence that he had participated in the robbery..
- Ex: The new nation undertook to teach its illiterate citizens to read and write.
- Ex: The sick and the needy will be the beneficiaries of your gift to the community fund..
- Ex: The lack of milk and fresh vegetables in the child‟s diet was responsible for his malnutrition..
- Ex: The decadent downtown section was once a flourishing business district..
- Ex: The building superintendent feels depreciated if you refer to him as the “janitor.”.
- Ex: The parents discredited the child‟s story, since he was in the habit of telling falsehoods..
- Ex: The explosion disintegrated an entire wing of the factory..
- Ex: The bicycle I lent Tom had been in good condition.
- [(nghiã đen: “NgồI tách ra” không đồng ý.
- Ex: The signers of the Declaration of Independence, if captured by the enemy, would probably have been tried for sedition..
- chu vi ) Ex: The circumference of a circle equals π times the diameter..
- Ex: The circumlocution “the game ended with a score that was not in our favor”.
- Ex: The patient was placed on a very circumscribed diet.
- Ex: The disabled vehicles obstructed traffic until removed by a tow truck..
- Ex: The teacher told Eric to stop whispering.
- Ex: The rain was supposed to end in the morning, but it persisted through the afternoon and evening..
- Ex: The Mayor, the Governor, and several other prominent citizens attended the preview..
- Ex: The word finis on the screen indicates that the film has ended..
- Ex: The writer distinguished himself in two literary genres – the short story and the novel..
- Ex: The Bibles states that Adam was the progenitor of the human race..
- Ex: The aggregate strength of the allies was impressive, though individually some were quite weak..
- Ex: The minister addressed the congregation on the meaning of brotherhood..
- Ex: The warden believes in segregation of first offenders from hardened criminals..
- Ex: The building plan shows both a front and a lateral view of proposed structure.