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Analysis of splice variants of the human protein disulfide isomerase (P4HB) gene

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- Analysis of splice variants of the human protein disulfide isomerase ( P4HB ) gene.
- PDIA1 is coded by the P4HB gene.
- Structural features suggest that except for P4HB-021 , other splice variants are unlikely to exert thiol isomerase activity at the endoplasmic reticulum.
- Extensive analyses using FANTOM5, ENCODE Consortium and GTEx project databases as RNA-seq data sources were performed.
- P4HB- 02, P4HB- 027 and P4HB- 021 were relatively more expressed across each database, the latter particularly in vascular smooth muscle.
- The most consistently expressed splice variant was P4HB- 021 in human mammary artery vascular smooth muscle which, together with canonical P4HB gene, had its expression enhanced by serum starvation..
- P4HB -021 splice variant deserves further investigation in vascular smooth muscle cells..
- Some PDIs exhibit an un- folded protein response-sensitive element in their pro- moter region, but this is not the case of P4HB [13].
- 1 P4HB gene and protein organization.
- The coding sequence of P4HB -027 includes the 3 ′ UTR, which does not contain a stop codon.
- However, there is essentially no information with respect to alternative splicing variants of P4HB gene..
- Alternative splice variants of P4HB gene.
- P4HB - 02 and P4HB -021 are the only to display the intact C- terminus with the KDEL motif, indicating that eventual protein products generated from other isoforms may not be retrievable to the endoplasmic reticulum..
- Taking advantage of CAGE tags to determine expression levels, we analyzed an upstream region of P4HB -02 and P4HB genes.
- We also checked for the presence of CAGE tags upstream of P4HB gene using the same data and the result was similar.
- Expression profiling of P4HB splice variants in FANTOM5 database.
- We next addressed an overview of P4HB gene and spliced variant expression profiling in different cell lines and tissues, using a number of distinct databases:.
- We used information of all FANTOM5 RNA-seq libraries (70 samples) [30], in order to prospectively analyze P4HB splice junctions.
- Figure 2b represents the percentage of splice variant abun- dance in this set of samples from FANTOM5, show- ing that almost 30% of total isoform fraction is represented by P4HB-021 .
- The variant P4HB -021 was significantly repre- sented, particularly in aortic smooth muscle cell, followed in this cell type by P4HB -019, P4HB- 023, P4HB -027 and P4HB -02.
- The most fre- quently expressed splice variant across all the 70 samples was P4HB -02, present in 28 samples, while P4HB -021 and P4HB -027 depicted the highest splice junction TPMs.
- The isoform P4HB -021 had its highest level of expression in aortic smooth muscle cells (Fig.
- S2 illustrates the splicing event in the middle of P4HB -027 exon 3..
- 2e there is a plot for P4HB -021 displaying the splicing event.
- Expression profiling of P4HB splice variants in RNA-seq ENCODE database.
- has a set of different types of experiments such as Exon Arrays, Chip-Seq and RNA-seq analysis, avail- able at http://www.encodeproject.org.
- In this graph, the most representative (i.e., expressed in most samples) was P4HB -029, but the isoforms most expressed (in SJ TPM) were P4HB -02 and P4HB -021.
- Isoform P4HB -02 is well expressed in aortic adventi- tial fibroblasts, P4HB -021 in fibroblasts and 2 types of endothelial cells and P4HB -024 in two other endothe- lial cell types..
- We next applied the same pipeline above to identify and count the splice junction TPM (tag per million) to investi- gate P4HB gene expression in polyA RNA-seq ENCODE human datasets (https://www.encodeproject.org/) from donors (primary cell).
- Expression profiling of P4HB splice variants in GTEx database.
- number of transcriptomic data, including RNA-seq from various tissues.
- Here, we used 11,690 RNA-seq data from different tissues and conditions listed in Table S3..
- 2 Distributions of P4HB splice variant expression in RNA-seq from FANTOM5.
- Splice Junction Tag per Million (SJ TPM) is a unit to count the number of a specific isoform junction normalized by the total number of reads for each RNA-seq dataset.
- b Fraction of expression of P4HB splice variants in FANTOM5.
- c The expression of P4HB -02 and P4HB -021 in three types of cell: primary cell, tissue and cell line..
- d Representative diagram of P4HB -021 expression in all analyzed samples.
- e Visualization of splicing event of P4HB -021.
- The blue diagram at the bottom indicates a part of P4HB gene, in reverse direction from exon 1 to exon 4.
- The total number of RNA-seq data was 70 samples.
- P4HB -02 and P4HB -027 displayed slightly higher expres- sion when compared to P4HB -021.
- The fractional ex- pression of variant P4HB -021 in heart was higher compared to other tissues.
- 3 Distribution of splice variant expression in RNA-seq from ENCODE.
- Splice Junction Tag per Million (SJ TPM) is a unit to count the number of specific isoform junctions normalized by the total number of reads for each RNA-seq dataset.
- b Distribution of P4HB splice variant expression, showing 7 detected splice variants.
- c Fractional distribution of P4HB splice variants expressed in distinct cell types (HUVEC, HAoEC, HaoAF).
- d SJ TPM of P4HB gene and splice variants in a set of 12 different cell types.
- e SJ TPM of P4HB gene and splice variants of SMC from pulmonary artery from 2 different donors.
- In this specific subset, P4HB -027, P4HB -021 and P4HB -02 were represented in arterial cells (aorta, coronary and tibial), with slightly higher prevalence of P4HB -027..
- P4HB splice variants are highly expressed in smooth muscle cell.
- 4 Quantification of P4HB splice variants ( P4HB -02, P4HB -021 and P4HB -027) as splice junction tags per million (SJ TPM) relative to P4HB expression..
- Similarly, in VSMC from proximal aorta isoforms P4HB -02 and P4HB - 021 were more representative in physiological conditions..
- We next performed the validation of P4HB splice variant expression in distinct cell types using PCR.
- expression levels and tissue specificity (above data), namely P4HB -02, P4HB -021 and P4HB -027..
- 5 Analysis of RNA-seq data from a study [31] using VSMC (vascular smooth muscle cells) mimicking pathologic (stiff) and physiologic conditions (soft).
- a P4HB ( P4HB -001) gene expression.
- Also shown is the expression of P4HB and its splice variants in (b) VSMC from coronary artery and (c) VSMC of proximal aorta.
- Im- portant, in accordance with previous results from data- banks, P4HB -021 was detected in VSMC at baseline and upregulated, together with the expression of P4HB , after 24 h serum starvation compared with 16 h (Fig.
- Ex- posure to CoCl 2 , however, did not significantly affect the expression of P4HB and its variants in the conditions of our experiments (Fig.
- We also assessed the effects of tunicamycin, a potent inhibitor of N -linked glycosylation, in HEK-293 cell line to investigate the influence of ensuing endoplas- mic reticulum stress in the expression of P4HB gene and its splice variants.
- Cells were incubated for 16 h and 40 h with 3 tunicamycin concentrations and the expression of P4HB and its splicing variants analyzed (Fig.
- S4), expressions of P4HB -02 and P4HB-027 (but not of P4HB or P4HB-021 ) decreased vs.
- 6 PCR amplification of the splice junction of splice variants P4HB -02, P4HB -021 and P4HB -027.
- The specific splice junction of P4HB -02 (89 bp) and 027 (211 bp) were amplified in HCT-116 cells and SK-N-SH cells.
- For the amplification of P4HB -021, the expected fragment was 148 bp.
- The amplification of this fragment was performed using a vector pUC57 with the P4HB -021 cloned as template to PCR reaction.
- 2) loss of the isomerase function of P4HB , which re- quires all 4 domains, so most PDIA1 alternative splicing isoforms are unlikely to display thiol isomerase activity, with possible exception of P4HB -021.
- a Expression of P4HB gene and P4HB -021 in primary VSMC (from human mammary artery) submitted to serum starvation during 16 h and 24 h.
- b Expression of P4HB gene and three P4HB isoforms in VSMC treated with CoCl 2 .
- When all such aspects are considered together, most PDIA1 isoforms are unlikely to exert thiol isomerase ac- tivity at the ER, with the possible exception of P4HB - 021.
- Likely, they may exert other types of activity at dis- tinct subcellular locations, greatly expanding the func- tional reach of P4HB gene products.
- 8 Predicted protein modeling of P4HB -021.
- (C-D) P4HB -021 splice variant shows a different conformation, particularly in the b domain, as compared to PDIA1.
- Our results further corroborate that the expression pattern of P4HB isoforms is consistent with multiple specific functions, since the expression is distinct among the different cell types and tissues.
- P4HB -021 depicts truncation of a 44-amino acid stretch at the transition between a and b domains.
- The absence of exon 3 at the a and b domain transition of P4HB -021 promotes the absence of one α-helix in a domain, two β-sheets and one α-helix in b domain and one α-helix in b’.
- For this ana- lysis, we used a subset of 70 human samples from FAN- TOM5 for which RNA-seq data were available [31]..
- The RNA-seq libraries from ENCODE repository (https://www.encodeproject.org/) are publicly available..
- The accession number for VSMC RNA-seq data [31] is GSE100081..
- To determine the landscape of P4HB splice variant expression, we investigated RNA-seq data across FANTOM5, ENCODE Project and GTEX database..
- RNA-seq pipeline analyses to detect splice-junction of P4HB gene in FANTOM5, ENCODE and GTEx data- base were developed.
- The only difference was that for GTEx database we used the raw data obtained, meaning the splice junction value for each splice variant and nor- malized by the number of reads of P4HB gene.
- RNA-seq libraries of human samples.
- RNA-seq data from FANTOM5, corresponding to 70 samples, includes a diverse set of human biological samples.
- The RNA-seq from [31], was sequenced in Illumina Hi-Seq 2500, 100 bp paired-end..
- For GTEx, RNA-seq data was obtained from https://gtex- portal.org/home/datasets.
- The RNA-seq was performed using the Illumina TruSeq library construction preparation and the sequencing produced 76 bp paired ended reads .
- Visualization of alternative splicing in P4HB isoforms To visualize the RNA-seq data we use the Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) browser [47], using as input spliced alignments (in BAM files format) and gene model annotation in GFF format [48].
- The BAM files are from FANTOM5 RNA-seq data..
- P4HB -021 (exon 2 fwd 5′ TATCCCACCATCAAGT TCTTCAG 3′.
- Cloning of novel human P4HB splice variants.
- The sequence of P4HB -021 as used as template for isoform validation..
- P4HB gene and splice variant information..
- Table with information about GTEx RNA- seq data is presented as dataset..
- Quantification of P4HB splice variants to detect the fraction of isoform abundance normalized by P4HB gene.
- (A) Fraction of P4HB -02, P4HB -021 and P4HB -027 in blood vessels of three subtypes: aorta ( n = 299), coronary artery ( n = 172) and tibial artery ( n = 400) (B) Fraction of P4HB splice variants in heart with two sub-regions:.
- Expression of P4HB gene and variants P4HB- 02, P4HB- 021 and P4HB- 027.
- RNA-seq: RNA sequencing.
- DB, JFP, KH, DK contributed to RNA-seq analysis.
- Quantitative visualization of alternative exon expression from RNA-seq data.

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