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Tác động của FDI tới phát triển kinh tế Việt Nam trong giai đoạn 2010 – 2019

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- Foreign direct investment (FDI) is an important source of capital for economic growth of a country, especially developing countries.
- Following this trend, during 30 years of attracting foreign direct investment, Vietnam has been greatly influenced by FDI inflows.
- Although FDI of- fers many positive effects on economic growth, social investment, trade balance, labor market and technology, it also poses certain challenges to the country’s economy.
- The following article used secondary data from official sources to analyze the impacts of foreign direct investment in- flows on Vietnam’s economic development in the period of .
- On that basis, the article proposes a number of strategic policies to improve the use of FDI capital in Vietnam..
- Đầu tư trực tiếp nước ngoài (FDI) là nguồn vốn quan trọng cho sự tăng trưởng kinh tế của một quốc gia, đặc biệt là các quốc gia đang phát triển như Việt Nam.
- Trong hơn 30 năm thu hút đầu tư trực tiếp nước ngoài, Việt Nam đã có ảnh hưởng không nhỏ bởi dòng vốn FDI.
- Bên cạnh những tác động tích cực tới sự tăng trưởng kinh tế, vốn đầu tư xã hội, cán cân thương mại, thị trường lao động và công nghệ Việt Nam, FDI cũng đặt ra những thách thức nhất định cho chính sách của nước nhà.
- Bài viết sau đây sử dụng dữ liệu thứ cấp từ các nguồn chính thống nhằm tổng hợp và phân tích tác động của dòng vốn FDI tới sự phát triển kinh tế Việt Nam giai đoạn .
- Trên cơ sở đó, đề xuất một số chính sách chiến lược nhằm nâng cao hiệu quả sử dụng vốn FDI tại Việt Nam.
- Từ khóa: FDI, phát triển kinh tế, Việt Nam..
- Since 1987, for the first time, Vietnam enacted the Law on Foreign Investment which has become the basic legal framework for the management of foreign direct investment activities..
- For more than 30 years of attracting foreign direct investment, FDI inflows have been showing their active role in the development of Vietnam’s economy.
- Some typical issues can be mentioned as the still very high import of raw materials for production in the FDI sector.
- FDI activities mainly in manufacturing industries, but there is very little investment in Vietnam’s strong industry (agri- culture, forestry, and fishery).
- With the above situation, the article “Impacts of FDI on economic development of Viet- nam in the period is necessary for research.
- The structure of the article is arranged as follows: In the Methodology section, the author will summarize the data collection method and access sources.
- In the next section, Resutl and Discussion, the author will focus on analyzing the current situation of FDI in Vietnam and its impact on the economic development of the coun- try.
- Finally, in the conclusion, the author will propose some solutions to overcome challenges and improve the investment environment..
- In orhter to learn about the impact of FDI on Vietnam’s economic development in the period the author used a research method to evaluate and synthesize scientific literature databases, journal articles, conference papers, books and other documentation, as the source of the utilized secondary data.
- (1) Evaluate the performance of FDI in Vietnam in the period .
- (2) Study the impact of FDI on Vietnam’s economic development in the period .
- (3) overcome challenges and improve the investment environment..
- Development of FDI inflows into Vietnam in the period of .
- During the period from 2010 to 2019, FDI inflows in Vietnam had grew steadily with the total number of accumulated FDI projects operating nationwide to December 30, 2019 is 31,428 projects, more than double the total cumulative FDI projects of 2010 which is 13,446 projects..
- Average growth next year compared to the previous year of this period is about 15%, reflecting the long-term and sustainable contribution of FDI to the domestic economy in this period.
- It is noticeable that the disbursement of FDI in recent years has reached a peak during the 30 years of attracting foreign direct investment in Vietnam.
- Specifically, in 2019, FDI disbursement reached 20.4 billion USD, an increase of about 85% compared to 2010, an average annual increase of about 6% showing the safety and long-term of FDI to economic growth of Vietnam.
- figure 1.1: FDI Inflows into Vietnam in the period 2010-219.
- Source: State Bank, General Statistics Office, Ministry of Planning and Investment The main FDI partners of Vietnam in the period are still countries with long-term diplomatic relations such as Japan, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and China.
- The imbalanced investment among regions can cause many consequences in Vietnam’s social development such as income disparity, disparity in quality of life among regions in the country..
- Source: GSO Figure 1.2: Foreign direct investment is licensed by major investment partners.
- Table 1.1: Foreign direct investment is licensed by locality (Accumulation of projects still valid until December 31, 2019).
- Source: Ministry of Planning and Investment Vietnam’s most FDI investment sectors are manufacturing and processing industry and service, while agriculture, forestry and fishery – strengths of Vietnam has not received adequate attention, causing an imbalance in the investment sector of foreign businesses.
- Source: GSO Figure 1.3: Foreign direct investment is licensed by economic sector.
- The impact of FDI on the economic development of Vietnam.
- The impact of FDI on the economi growth of Vietnam.
- In the period the contribution of the FDI sector to Vietnam’s GDP increased over the years, on average of 6.8% per year.
- Specially in 2012, the proportion of the FDI sector contributed to Vietnam’s GDP increased sharply by nearly 45% compared to 2011.
- Stable in the political.
- This demonstrates that foreign direct investment sector play particularly important role in the economic growth of the country..
- Source: GSO Figure 2.1: Contribution of the FDI sector to GDP by.
- economic sector in the period .
- The impact of FDI on total social investment capital.
- Source: GSO, Foreign Investment Department Figure 2.2: Contribution of the FDI sector to total social.
- investment capital in the period .
- The value of the FDI sector’s contribution to Vietnam’s total social investment capital has increased over the period, from 214,505 billion VND in 2010 to 469,441 billion VND in 2019, more than doubling.
- In recent years, FDI inflows not only contribute to the total capital, but also play an important role in promoting the growth of the State economic sector and the non-State economic sector, orienting development for the whole industry and enhancing the country’s eco- nomic growth..
- Impact of FDI on import and export.
- The FDI sector has made a significant contribution to Vietnam’s export.
- Specifically, export turnover has increased steadily from 39,152.4 million USD, occupied 52.2% of the total export turnover of Vietnam in 2010, up to 173,963.7 million USD, contributing 71 , 4% of the total export turnover in 2018..
- However, the FDI sector also imports significantly, accounting for about 50% of the total import turnover of the country on average in the whole period.
- Therefore, despite contributing a large proportion in export turnover, FDI sector has not really created value-added for the economy as expected..
- Source: GSO Figure 2.3: Import-export turnover and contribution proportion.
- of the FDI sector in the period .
- The impacts of FDI on workforce.
- In recent years, the FDI sector has created many job opportunities for Vietnamese workers..
- Specifically, the number of employees working in FDI enterprises increased from 1,727 employ- ees in 2010, accounting for 3.5% of the total number of employees in the country, to 4,538 em-.
- ployees, accounting for 8.4% in 2018.
- Currently, FDI enterprises still take advantage of the abun- dant labor force in Vietnam to serve mainly for labor-intensive stages such as outsourcing and assembly.
- Even leading technology companies such as Sumsung, Apple or Cannon still mainly produce input components in Vietnam, but produce finished products in other countries, which bring low added value-added to the country.
- Source: GSO Figure 2.4: Number and proportion of employees.
- of the FDI sector compare to the total number of employees nationwide.
- Source: GSO Figure 2.5: Labor productivity of all economic sectors (In comparision with 2010).
- The impacts of FDI on technology transfer.
- FDI enterprises have contributed significantly to improve the technological advances in Vietnam.
- the spillover effect on the technology level of the foreign investment sector has significantly contributed to the industrialization and modernization of the country..
- However, looking at the two charts below showing that the level of modernization and up- dating of technologies transferred from FDI sector into Vietnam is still very low, focusing mainly on the transfer of medium or low advanced technologies.
- In the period in general, FDI inflows of foreign direct investment have a steady increase, playing an important role in the growth of the Vietnam’s socio-economic devel- opment.
- However, in order to attract more quality projects and take advantage of foreign invest- ment capital for the country’s economy progress, Vietnam needs to have solutions to overcome challenges and improve the investment environment..
- Figure 2.6: Technology transfer rate.
- of FDI projects in Vietnam in 2017 Figure 2.7: Technology transfer rate of FDI projects in Vietnam in 2019.
- Secondly, restructure the foreign investment capital to suit the requirements of the country’s economic development.
- Vietnam needs to orient and encourage FDI enterprises to invest in the strong fields of the country such as argriculture, textiles, footwear, fishing,… and have policies to distribute FDI capital equally to other different localities and regions across the country in order to minimize social problems..
- Thirdly, in order to improve the trade balance of the FDI sector, the Gorvernment should aim to develop supporting industries producing input materials for domestic production.
- This can reduce the production costs of FDI enterprises, at the same time reduce their import turnover, improve the trade balance, and bring value-added to the domestic economy..
- Fifth, the Gorvernment needs to orient and encourage FDI enterprises to invest in high- tech industries such as information technology, electronics and telecommunications, automa- tion,… for the industrialization and modernization process of Vietnam.
- Tính hai mặt của đầu tư trực tiếp nước ngoài.
- Đánh giá tác động giữa vốn đầu tư trực tiếp nước ngoài FDI và tăng trưởng kinh tế Việt Nam.
- Quan hệ lao động tại các doanh nghiệp có vốn đầu tư nước ngoài và những vấn đề đặt ra.
- Cơ sở dữ liệu của Bộ kế hoạch đầu tư, Cục đầu tư nước ngoài:.
- Tạp chí Kinh tế và dự báo.
- Gần 32 tỷ USD vốn FDI được “rót” vào Việt Nam trong 11 tháng.
- Chuyển giao công nghệ sau 30 năm thu hút đầu tư FDI.
- Điều “kỳ lạ” về năng suất lao động Việt Nam: Khu vực Nhà nước đứng đầu, tiếp đến là FDI, còn tư nhân là bét bảng.
- So sánh khu vực kinh tế tư nhân và kinh tế nhà nước: Ai đang là chủ đạo?.
- GSO (2019), Báo cáo Năng suất lao động của Việt Nam: Thực trạng và giải pháp, NXB Thống kê, Hà Nội..
- GSO (2019), Báo cáo Tình hình kinh tế xã hội năm 2018, NXB Thống kê, Hà Nội..
- Tầm quan trọng của khu vực FDI đối với phát triển kinh tế - xã hội Việt Nam.
- Thực trạng chính sách ưu đãi thu hút FDI vào Việt Nam hiện nay.
- Thu hút FDI: Việt Nam nên học bài Trung Quốc?.
- Tác động của đầu tư trực tiếp nước ngoài tới tăng trưởng kinh tế ở Việt Nam.
- Tác động của đầu tư trực tiếp nước ngoài đến bất bình đẳng thu nhập ở Việt Nam: Thực trạng và khuyến nghị.
- Đầu tư trực tiếp nước ngoài: Một số vấn đề về thực trạng và giải pháp.
- Viện nghiên cứu quản lý kinh tế Trung Ương..
- Ảnh hưởng của dòng vốn nước ngoài và độ mở thương mại đến tăng trưởng kinh tế.
- Giải pháp ứng phó với những biến động của dòng vốn đầu tư nước ngoài vào Việt Nam.
- Lương Xuân Dương (2019), Đầu tư trực tiếp nước ngoài vào Việt Nam giai đoạn và một số giải pháp, Tạp chí Tài chính.

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