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Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of PUB genes in cotton

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- Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of PUB genes in cotton.
- Prediction analysis of subcellular localization showed that the PUBs in cotton were widely localized in cells, but primarily in the nucleus.
- All PUB genes were involved in the response to abiotic stresses (including salt, drought, hot and cold) to varying degrees..
- In the pathway, E3 is critical for the.
- Full list of author information is available at the end of the article.
- identification of the specific substrate protein and can be found in the most species [3].
- In Arabidopsis , there are more than 1400 genes encoding functional components of the ubiquitination pathway, of which approximately 90%.
- Previous studies reported 64 PUBs were identified in Arabidopsis [9], 77 in rice [10], 33 in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [11], 101 in Chinese cabbage [12] and 125 in soybean [13], indicating that PUB genes are widely distributed in plants.
- Approximately 50 cotton species were distributed in arid and semi- arid regions of the tropic and subtropics, which were pre- sumed to have originated from the same ancestor 50 to 100 million years ago [19].
- The number of PUB genes in tetraploid cottons was twice as high as that in diploid cottons, showing that PUB genes were relatively conser- vative.
- The essential information about the gene name, chromosome locations, length of the open reading frame (ORF), type of protein domain, position of the U-box domain and subcellular localizations of these gene family members could be found in additional files (Additional file 2: Table S2, Additional file 3: Table S3, Additional file 4: Table S4 and Additional file 5: Table S5).
- The length of the PUB protein sequence in the cotton ranged from 49 to 1492 AA, and the U-box domain contained approximately 75 amino acids.
- However, the length of the U-box domain was almost identical except for a few PUBs.
- Results of the subcellular localization analysis showed PUB pro- teins could be found throughout the cell, including nu- clear, cytoplasmic, chloroplast, plasma membrane, mitochondrial, and extracellular locations.
- Structure and evolution analysis of PUBs in cotton A Gene structure diagram of the PUBs and an evolution tree were constructed (Additional file 6: Fig.
- S2, Additional file 8: Fig.
- Based on the evolutionary relationship, the PUB genes could be categorized into.
- Among these subgroups, subgroup I was composed of the domains “U-box + ARM” and.
- “U-box only”, and the remaining subgroups were com- posed of the other domains.
- The exon number of PUB genes in cotton was greatly divergent, ranging from 1 to 25.
- Among all the PUBs, approximately 1/3 of the PUBs contained only one exon.
- Generally, the evolutionary rela- tionship is correlated with gene structure in some way, that is, exons with the more similarities in terms of the number and size of the exon, have a closer evolutionary relationship..
- hirsutum , the length of GhPUB1A is 47 Kb, much lar- ger than the other PUB genes, which may be correlated with the assembly and annotation of the cotton genome.
- Chromosomal localization analysis of PUB genes in three cotton genomes.
- The MapInspect software was used to analyze the localization of PUB genes on the chromosomes based on the position information.
- These re- sults indicated that only a few genes were present on chromosomes 3, 4, and 12, and the chromosome 5 con- tained the highest number of PUB genes (11 PUBs).
- In addition, PUB genes on chromosomes and 12 were preferentially enriched towards the end of the chromosome.
- All of 96 PUB genes identified in G.
- arboretum , chromosome 1 containing the most PUB genes (up to 14) and chromosome 3 con- taining the least PUB genes (only 2).
- In addition, the length of chromosome 5 was approximately 6 Mb, how- ever 9 PUB genes were found on it, presenting the high- est distribution density.
- hirsutum of the PUB genes were anchored onto chromosomes, as shown in Fig.
- 2, among which 82 and 87 genes were found in the At- and Dt- subgenome, respectively.
- The number of PUB genes on chromosome D07 was the most and chromosome D08 was the least compared with Table 1 Domain organizations of PUB proteins in cotton.
- 1 Locations of PUB genes on chromosomes in G.
- a, Locations of PUB genes on chromosomes in G.
- b, Locations of PUB genes on chromosomes in G.
- 2 Locations of PUB genes on chromosomes in in G.
- hirsutum (Additional file 11:.
- These results indicated that the PUB genes were equally distributed in At- and Dt- subgenomes but un- evenly localized on each chromosome, which may be correlated with the differentiation of these species..
- Fragment duplications in the genome region may result in the scattering of the gene family members.
- In the study, BLAST2.2.31+ (ftp://ftp.ncbi..
- nlm.nih.gov/blast/executables /blast+/LATEST/) was used for BLASTN and BLASTP (value 10) screening of homolo- gous gene pairs from the cotton PUB genes identified.
- The uneven distribution of PUB genes on the chromosome may be correlated with the gene duplication or partial fragment replication events during the long evolutionary history of the cotton genome.
- Each time the replication event occurs, the entire genetic sequence of the cotton is doubled, and over time, these redundant genes are recombined or lost [23]..
- Based on the multiple sequence alignment of the encoding sequences and the proteins in diploid cotton, 18 and 27 homologous gene-pairs were discovered with MCScanX [28] in G.
- hirsutum , among which were located in the Dt-subgenome, and 191 homologous gene-pairs were found in both G.
- hirsutum , among of which were lo- cated in the At-subgenome.
- Expression pattern analysis of PUB genes in cotton Based on previous transcriptome data of the PUBs under different stresses (including salt, drought, hot and cold) in G.
- hirsutum and 119 PUB genes were found with FPKM >.
- Among all the PUB genes, approximately 21 non-expressed PUB genes were identi- fied in three tissues, and they may be associated with other specific regulation functions.
- All the PUB genes were categorized into five subgroups (I, II, III, IV and V), and similar expression patterns were found among all PUB genes (Additional file 14: Fig.
- In subgroup I, 18 PUB genes with pro- found expression differences were discovered.
- in addition, other PUB genes in subgroup II- IV were found to have a consistent expression pattern under dif- ferent stresses.
- However, 4 PUB genes ( GhPUB32A - GhPUB38D) in subgroup V showed a small expression difference under different stresses..
- To investigate the functions of the homolo- gous genes in cotton, qRT-PCR was used to investigate the expression difference in G.
- Fifteen days after the VIGS infection, albino leaves of the positive control plants were observed, and all newly-emerged leaves were white in the later stage, while the others were normal with no albino leaves (Fig.
- In this study, bio- informatics analysis was performed on allotetraploid cot- ton genomes AD 1 and AD2, and diploid cotton genomes A 2 and D 5 , and finally a total of 582 PUB genes were identified, including 185 genes in AD 1 genome, 208 in AD2 genome, 96 in A 2 genome, and 93 in D 5 genome, indicating that it was a relatively conserved family in.
- raimondii has undergone at least two complete genome-wide replications [24, 30], resulting in an uneven distribution of the PUB genes on the chromo- somes, and over the time of the cotton evolution, some genes are reassembled or lost.
- The results also showed that 19 of the 96 PUB genes in G.
- arboreum were gener- ated through tandem repeats, which was one of the main reasons for the expansion of this gene family.
- The classification of PUB protein differs from that of the other gene families - it depends not only on U-box homology but also on domains other than U-box do- mains [34].
- The evolutionary relationship of PUB genes between different cotton species is close, and the genetic structure in cotton is highly conserved.
- During the process of cotton evolution, in addition to the U-box do- main, some other domains retained the basic functions of the family and enriched the diversity of PUB genes..
- Gene structure analysis showed that exon number of PUB genes varied greatly from 1 to 25, which might be due to the directional evolution in the function and structure of PUB genes during the long evolutionary his- tory.
- All PUB genes could be divided into five subgroups (I-V) in each species according to the evolutionary rela- tionship, which was different with the classification of.
- In the study, subgroup II and IV were found containing only 4 and 2 PUB genes, respectively.
- In this study, 89% of PUB genes were differentially expressed in three tissues under salt, drought, cold and hot stresses, which also proved that PUB genes played important roles in.
- Many studies have shown that PUB genes play an im- portant role in the process of stress responses in plants..
- In this study, two homologous PUB genes GhPUB85A and GhPUB45D were discovered with the same length of ORFs, type of protein, and subcellular lo- calizations.
- In addition, these two PUB genes GhPUB85A and GhPUB45D were cloned and functionally evaluated.
- The results in this study laid a foundation for the further study of PUB genes of in cotton in future..
- All CDS sequences identified and the genome sequence of the PUBs were used to analyze the gene structure with software GSDS2.0 [26].
- Multi-sequence alignment of the PUBs was carried out by ClustalX1.83, and Neighbor-Joining (NJ) method [45] was used to construct a phylogenetic tree in MEGA6.0 [27]..
- GFF (general feature format) information of the cotton PUBs were obtained from the genome annotation files..
- The first strand was synthesized according to the instructions of the TransScript One-step gDNA Removal and cDNA Syn- thesis Supermix kit.
- Additional file 1 Table S1.
- Primers used in the manuscript..
- Additional file 2 Table S2.
- Additional file 3 Table S3.
- Additional file 4 Table S4.
- Additional file 5 Table S5.
- Additional file 6 Fig.
- Additional file 7 Fig.
- Additional file 8 Fig.
- Additional file 9 Fig.
- Additional file 10 Fig.
- Additional file 12 Fig.
- Additional file 13 Fig.
- Additional file 14 Fig.
- Additional file 15 Fig.
- CC made contributions to the language polishing and modifications in the manuscript.
- All authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript..
- The lore of the RINGs: substrate recognition and catalysis by ubiquitin ligases.
- Genome-wide survey and expression analysis of the PUB family in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp.
- Genome sequence of the cultivated cotton Gossypium arboreum..
- Evolution of the protein repertoire.
- Selection in the evolution of gene duplications.
- Genome-wide identification and analysis of the stress-resistance function of the TPS (Trehalose- 6-phosphate synthase) gene family in cotton.
- Identification and expression profile analysis of the protein kinase gene superfamily in maize development.
- Extent of gene duplication in the genomes of Drosophila, nematode, and yeast

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