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Mining ancient microbiomes using selective enrichment of damaged DNA molecules

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- Additionally, the relative enrichment of taxa in the uracil enriched fraction can help to identify bona fide ancient microbial taxa that could be missed using a more targeted approach..
- Conclusions: Our experiments show, that in addition to its use in enriching authentic endogenous DNA of organisms of interest, the selective enrichment of damaged DNA molecules can be a valuable tool in the discovery of ancient microbial taxa..
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- from hominids has been exploited as a source of ancient microbiomes and analyzed in the context of diet and life- style changes [7–9], whereas coprolites have been used to investigate ecological interactions between animals and microorganisms [10].
- One of the most typical features of aDNA is the presence of uracils (Us) that ori- ginate from post-mortem deamination of cytosines (Cs), especially in single-stranded overhangs at molecule ends [11].
- However, the method seems to be specially suited to study micro- biomes, due to the inherent difficulty to authenticate their ancient origin.
- a Relative enrichment (number of reads) in the U-enriched relative to the U-depleted fraction from Vindija Neandertal assigned to the phyla Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria, as well as to Homo sapiens.
- b Relative enrichment (number of reads) in the U-enriched relative to the U-depleted fraction from Sidrón Neandertal assigned to the phyla Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria, as well as to Homo sapiens.
- The size of the circle represents the amount of reads assigned to the node displayed in the tree or to any taxonomic level below it..
- Assignments to the phyla Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria, as well as the species Streptosporangium roseum and Homo sapiens are named in the taxonomic tree.
- from Vin- dija Cave, Croatia, this proportion increased in the Uracil-enriched fraction [15].
- To explore this effect further, we re-analyzed the previously generated Nean- derthal sequence data from both sites by performing taxonomic binning of reads derived from the U-depleted and U-enriched fractions, instead of aligning them only to the human reference genome, as had been done pre- viously.
- Reads aligning to the two most abundant bacter- ial phyla (Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria) from the Vindija Neandertals were enriched in the U-depleted fraction, while hominid reads were enriched in the U- enriched fraction (Fig.
- In contrast, in reads obtained from the El Sidrón Neandertals, we found enrichment of both hominid and Actinobacteria reads in the U-enriched fraction, whereas Proteobacteria reads were enriched in the U-depleted fraction (Fig.
- 1c), which showed almost 50% deamination at the first base in the U- enriched fraction (Fig.
- illustrates how U-selection permits distinguishing be- tween ancient bacteria enriched in the U-enriched frac- tion and more recent colonizers enriched in the U- depleted fraction..
- U-selection suc- cessfully enriched for deaminated molecules in all plant samples, as shown by the much higher levels of deamin- ation present in the U-enriched fraction compared with the dsDNA libraries and the U-depleted fraction (Fig..
- The plant samples showed substantial variation in the content of endogenous DNA (2.8–91.
- The inability to taxonomically assign the vast majority of reads from sam- ples with low endogenous DNA reflects the incomplete- ness of the reference database compared to the diversity of the microbiomes in those samples.
- This is reflected in the higher percentage of reads mapped and assigned from the dsDNA library compared with shorter reads derived from both the U-depleted and U-enriched fraction (Figures S1C,D and S2A-B).
- Given the low compositional complexity of microor- ganisms in the samples included in our proof-of- principle experiment, instead of centering our analyses on the compositional assessment of microbial communi- ties, we investigated in detail samples in which a specific Table 1 Provenance of herbarium specimens and archaeological remains.
- We identified a large number of reads that were assigned to the bacter- ium Pantoea vagans in a potato (Solanum tuberosum) and a maize (Zea mays) sample (Fig.
- vagans with pub- licly available genomes using single nucleotide polymor- phisms (SNPs) ascertained in these modern samples, and genotyped in the U-depleted fraction of either speci- men.
- In a potato sample where the pathogenic oomycete Phytophthora infestans was previously identified [6], we found a large portion of reads assigned to the bacterial genus Pseudomonas.
- While most reads were classified only to the genus level, some reads were assigned to ei- ther the species Pseudomonas syringae or Pseudomonas rhizosphaerae in different proportions (Figure S3).
- Therefore, we performed de novo assembly using reads assigned to the genus Pseudomonas, aiming to generate longer sequences (con- tigs) that allow more detailed taxonomic classification..
- We aligned the contigs to the reference genomes of P..
- 3 Characterization of the bacterium Pantoea vagans identified in Zea mays and Solanum tuberosum samples.
- The size of the circle represents the amount of reads assigned to the node displayed in the tree or to any taxonomic level below it.
- found different k-mer coverage distributions in contigs aligning uniquely to either genome (Figure S5), an ob- servation that reinforced our confidence in the presence of the two Pseudomonas species in this sample.
- Due to the high level of sequence divergence between the Pseudomonas in our sample and the reference genomes present in the database, it is difficult to assess typical de- amination patterns in the dsDNA library (Fig.
- vagans, U- selection increases the fraction of molecules carrying a ter- minal C-to-T substitution at the 5′-end 2–3 fold over the li- brary without enrichment, relative to the total number of molecules sequenced.
- Reads were aligned to the full non-redundant NCBI nucleo- tide collection (nt) database (downloaded January 2015) using MALT (version in BlastN mode.
- The reads were assigned to the NCBI taxonomy using a lowest common ancestor algorithm [37]..
- All types of nucleotide substitutions relative to the refer- ence genome were calculated per library using mapDam- age 2.0 (v.
- vagans was detected in the metagenomic screening.
- The libraries were mapped to the P.
- These assemblies were aligned to the reference genome using minimap2 (version 2.10-r764, [44]) and its “asm20”.
- strains in a Solanum tuberosum historic herbarium sample, we extracted from this library all reads that were taxonomically assigned to the Pseudomonas genus or to inferior taxonomic levels within it.
- Supplementary information accompanies this paper at https://doi.org/10..
- Correlation of the percentage of mapped reads between the U-enriched and the non-selected library D.
- Correlation of the percentage of taxonomically assigned reads between the U-enriched and the non-selected library E.
- Reads assigned to some species Phytophthora infestans, Pseudomonas syringae and Pseudomonas rhizosphaerae, as well as the genera Pseudomonas and Solanum are named in the taxonomic tree..
- We thank Verena Schuenemann for help in the laboratory.
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