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High-density genetic linkage map construction and cane cold hardiness QTL mapping for Vitis based on restriction siteassociated DNA sequencing

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- construction and cane cold hardiness QTL mapping for Vitis based on restriction site- associated DNA sequencing.
- Background: Cold hardiness is an important agronomic trait and can significantly affect grape production and quality.
- Until now, there are no reports focusing on cold hardiness quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping.
- Grapevine cane phloem and xylem cold hardiness of the experimental material was detected using the low-temperature exotherm method in and 2018.
- Based on QTL results, candidate genes which may be involved in grapevine cold hardiness were selected..
- The cold hardiness QTL mapping and candidate gene discovery performed in this study provide an important reference for molecular-assisted selection in grapevine cold hardiness breeding..
- These wild Vitis species have been used in grapevine breeding pro- grams for the selection of new cold hardiness cultivars..
- An alternative strategy is cultivating cold hardiness resistance cultivars through traditional cross- breeding.
- [33–44], architecture of the grapevine cluster [45], fruit yield and quality [46, 47], seed weight and number [48], flower sex fertility [51], inflorescence morphology [26], timing and duration of flowering and of veraison [34, 52]..
- No studies have focused on QTL mapping of grape cane cold hardiness.
- showed weak cold hardiness and cultivar ‘Zuoyouhong’.
- amur- ensis showed high cold hardiness.
- A high-density linkage map was constructed, and cane cold hardiness QTL mapping was carried out considering with 3 years of cold hardiness phenotype data.
- This study will provide a foundation for MAS in grapevine cane cold hardiness breeding..
- Cane cold hardiness analysis.
- Grapevine cane samples from and 2018 of the two parents and 181 individuals were identified by differential thermal analysis.
- These values (mean value of three replicates per geno- type) showed continuous variation, indicating the grape- vine cold hardiness as a typical quantitative trait controlled by polygenes.
- Clean read number distributions of the 181 hybrid offspring shown in Additional file 2: Fig.
- In this study, the average sequencing depths of ‘Cabernet sauvignon’ and ‘Zuoyouhong’ were 24.01 and 19.40, re- spectively, the sequencing depth distribution of the hy- brid offspring is shown in Additional file 2: Fig.
- A total of 11,643 SNP markers were anchored into 19 linkage groups of the paternal parent with a total genetic length of 1791.21 cM.
- For the male map, nearly half of the linkage groups contained the regions of Gap >.
- QTL mapping and candidate genes involved in grapevine cold hardiness.
- A major QTL related to LTP was identified on LG15, corresponding to the confidence interval of 52.42 cM–68.94 cM, explained 7.33% of the total phenotypic variation (Table 4 and Fig.
- QTL related to LTX was identified on LG2, corresponding to the confidence interval of 59.32 cM–74.88 cM, explained 9.38% of the total phenotypic variation (Table 5 and Fig.
- R 2 represents the individual contribution of one QTL to the variation in cold hardiness.
- Cold hardiness phenotypic determination.
- Based on our observation, the cold hardiness value of the offspring showed extensive continuous variation and provides an important population material for cold hardi- ness QTL mapping.
- vinifera L., the average value of LTP and LTX were − 21.10 °C and − 31.20 °C.
- 4 QTL mapping of grapevine cane cold hardiness.
- amurensis was the most re- sponsive species to temperature fluctuations and showed strong cold hardiness [55, 56], this was the same to our ob- servation.
- In this study, cold hardiness was identified by low-temperature exotherm method, which shows much higher accuracy than traditional electrical conductivity method and has been widely utilized in apple, red maple, walnut, grape, and other woody plants [55–61]..
- SNP marker detec- tion and screening revealed and 25,917 SNP markers anchored in female, male, and integrated maps with average genetic distances of adjacent makers Table 6 Candidate genes related to cane cold hardiness resistance.
- Collinearity is an important indicator of the quality of a linkage map and is based on the marker order in linkage maps compared to the locations on the reference grapevine genome (Fig.
- Tello et al..
- Zhu et al., 2018 also found that long physical distance can also related to large gaps [12].
- Based on the pheno- typic data of cane cold hardiness and constructed gen- etic map, we totally found 6 QTLs on integrated map..
- According to the previous studies, candidate genes in- volved in the stable QTL regions may play important role in grapevine resistance to cold hardiness..
- The identification of the most relevant genes would provide some references for understanding the molecular mechanisms operating in grapevine cold hardiness.
- Finally, this study was first to localize two major reproducible QTLs and can provide important reference for grapevine cold hardiness breeding..
- We first identified six QTLs associated with grape cane phloem and xylem cold hardiness.
- Based on the preliminary QTL mapping results, we detected four candidate genes that may be involved in regulating cold hardiness in grapevine.
- Until now, there are no reports of grape cold hardiness QTL mapping, thus, these results will provide a reference for future studies, and we will continue to conduct grapevine cold hardiness research based on our results in combination with other biological technologies such as transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics approaches.
- The results in our study will provide an im- portant theoretical basis for grapevine cold hardiness breeding..
- Cane phloem and xylem cold hardiness identification The low-temperature exotherm method was used to identify cold hardiness.
- After that, the cold hardiness de- tection was conducted.
- In this study, the temperature values at site B and C were recognised as the lethal temperature of phloem and xylem, and these values were used for grapevine cold hardiness evaluation..
- The clean read data size of the two parents was 10 Gb and the data size of each offspring were 1 Gb (Q30 >.
- at least of one of the two parents possessed a heterozygous genotype.
- Cold hardiness QTL mapping and candidate gene identification.
- Clean read number and average sequencing depth distribution of the 181 hybrid offspring..
- HX and FZ performed cold hardiness detection and ZL and KL contributed to data analysis.
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