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Một số giải pháp Marketing nhằm đẩy mạnh thu hút khách du lịch bằng tàu biển đến Việt Nam

Tóm tắt Xem thử

- Thesis of the master degree in business administration Hanoi Polytechnics University Nguyen Lam Nguyen: CH 2006-2008 Faculty of Economics and Management SUMMARY Subject: MARKETING SOLUTIONS TO PROMOTE TOURIST TO VIETNAM BY CRUISES Objectives: To evaluate current situation and development potentiality of cruise tourist to Vietnam.
- to apply theoretical and practical marketing knowledge by finding out reasonable, practical, actual and detailed solutions in order to attract international cruise tourist to Vietnam Thesis content: The thesis consists of three chapters as follows: Chapter 1: Some theoretical surroundings on tourism marketing Chapter 2: Evaluation of the current situation and development potentiality of cruise tourism in Vietnam Chapter 3: Marketing solutions to promote tourist to Vietnam by cruises Outputs of the thesis: The thesis came up with analysis of present development of cruise tourism in Vietnam in term of exploring and operation.
- Based on the analysis results, the thesis focuses on marketing solutions to increase the number of cruise visitors to Vietnam, especially solutions on defining target markets, product policies and promotion activities.
- New contributions: Discussed issues of the thesis are in line with the development direction of the country in general and Vietnam cruise tourism industry in particular with 2 proposed solutions.
- To deploy cruise service centers in major port of calls in Vietnam to provide high end conditions for cruises coming to Vietnam Thesis of the master degree in business administration Hanoi Polytechnics University Nguyen Lam Nguyen: CH 2006-2008 Faculty of Economics and Management - Regional cooperation to build up and advert the image of Vietnam and Vietnam tourism to cruise tourists and cruise lines Other issues need be solved: Due to the limitation of time and size of a MBA thesis, the thesis is mainly focuses on primary analysis to come up with some directive solutions with the use of several reference figures and data.
- Recommendations: Tourism and Cruise tourism are now defined as the key points need to be put on priority in Vietnam.
- The development of cruise tourism will push up the development of the industry, regions and the whole country.
- Government, Vietnam Administration of Tourism should have policies and action to support to cruise tourism.
- Enterprises and local administrative should survey and study carefully so as the valuable potential tourism resources of Vietnam can be exploited fruitfully and protected at the same time Hanoi, 15th, September, 2008 Nguyen Lam Nguyen

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