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Lecture International Economics - Chapter 17: International Banking: Reserves, Debt, and Risk

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- Nature of International Reserves.
- International reserves.
- Enable nations to finance disequilibrium in their balance-of-payments positions.
- Settled with international reserves.
- Enable nations to sustain temporary balance-of-payments deficits.
- Demand for International Reserves.
- Demand for international reserves.
- Monetary value of international transactions.
- Disequilibrium that can arise in balance-of- payments positions.
- Speed and strength of the balance-of- payments adjustment mechanism.
- Overall institutional framework of the world economy.
- Exchange-rate flexibility.
- Changes in the degree of exchange-rate flexibility.
- Inversely related to changes in the quantity of international reserves demanded.
- When exchange rates are fixed (pegged) by monetary authorities, international reserves are necessary for the financing of payment imbalances and the stabilization of exchange rates..
- With floating exchange rates, payment imbalances tend to be corrected by market-induced fluctuations in the exchange rate.
- the need for exchange-rate stabilization and international reserves then disappears..
- international reserves and exchange-rate flexibility.
- The less will be its need for international reserves.
- Reduce the demand for international reserves.
- Quantity demanded of international reserves.
- Positively related to the level of world prices and income.
- Supply of International Reserves.
- Total supply of international reserves.
- continued to provide reserves to the world through its payments deficits.
- ON Should SDRs replace the dollar as the world’s.
- reserve currency?.
- Main reserve currency in the world today.
- Volatility of the dollar.
- 2009, China - Special Drawing Right (SDR) to replace the dollar.
- Based on a basket of currencies instead of just the dollar.
- China - cushion any depreciation in the dollar’s exchange value.
- Support aggregate demand in the world.
- Economic welfare of the world should not depend on the behavior of a single.
- SDR is backed by nothing other than the good faith and credit of the IMF.
- Who would determine the “right price” of the SDR?.
- International means of payments.
- Fixed relation to the monetary stock of gold.
- Growth in the money supply.
- At a rate that corresponded to the growth in real national output.
- Required citizens to turn in their private holdings to the U.S.
- To economize on monetary gold stocks as international reserves.
- The dollar - chief reserve currency of the international monetary system.
- The dollar – convertible to gold.
- All other currencies – pegged to the dollar.
- balance-of-payments position.
- In addition to the dollar and gold.
- Main function: unit of account of the IMF and some other international organizations.
- Some of the IMF’s member nations peg their currency values to the SDR.
- The weights of the currencies reflect the amount of exports and imports of these countries during the previous five years.
- Reverse the transaction when the balance-of- payments position improves.
- Do not provide a permanent increase in the supply of world reserves.
- adaptable to the needs of deficit nations.
- The probability that part or all of the interest or principal of a loan will not be repaid.
- The Problem of International Debt.
- Resulting from the huge increases in the price of oil.
- macroeconomic policies that contribute to large balance-of-payments deficits.
- Stability of the international financial system.
- Loan sales to other banks in the secondary market.
- Government of the debtor nation buys the.
- Commercial bank sells its loans at a discount to the developing-nation government.
- For local currency, which it then uses to finance an equity investment in the debtor nation.
- Use of negotiated modifications in the terms and conditions of the contracted debt.
- contractual obligations of the debtor nation.
- Three-fourths of the volume of transactions.
- Eurodollars increase the efficiency of international trade and finance

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