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Lecture Computer Networks: Architecture and Protocols - Lesson 5

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- End-to-end working of the Internet.
- Today: Lay the foundation for rest of the course.
- End-to-end principle.
- First time I learnt these, I said — what the.
- Maps name of the web site to its address using DNS.
- Recap: the end-to-end story.
- End-to-End Principle.
- Fate-Sharing.
- Breakdown end-to-end functionality into tasks.
- Transport (L4): (Reliable) end-to-end delivery.
- An end-to-end view of the layers.
- If a funcdon can completely and correctly be implemented only with the knowledge and help of the applicadon standing at the endpoints of the communicadon system,.
- then providing that funcdon as a feature of the communicadon system itself is not possible..
- Somedmes providing an incomplete version of that funcdon as a feature of the communicadon system itself may be useful as a performance.
- End-to-end Principle.
- End-to-end Principle: an example.
- Does that ensure end-to-end (application-to-application) reliability?.
- End-to-end Principle: lets read again.
- End-to-end implementation.
- End-to-end Principle (Interpretation).
- End-to-end Principle (Three things to know).
- Fate-sharing.
- Note that the end-to-end principle relied on “fate-sharing”.
- Only way failure can cause loss of the critical state is if the entity that cares about it also fails.
- Dictated by End-to-End Principle.
- Some of the missing issues

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