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Improving quality of distribution services in Unilever company Vietnam

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- Unilever Vietnam is one of the leading businesses providing consumer goods with a network of wide distribution, diversity, therefore, to ensure the provision of distribution services with high quality to serve this customer is crucial to the survival of the enterprise.
- From the above problems, the authors believe that the study the influence of the quality components distribution services to the satisfaction of customers at Unilever Vietnam, then consider the impact associated with analyze and assess the status of distribution services at the company in order to make recommendations to enhance the quality of distribution services of Unilever Vietnam is a matter of implementation and reviews means in this context..
- International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO 8402, the service is the result generated by the operation of contact between suppliers with customers and internal operations of the suppliers to meet the needs of customers.
- Feigenbaum (1988), the quality of the decision of the customer based on practical experience with the product or service, measured based on the requirements of the customer, these requirements can be or not stated out, be conscious or simply feel, entirely subjective or professional nature in a competitive market.
- He explained that for the prediction of the best customer is identifying and understanding their expectations.
- The decisive factor in the quality of service.
- Service quality is measured by several factors and accurate identification of these factors depend on the nature of the service and research environment.
- Service quality model in the enterprise.
- Accordingly, the quality of services in general can not identify which depends on the customer's perception of the service and the comments are reviewed on many factors.
- SERVQUAL consider two main aspects of the quality of services is the result service and service providers, has been studied through 21 scale of five criteria: 1- the reliability, 2- response, 3- visible means, 4- capacity serving and 5- empathy..
- Spreng et al (1996), customer satisfaction is considered the cornerstone of the marketing concept of satisfying the needs and their wishes.
- Keller (2006), satisfaction is the degree of the state of feeling of a person stems from the comparative perception of a product compared to expectations of that person, satisfaction with three levels is felt received not satisfied, feel satisfied, feel as satisfying and enjoyable..
- The theory was developed by Oliver (1980) and is used to study customer satisfaction with the quality of the services or products of an organization.
- Through review of the researchers could see customer satisfaction as the impact on the target, the development strategy of the company.
- Customer needs are met is an important element to maintain long-term success of the business and business strategy suited to attract and retain customers (Zeithaml et al, 1996)..
- Westbrook (1993), quality of service affects the level of customer satisfaction.
- Causal relationships are key issues in most of the research on customer satisfaction..
- Distributed as intermediaries important in the process of circulation of goods, with nature is changing the geographical location of the goods, as a bridge between producers and consumers, creating a mismatch between supply and demand.
- Authors select models SERVQUAL model theory in the study of the influence of the quality of service to deliver to the customer's satisfaction.
- The scale SERVQUAL to measure the perception of the services through five service quality components, including reliability, responsiveness, service capacity, empathy &.
- However, results of inspection of the fact that quality of service is not consistent with each other in each of the services and the different markets where it has to be adjusted to suit each type of service and each regional market.
- Depending on specific characteristics of the types of services fast moving consumer goods distribution, the author will adjust the scale SERVQUAL to suit the characteristics of fast moving consumer goods industry in this particular study..
- so the risk of the product being replaced is very high, demanding ask the service distribution companies to ensure fast, accurately with high reliability to increase capacity to meet the investment and relentless research of new product..
- Also, according to the specific characteristics of the fast moving consumer goods sector, the company's customers are not just consumers, but rather half of those distributors.
- Especially in the retail channel modern companies suffered a small pressure, so the distribution services of the company bearing the task of paramount importance, not only to meet the expectations of customers goods but also empowering for distributors..
- In addition to the characteristics of the general distribution services, distribution services fast moving consumer goods in modern sales channel also has the following characteristics:.
- Fifth, revenue and reputation of customers depends largely on the quality of products as well as the reliability of the distribution service shown by the company to comply with from the outset what was pledged as delivery time, quantity of goods.
- Overview of Unilever Vietnam and characteristics of the company's customers 3.1.1.
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- Group customers of distribution channels modern retailers at home and abroad are operating in Vietnam, the product distribution of the company through the distribution centers, supermarkets, convenience stores.
- For products of the company have access to and consumption on distribution channels, the modern mid- corporate and retail businesses must have the "war".
- The results of the interviews show that customers are interested very much to the distribution services of the company as this is the issue directly affected the outcome of their business, 6 key factors that customers consider to be the the most important quality affecting distribution services company that is the criteria like the theoretical model, the model was adjusted SERVQUAL: 1- component products, 2- tangible means, 3- responsiveness, 4- service capacity, 5- reliability and 6- support services..
- Products: diversity, quality and safety for the users, the number of suppliers complete the request of customers, products are highly competitive compared to alternative products of the same type on the market..
- Vehicles tangible: the external image of the physical facilities, equipment, machinery, warehouse systems, distribution networks, communications systems of the company.
- Capacity serving: the elements that make up the trust, trust to customers, be felt through the professional services, knowledge expertise and ability to communicate well, so that customers feel peace of mind when using the services of the company..
- Service support: tell the customer support through the program support before and after purchase goods and products of the company..
- With models of the qualitative study, the authors used Likert scale 5 level to measure the value of variables.
- Analytical results from samples collected, tested the reliability of the scales using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and factor analysis to discover (Exploratory Factor Analysis - EFA)..
- Collecting data: research carried out 226 survey samples taken of the impact of the quality of service to deliver to the customer's satisfaction..
- Results assess the reliability of the observed variables of scale TPSP, PTHH, TDU, NLPV, TTC, DVHT, SHL has Cronbach's alpha >.
- correlation coefficients of the variables total variation observed in these variables >.
- 50%, satisfactory level of explanation of the observed variables to factor in..
- Results of the implementation of tests: KMO = 0.932.
- Results of the implementation of tests: KMO = 0.810.
- Coefficient Adjusted R 2 = 0.618 corrected, meaning 61.8% change of the dependent variable - SHL is explained by the independent variables such as PTHH, TTC, TDU, DVHT, TPSP and NLPV..
- In summary, all of the data collected is very good, ensuring standards in research using SPSS 20.0 software.
- Results achieved high reliability, based on the results of the regression analysis, the author will discuss and give implications to enhance the quality of product distribution services of Unilever Vietnam..
- The degree of influence of the components in the quality of service to deliver to the customer's satisfaction expressed by the following equation:.
- In the distribution of products, the benefit of the customer associated with the interests of the Company, particularly the interests of the customer depends on the company when the company holds the prestige of the commitment to the customer and security ensure mutual benefits..
- With distinct characteristics of the consumer goods industry fast, maybe due to the diversity and complexity of products has made it difficult for customers during transactions with the company, so the service customer support is indispensable, the real benefit to customers.
- May be due to many competing firms should be capable of serving the employees of the company have been enhanced to meet customer needs, so please do not differ too greatly between service capacity of the company and rivals.
- To improve satisfaction customer first companies to have policies to improve in order to improve the satisfaction of the employees of the company, focus from recruiting, training, professional services, business ethics for them, this is an important tool to bring satisfaction to our customers..
- Compared to research in the field of distribution of fast moving consumer goods at Unilever in 2012 by Vo Quoc Huy, there are some similarities and differences in results as compared with this study may be due context researchers have different economic environment, social change, including product and business policy of the company and distributors, this could lead to a change in judgment about the quality of service distribution customers.
- Therefore, we can see that the components of the service quality is not stable, depending on the field of study and research environment, in areas different services, the customer's perception of quality of the service that will be different..
- Based on the model the influence of the quality of service to deliver to the satisfaction of customers has been set in the qualitative study and the results from the quantitative study, the authors assessed the status service distribution of Unilever Vietnam..
- Visible means: outside is a reflection of the physical facilities, equipment, machinery, warehouse systems, distribution networks, communications systems of the company was rated as very modern and efficient..
- The distribution network of the company spans the country with 4 distribution centers located in South, Central, North and the Mekong region.
- Distribution system of the company to ensure distribution to customers in all of Vietnam..
- However, the company also encountered some issues:.
- The distribution center of the company through a distributor delivery through President truck offers many different partners in the market, quality problems have not been interested in cars and guaranteed..
- Unilever Vietnam today is recognized as one of the foreign-invested enterprises in Vietnam's most successful.
- However, due to policies to classify customers that the company is done based on sales made to companies making customers grossing less than that the company only investment priorities for large customers, this reduces the reliability of the company to them..
- Is a unified approach to help measure the quality of service across the company.
- Demonstrate satisfactory indicator % of the company in the transaction process..
- CCFOT also a process of analyzing root causes of problems encountered through understanding and analyzing the causes of the loss, which set out plans to handle.
- Forming and building a sense of responsibility for the loss of the individual services, departments..
- Customer care department of the company hotline Careline, all customer complaints are resolved worthy and timely discussion..
- Evaluation method of the company is subjective, there is a difference between the rating of the company itself compared with the assessment done from the client side..
- Support Services: in the distribution channels of modern customers are classified based on the criteria of the global contribution of sales, growth potential.
- Having to manage a variety of items with multiple categories so it is extremely complicated for the customer, so the program VMI, employees of the company will help customers manage inventories and ordering for the Unilever products in the supermarket..
- In the course of the transaction at the special moment as customers run large programs, the holidays.
- Ingredient production: Unilever product variety to customers to choose, in the current distribution channels, market share of Unilever's products are more than 50% of the items on display..
- Company frequently launches new products to meet the increasing demands of customers, the company product was rated as suitable for the needs of the market, there is high competition demonstrated by location the market share of the company products..
- Position (market share) in the.
- However, the company faced some difficulties in the process of distribution to customers:.
- Because of the diversity of products to compete with rivals only specialized in manufacturing a product difficult, some commodities risk losing market share..
- The staff of the company was rated as very professional.
- In recent years, Unilever Vietnam is losing employees have the skills and experience to rival due remuneration of the company for employees with seniority are no longer attractive compared with labor market..
- However, they have not really gone deep, understanding of the real difficulties of customers..
- The quality of customer service of the company has always been considered monthly, quarterly, together with our customers to receive ideas and enhance the quality of the corresponding service.
- Through that evaluation criteria reflect the service capacity of the staff, however, this criterion has not brought the link between service quality and customer satisfaction..
- The research results indicate that there are six factors that influence positively and closely related to the satisfaction of the customer in order of influence decreasing responsiveness, visible means, support services, signal reliability, service capability and product components.
- Responsiveness: the final results of the operation of an apparatus, to improve responsiveness requires parts of the company to improve coordination of all activities from production to storage and transport.
- Regardless of the client's assessment of the company's responsiveness to customers recorded, which set out the methods that overcome these shortcomings.
- Visible means: marketing staff as the representative of the company in front of customers, they need a stylish, professional service skills.
- In the process of negotiating with partners 3rd of transport services, required inspection procedures, review of service capability as well as have regulations on quality standards of the vehicles in order to quality supply of freight.
- Support Services: most customers are not aware of the support programs advanced that the company is applying for yourself, so, companies need a broad consultation process benefits of these programs to customers.
- Reliability: business policies should be consistent, clear and fair between partners, respect the commitments, the legitimate interests of the customer.
- building an image Unilever Vietnam development for the benefit of the community.
- Further promote the active customer care is also an activity to enhance the credibility of the company, increase satisfaction and customer engagement for companies..
- Ingredient production: should focus on investing in commodities is at risk of losing market share to competitors, there should be coordination between departments to devise competitive strategies appropriate to consolidate the market share of the product product on the market.
- When distributing new products, with special features, the company should have a policy to support information and counseling for distributors, for this information to clients final consumption, limited shortages understanding of the product.
- Enhance the quality of distribution services at Unilever Vietnam.
- Journal of the Academy of marketing Science, 24(1), 3.
- Quality of service-Making it really work.
- A cognitive model of the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction decisions.
- A reexamination of the determinants of consumer satisfaction

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