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Identification of candidate genomic regions for chicken egg number traits based on genome-wide association study

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- Identification of candidate genomic regions for chicken egg number traits based on.
- genome-wide association study.
- In the present study, in order to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the dramatic differences of egg number between commercial egg-type chickens and indigenous chickens, we performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) in a mixed linear model..
- Furthermore, we identified 32 candidate genes based on the function of the screened genes.
- These genes were found to be mainly involved in regulating hormones, playing a role in the formation, growth, and development of follicles, and in the development of the reproductive system.
- To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/..
- The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data..
- Full list of author information is available at the end of the article.
- At present, a few candidate genes and regions related to egg number have been reported based on GWAS technology [9, 11–16].
- According to the QTL database QTLs related to chicken economic traits have been identified, 332 of which are associated with egg number..
- When K = 2, Rhode Island Red and one of the White Leghorn groups (WL_YQ) appeared as two differentiated clusters.
- Genome-wide association study.
- After correction, we found 148 SNPs that could be asso- ciated with egg number (57 significantly, 91 suggestively) (Additional file 1: Table S1).
- The chi- square test was carried out to compare the allele fre- quencies of the significant SNPs identified in this region.
- 2 QQ plot and Manhattan of the egg number traits.
- In the top left of the QQ plot, λ is shown as 1.004.
- Table 1 Genome-wide SNPs around significant peaks associated with egg number traits.
- Table 1 Genome-wide SNPs around significant peaks associated with egg number traits (Continued).
- of the solute carrier family 25 (SLC25A29) is involved in the transport of amino acids.
- The results of the QQ plot and λ show that the correction effect is good, and there is no population stratification phenomenon..
- Four of the 148 QTLs in this study were those identi- fied in previous studies.
- AX-76715084 is located 0.046 Mb upstream of the GRXCR1 (glutaredoxin and cysteine-rich domain con- taining 1) gene on chromosome 4.
- Although these genes Table 1 Genome-wide SNPs around significant peaks associated with egg number traits (Continued).
- Table 2 Details for 32 candidate genes that influence egg number traits in different ways.
- Influencing the development of the reproductive system.
- These genes mainly affect egg number in three ways (Table 2).
- Some genes affect egg number traits by affecting the growth and development of follicles.
- KITLG plays an important role in the growth and development of follicles [21, 48].
- Therefore, it is reasonable to speculate that KITLG has an important impact on egg number traits..
- It is believed to be involved in the growth and reproduction of livestock [49].
- Liu et al..
- identified three SNPs in the GHRHR promoter that are significantly related to egg number traits in Beijing You chickens [24].
- Group Breeds Abbreviation Sample size Average annual egg number n Total b.
- This suggests that this region located on chromosome 12 and the ITPR1 gene may be important for chicken egg number traits.
- However, there is no concrete literature to prove that they are associated with egg number traits in chickens, thus further research is still required.
- At the same time, interestingly enough, a number of studies have detected regions associated with egg number traits on chromosome 5 [12, 15].
- In this study, we performed a GWAS based on the dif- ference of egg number between high productivity layers and Chinese indigenous chickens and identified a series of SNPs and candidate genes related to reproductive traits.
- Four of the SNP effects overlapped with previously reported QTL regions, which supports the results of this study.
- They were placed in the high egg productivity group in this study.
- The details of the samples are presented in Table 3..
- GWAS analyses of the egg number were performed using a univariate mixed linear model in GEMMA [56]..
- Therefore, in this study, we calculated the sum of the number of independent SNPs and LD blocks for correc- tion [59].
- This means that SNPs with P values below are considered and may be associated with egg number traits..
- ensembl.org/index.html) databases.
- In addition, regions within 100 kb of a candidate SNP were searched for previously reported QTLs with egg number, egg production or reproductive traits in the chicken QTL database (https://www.animalgenome.org/.
- The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi..
- org/10.1186/s .
- Genome-wide SNPs associated with egg number traits..
- Difference of the allele frequencies of the significant SNPs located at Mb on chromosome 5 between the high and low productivity groups..
- U and D represent that SNP located upstream and downstream of the gene, respectively.
- U and D represent that SNP located upstream and downstream of the gene, respectively..
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