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Integrated miRNA and transcriptome profiling to explore the molecular determinism of convergent adaptation to corn in two lepidopteran pests of agriculture

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- Full list of author information is available at the end of the article Gimenez et al.
- https://doi.org/10.1186/s .
- We showed that some microRNAs and their target genes were involved in phenotypic plasticity or adaptive evolution, this respectively by comparing either the molecular response of each strain on two host plants, or by comparing that of the two strains on the same host-plant [13, 17].
- We present the differential expres- sion patterns of miRNAs and of their putative coding genes targets involved i) in phenotypic plasticity of each lineage in response to corn or mugwort or ii) in adaptive evolution or genetic drift, by additional comparison of the two Ostrinia species on the same host-plant.
- A summary of the experimental design and comparisons made in this study is depicted on Fig.
- A graphic summary of the experimental design can be found on Fig.
- 1.30% of the reads on corn, 25.07.
- 5.56% of the reads on mugwort.
- 1.81% of the unique reads on corn, and 15.55.
- Heatmaps representing the expression level of the most DE known and novel miRNA genes are shown on Fig.
- The expression level of the most differentially expressed miRNAs is shown on Fig.
- To identify miRNA genes of the known class putatively involved in adaptive evolution in re- sponse to the host-plant, we looked for those showing constitutive expression differences between On and Os on the same plant as well as a variation in their expres- sion in response to a change of host-plant (FDR <.
- Only two out of the 6 miRNAs consti- tutively regulated between sibling species show also vari- ation in Os according to the diet, miR-1175-5p and miR-3327-5p (Fig.
- Comparison of the miRNA responses in two lepidopteran pests of corn, On and Sf-C.
- A summary of the experimental design and dataset used for this study is presented on Fig.
- We wondered if the adoption of the same host-plant, corn, had led to the evolution of similar molecular re- sponses in different insect pairs of species sharing corn as host-plant (i.e., Os versus On) and Sf-R versus Sf-C..
- focused on the gene targets of the most DE miRNAs only.
- A summary of the comparisons and datasets used is presented on Fig.
- Comparison of this response with that of the two strains of Spodoptera frugiperda, the corn strain Sf-C and the rice strain Sf-R.
- This represented DE genes that are pre- dicted as target of the same miRNA by both software many of which are targeted by multiple miRNAs..
- In this paper, we characterized the set of miRNAs and their target genes that are involved in the plastic re- sponse of the two Ostrinia species following a change in their environment, i.e., when fed on their preferred or.
- Only two out of the six miRNAs constitutively regulated between Ostrinia spe- cies show also variation in Os according to the plant, miR-1175-5p and miR-3327-5p (Fig.
- We then focused on the miRNAs shared between Ostrinia and Spodoptera and showing differential ex- pression either upon a change of host-plant or depend- ing of the genetic background (Os versus On or SfR versus SfC)..
- This enzyme is involved in cuticle sclerotization leading to hardening of the insect exoskeleton [41].
- armigera, UGT33J1 is expressed specifically in the cuticle of the larval body [58].
- Genes involved in develop- ment of the insect like ecdysone oxidase and chitinases were also shared.
- Our miRNA and transcriptome profiling highlighted gene expression patterns matching phenotypic conver- gence i.e., adoption of the same host, corn, in two pairs of Lepidopteran taxa.
- Briefly, fertile egg masses of the two moth species On and Os were used to infest maize and mugwort plants in outdoor conditions in large cages..
- The design of the RNA-Seq experiments (number of replicates, read depth) fits with criteria defined in the study of Lamarre et al .
- org/10.1186/s .
- Drafting and revision of the manuscript: K.N., M.O., R.S., E.A.
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