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Pseudocohnilembus persalinus genome database - the first genome database of facultative scuticociliatosis pathogens

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- Pseudocohnilembus persalinus genome database - the first genome database of facultative scuticociliatosis pathogens.
- Background: Pseudocohnilembus persalinus , a unicellular ciliated protozoan, is one of commonest facultative pathogens.
- persalinus genome database (PPGD) (http://ciliates.ihb.ac.cn/database/home/#pp), the first genome database for the scuticociliatosis pathogens.
- We will continue to update the PPGD by integrating more data and aim to integrate the PPGD with other ciliate databases to build a comprehensive ciliate genome database..
- Keywords: Pseudocohnilembus persalinus , Genome database, Useful resource, Scuticociliate.
- The Pseudocohnilembus persalinus scuticociliate is a free-living marine ciliate first reported by Evans and Thompson in 1964 [1].
- persalinus infection causes scuti- cociliatosis, one of the most important fish diseases that has led to serious economic losses in marine aquaculture worldwide [5, 6].
- persalinus is a facul- tative parasite and can be easily grown in the labora- tory by feeding with bacteria.
- Before that, the genomes of Tetrahymena thermophila , Paramecium tetraurelia and Ichthyo phthirius multifiliis have first been sequenced and their comparative genomics analyses have compre- hensively provided a better understanding of the.
- 1 Key Laboratory of Aquatic Biodiversity and Conservation, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430072, China Full list of author information is available at the end of the article.
- 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0.
- persalinus genome database (PPGD), which integrates genomic data, transcriptomic data, and gene annotation, thereby providing a useful resource for studying scuticocili- ates or scuticociliatosis..
- Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the structure of the PPGD.
- Genomic sequence data, transcriptomic se- quence (RNA-Seq) data, and genome annotation data are stored in the MySQL database.
- The user-friendly interface and web pages were developed with PHP and HTML.
- The PPGD also includes a brief summary of the biological, morphological, and taxonom- ical characteristics of P.
- 1 Diagram of the PPGD.
- Sequence data, gene annotation, and RNA-Seq data were stored in the MySQL database, and also presented by GBrowse.
- Meanwhile, search functions enable the user to easily access the resources in PPGD.
- For all the 13,186 predicted genes of genes have more or less reads mapped in the growth condition.
- “SEARCH,” “GENOME BROWSER,” “BLAST,” “MORP HOLOGY,” and “DATA DOWNLOAD”) directs the user to retrieve the information.
- The “HOME” page displays some background information on P.
- A search box (located at the top right of the web page.
- 2a) enables the user to search for “Gene ID,” “Keywords,” or “Scaffold ID” in the database (Fig.
- We recommend searching the database using a “Gene ID”.
- The search hits are listed and hy- perlinks direct the user to detailed information about the gene.
- 2 Basic search functions of the PPGD.
- a A basic search function using the “ Gene ID.
- Typically, the user can use “Gene ID” or a scaffold.
- GBrowse provides the user with informa- tion on the gene structure and expression levels.
- In the gene model track, a hyperlink forwards the user to a web page with more detailed gene information..
- In addition, once an interesting gene or genomic region is selected, the user can scroll and zoom using the navigation bar (shown in the upper right of Fig.
- The sequence can also be retrieved in FASTA format by selecting the “Download Deco- rated FASTA File ” option in the drop-down menu in GBrowse..
- The “MORPHOLOGY” page of PPGD displays detailed morphological information and the taxonomic status of P.
- to integrate these into PPGD to build a comprehen- sive genome database for ciliates..
- PPGD is the first genome database for a scuticociliate.
- PPGD: Pseudocohnilembus persalinus genome database.
- 31672281) to JX, Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to JX, Youth Innovation Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to JX..
- The database is freely available at http://ciliates.ihb.ac.cn/database/home/#pp..
- All authors have approved the final version of the manuscript..
- Morphogenesis in the hymenostome ciliate Pseudocohnilembus persalinus and its taxonomic and phylogenetic implications.
- Pseudocohnilembus persalinus (Ciliophora : Scuticociitida) is an additional species causing scuticociliatosis in olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus .
- Studies on the morphology of Uronema marinum Dujardin (Ciliatea: Uronematidae) with a description of the histopathology of the infection in marine fishes.
- Genome of the facultative scuticociliatosis pathogen Pseudocohnilembus persalinus provides insight into its virulence through horizontal gene transfer.
- accurate alignment of transcriptomes in the presence of insertions, deletions and gene fusions.
- Stomatogenesis and morphological redescription of Pseudocohnilembus persalinus (Ciliophora:.
- Identification of the pathogenic ciliate Pseudocohnilembus persalinus (Oligohymenophorea: Scuticociliatia) by fluorescence in situ hybridization.
- The all- data-based evolutionary hypothesis of ciliated protists with a revised classification of the phylum Ciliophora (eukaryota, Alveolata)

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