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Vietnam’s quality and efficiency of investment in education

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- ABSTRACT: Based on analysis results of authorities’ statistics by qualitative and quantitative methods, the article proves that Vietnam is one of the countries with the total resources invested in education and training at a high level.
- However, Vietnam’s quality and efficiency of investment in education are not really commensurate with potentials and hopes.
- At the same time, informal investment resources of the people for education and training are relatively large, but the proportion of trained workers is still relatively low in the total number of population as well as in comparison with that of other countries in Asia.
- Vietnam’s quality and efficiency of investment in education are therefore an issue that needs more investments of stakeholders..
- Education is considered to be one of the shortest ways and the most effective solutions to change society and develop communities sustainably in the context of post-industrial era and digital age.
- Vietnam is one of the countries with a long tradition of fondness for learning.
- In such a context, how the actual quality and effectiveness of investment resources for education and training of a country can be assessed, what is Vietnam’s quality and effectiveness of investment resources for education and training in the past few decades, and how to invest in education in the most efficient and qualitative manner in the context of the current Industry Revolution 4.0? These questions have been an area of study of scholars around the world and in Vietnam for years.
- However, there has not been any in-depth research on Vietnam’s quality and effectiveness of investment resources for educationa in the current period compared to those of other countries in Asia and around the world [1].
- For this reason, based on qualitative and quantitative methods as well as interdisciplinary and specialized approaches, the article uses statistics of authorities, research results of scientists, and updated information of the press to analyze the resources that both the state and society have favorably placed a great deal of faith in and expectation to invest in education in relation to real results for temporarily practical life as well as its long-term effect and impact on Vietnam’s educational philosophy and development strategy in the coming time.
- On the basis of the results of comparative analysises, the article offers a number of referenceable suggestions for Vietnam’s strategic orientation of investment in education in the future in the most quanlitative and efficient manner possible..
- Investment resources for Vietnam’s current education and training.
- Vietnam’s current investment resources for education and training can be divided into three main types.
- The foreign investment consists of both formal types and informal forms for Vietnam’s education both inside and outside of the country..
- State investment: the state often plays a leading role in investing in education and training.
- Vietnam’s annual public expenses for education is approximately 20 % of state budget (about 5 % of GDP) [2].
- In 2018, the amount of state budget used for education and training was about 272,869 billion VND (an increase of 10 % compared to 2017) [4] of the total number of state budget expenditure of around 1.52 million of billion VND [5].
- In 2018, in addition to 272,869 billion VND from state budget, Vietnam’s education sector also earned approximately 31,439 billion VND.
- This section was basically used to fund the operation of the national education system..
- In the school year of Vietnam had a total number of 43,907 educational institutions, including 40,952 public schools [3].
- In 2018, Vietnam’s total number of state servants was roughly 2.3 million, of which: education and training sector accounted for 1.2 million (52.
- in the section of recurrent expenditure on this apparatus [4].
- Training investment with foreign countries is usually not included in the total annual state budget for education and training, but on separate projects.
- In the years of Project 911 utilized 1,534,534 billion VND..
- If both short-term training courses and regular fostering programs organized by the state both domestically and abroad are considered, the total amount of public budget investment in Vietnam’s education and training activities is relatively significant compared to the total state budget revenue, total gross domestic product, and actual capacity of Vietnam’s current economy..
- Vietnam’s public spending on education and training/GDP in 2012 amounted to 6.3.
- Firstly, the ratio of actual spending for Vietnam’s university students per capital is clearly low [1].
- Secondly, most of the state budget for education was used for recurrent spending (86.7.
- The most typical of these is the operation of the system of non-public educational institutions.
- In the school year of Vietnam had a total number of 2,955 non-public schools with the number of people attending pre-kindergarten at 85.
- and universities 13 % [3] of the entire national education system.
- Although in the early 2019, Vietnam had more than 450 non-public secondary schools and colleges [9].
- In addition, private investment in education and training is also reflected in the activities commonly known as educational socialization.
- Thanks to these prioritized and attracting policies of investment capital, the socialization of education and training has contributed an addition of approximately 4,700 billion VND, equivalent to about 2 % of the total amount of state budget spent on education in the years of 2013-2017.
- At the same time, Hanoi had 78 projects in the field of education and training that were socialized with a total amount of registered investment up to 5,600 billion VND.
- Informal private investment in education and training is the investments that are often beyond regulatory framework and controlling scope as well as management rights and usage functions of the state.
- In 2009, up to 24.7 % of Vietnam’s population over 4 years of age participated in the national education system as learners [13, p.
- In 2018, Vietnam’s vocational education institutions recruited students and pupils [7].
- In the school year of Vietnam’s education system was home to more than 23.5 million of pupils and students [15]..
- All are part of the people’s total informal private investment resources for the country’s education and training activities.
- Therefore, informal investment in education and training activities is the widest range of investment activity.
- The average sum of expense for a Vietnam’s current tudent is approximately 1,500 USD per year, accounting for roughly 70 % of the poorest families’ income and 30 % of the richest ones, but a compulsory minimum is 4,000 USD per year in the coming decade [1] in order to ensure the quality and effectiveness of training activities..
- Foreign investment in Vietnam’s education and training usually takes place both by official road of the state and informal investment way of non-government organizations.
- The first one are grants and non-returned loans from foreign governments and international organizations for Vietnam’s education and training.
- The third one are the informal investments carried out by bilateral cooperation programs of Vietnam’s non-government organizations and individuals with outsiders.
- The fourth one are joint training programs between Vietnam’s higher education institutions and foreign education institutions or international organizations in the world which are opened in Vietnam to directly serve increasing needs of human forces of localities according to contracts of involved parties.
- The fifth one are the foreign investments for business purposes in the field of education and training in Vietnam.
- State investment in education and training means essentially that the state is managing and using people’s contribution resources to invest in the national education and training on behalf of the people.
- Meanwhile, although investment activities in Vietnam’s education and training from the outside is not always for the sake of immediately economic benefits, it is in essence to pursue one or some other basic targets that the most popular ones are often for profit.
- While foreign investment resources for Vietnam’s education and training are basically dependent decesively on outsiders’ investment strategy and the question for Vietnamese is how to make full use of this objective investment resource in the most efficient way, domestic investment resources are entirely decided by the Vietnamese themselves..
- Practical efficiency of Vietnam’s curent system of educational and training institutions.
- In the context that the investment resources for education are still relatively limited in terms of total value, how to invest effectively is a question difficult to find accurate answers to all models of education and training.
- Therefore, this section only considers the quality and effectiveness of Vietnam’s investment resources in education and training in three main ways..
- In terms of quantity, with an investment which is although relatively modest in the total value, accounts for a very significant proportion of the total state budget revenue as well as gross domestic product, Vietnam’s education and.
- Simultaneously, Vietnam’s vocational education was showing more and more signs of prosperity.
- This fact questions the quality and effectiveness of Vietnam’s investment resources for national education system..
- In this regard, Vietnam’s quality and effectiveness of investment in education vary considerably from each educational level to specific education sectors.
- Overall, Vietnam’s total number of 43,874 educational institutions in 2015 were directly operated by more than 1.24 million people, but until the school year of only 16,276 schools reached national quality standards [23].
- of Vietnam’s total number of 72,792 university and college lecturers earned doctoral degrees [19], while the whole country had 24,385 ones [6].
- As a result, Vietnam’s higher education system needs an addition of around 36,000 academic doctors [11] by 2025.
- Similarly, although the quality of Vietnam’s popular education (1-12 grades) was evaluated to be relevant to the quality standards of world education [24, p.
- Actual effectiveness, investment in education and training is one of the key factors contributing to the rapid and sustainable development of countries’ economies.
- On that basis, Vietnam’s quality and effectiveness of investment in education over the last few years need to be considered from different perspectives..
- Overall, Vietnam’s investment resources for education and training has contributed to realizing the goal of improving people’s intellectual level, training human resources, and fostering talents for the country.
- However, if it is considered in terms of production capacity of the economy, Vietnam’s quality and efficiency of investment in education are insignificant.
- At the same time, although the proportion of Vietnam’s investment resources for education is relatively large, the proportion of trained labor force is still very low.
- This means that nearly 80 % of Vietnam’s labor force has never received any form of official vocational training [27]..
- These are in reality all the key industrial production sectors and most decisive to development speed as well as sustainable capacity of Vietnam’s economy in the future.
- Considering this aspect, Vietnam’s structure of spending and investment in education is not really scientific and appropriate.
- This is actually one of the reasons for the situation that Vietnam’s human resource is evaluated as a surplus of untrained labor, but a lack of skilled labor [2]..
- Meanwhile, in the first quarter of 2019, Vietnam had nearly 1.1 million unemployed [26].
- Part of reason for this is that opportunities of accessing to higher education as well as vocational education of Vietnam’s labor force is often relatively moderate [1].
- Improving the quality and efficiency of investment in education is hence considered as one of the decisive solutions to nearly all related issues of Vietnam’s current education system [1]..
- Nevertheless, the actual quality and effectiveness of the national education system are not really commensurate with potentials and expectations.
- A significant part of Vietnam’s labor force has not yet trained the most basic vocational skills, while an essential number of trained workers cannot find satisfactory jobs.
- Most of Vietnam’s high-quality human resources are usually trained abroad, while the national education system is annually invested around 20 % of the total official budget revenue [30], while inofficial investment resources are actually much bigger.
- For this reason, Vietnam’s productivity and quality of investment in education are in general currently an enormous challenge in the current context of extensively international integration [21]..
- The above analysis and comparison results show that investment in education is one of the top priorities of both the state and people of Vietnam.
- 1)In the context that the overall potential of the economy is still largely restricted, spending around 20 % of total budget revenue for education is a great effort of Vietnam Government.
- 2) Vietnam’s education is curently a relatively attractive market for investors.
- This demonstrates that although being prioritized to invest substantially, Vietnam’s public school system is facing a number of questions from their own operation mechanism as well as increasing level of more fierce competition of non-public educational institutions.
- 3) The number of Vietnam’s students studying abroad has recently been increasing rapidly.
- while the age of Vietnam’s abroad studying students is younger and the level of education is also expanding very fast..
- That fact has made Vietnam become one of potential educational markets in the world.
- The question for Vietnam’s national education system is not only to continue attracting investment resources from the state, society, and outside, but also to have suitable solutions to compete in a fair way with foreign education institutions right on their own home soil.
- This is not a simple problem for Vietnam’s current education institutions, but basically there is no other option in the global game that Vietnam has voluntarily participated proactively..
- 4) In essence, Vietnamese invest in education not only to develop themselves, but also to improve overall human resource quality of the country.
- To a certain extent, Vietnam’s national education system has somewhat achieved the goals of improving people’s knowledge, training human resources, and fostering talents.
- 5) Vietnam is one of the countries with the highest proportion of social resources invested in education in the world..
- However, the proportion of Vietnam’s trained workers is still fairly modest.
- Meanwhile, the number of Vietnam’s abroad studying students returning home is getting smaller.
- In short, Vietnam is one of the countries with relatively large total investment resources for education.
- The percentage of trained labor and labor productivity of Vietnam’s human resources is still a disadvantage.
- This fact shows that Vietnam’s quality and efficiency of investment in education are still not commensurate with potentials and expectations..
- Vietnam is one of the countries with the highest priority to focus all possible resources on education and training.
- Actually, Vietnam has also achieved a lot of respectful achievements in the area of education and training in terms of number and qualification.
- However, recently some pragmatic views claim that Vietnam’s investment in education in some cases is inefficient and leads to a waste of resources of learners themselves, their families, stakeholders, and society as a whole..
- This fact raises several issues both in terms of Vietnam’s ducational philosophy and development philosophy in the future..
- Vietnam Vocational Education and Training Report 2016

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