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11 steps to create a successful web site

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- Learn how you can get a free Web site at http://www.smallbusiness.officelive.com/.
- DIY Web Site Packages ...11.
- Getting Around on Your Web Site ...21.
- Step 10: Take your Web site Live.
- Step 11: Constantly Tend to Your Web Site.
- Constantly Promote Your Web Site...60.
- You may think this goes against common sense, but the essence of your Web site isn’t really about you.
- You’ll tell them exactly how you’ll serve their needs right here, right now, on your Web site.
- Planning For a Web site.
- It doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a Web site by that name.
- But your domain provider’s Web site will have a simple method to check almost instantly.
- Don’t make your Web site look or read like an ad.
- Set your Web site budget so you can comfortably handle the costs with available resources..
- It’s impossible to tell you exactly how to divide the pot in building a Web site.
- Does a free, all-in-one Web site service like Microsoft Office Live Small.
- How will you drive traffic to your Web site after it’s built?.
- Then you’re probably ready to take on much of the work of building yourself a Web site..
- DIY Web Site Packages.
- Creating Your Web site: DYI or Go With a Pro.
- Godaddy Web site Tonight.
- Many of them already have enough experience to handle fundamental Web site design.
- What are their verbal and written communications skills? Can you understand them when you discuss your Web site needs?.
- Now it’s time to move forward with the hands-on work of building your new business Web site.
- Easily create and add new pages to your Web site Change the link order of pages in the navigation pane Preview your site using View Site.
- “big” enough to store all your Web site files, as well as the content and operations of your company’s network – you need to find and hire a reliable Web host..
- First Steps of Building a Web site For Your New.
- Remember always: Your Web site is there to serve your customers and their needs.
- If you’re turned off by endless popups, grating audio and graphics that look like they’ve been lifted from the Vegas strip, then you shouldn’t expect your Web site visitors to react any differently..
- Getting Around On Your Web Site.
- considerations for your Web site design,.
- and you should use the same design sense in picking the color palette for your Web site.
- Getting Around on Your Web Site.
- 7 Pages every Web site should have.
- Don’t look now, but your Web site might be missing a few pages—very important pages..
- Here are seven pages every business Web site must have, and where they need to be:.
- Just be sure your site map includes everything on your Web site with links to each page.
- 5 Mistakes every Web site should avoid..
- Menus are the rough equivalent of a Web site’s spine.
- Pay attention to contrast and sharpness, not only in your images, but throughout your Web site..
- Web site Accessibility Initiative.
- Even if you’ve decided to let a pro take over your business Web site design, you’ll have more control over the look, content and function of your site with a basic knowledge of HTML..
- Add maps and directions to your site: Want to make it easy for customers to find your business? Add a map or driving directions to your business or other location on your Web site using the Map &.
- Customize your Office Live Small Business Web site with sample HTML.
- During the previous steps in this series, we’ve walked you through the information you need to decide you’ll take on the work of building your own Web site and be the true master of your domain..
- But if you’re building anything more than a basic Web site with limited functions, HTML is the way to go..
- AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) technology is the new buzzword in Web site design.
- immediate, or dynamic, feedback as they develop their Web site pages..
- Can the software grow with your business? Does it limit the number of products you can add to your Web site?.
- Most of a business Web site is defined by style – how it looks and feels.
- Search engine optimization or SEO is just a way of marketing your Web site that helps bring the right people to you..
- Making sure your Web site includes the same words.
- Making sure your Web site is built in a way that allows search engines to find it and read the text on every page..
- Building content on your Web site that other Web sites – especially those that speak to your target audience – will point links to..
- Human-Powered Directories - These depend on Web site owners or.
- Startup Guide to Web site Analytics.
- relationships with them, or an “inside” source that will get your Web site to prime time..
- Boosting your Web site’s visibility is a very competitive game, and you should assume that rival sites are playing it..
- Here are some well-proven ways to optimize your Web site’s visibility:.
- Search spiders follow these trails to rank your Web site..
- Be sure that every page on your new business Web site is at most only two clicks away from the home page..
- Plus, you only pay when someone clicks through to your Web site from your search ad..
- By now, you’ve spent a lot of time planning and assembling the pieces of your new business Web site.
- Best practice? Thorough testing of your company’s new Web site before going live..
- While you’ll always be able to make changes to your Web site after launch, it’s important to ask your employees to review it now, especially those sections related to their.
- It’s hard to see your company and Web site exactly from your customers’ point of view, but give it a good try and you’ll get more traffic.
- You can do that easily at StartupNation’s Web site Critique service..
- Post your Web site for critique in StartupNation’s community section and get instant feedback from peer entrepreneurs..
- How To Receive a Great Web site Critique 4.
- Do you like how our Web site looks and works? If not, why?.
- The important thing is to get potential users to review your business Web site..
- Take a look at your Web site on a variety of monitors.
- Key Web site reports.
- Site Reports tracks all kinds of helpful information about visitor traffic to and from your Web site.
- Few things rile Web site visitors more than links to nowhere..
- Step 10: Take your Web site Live!.
- As we’ve mentioned earlier, if your Web site is built according to the guidelines we’ve laid out, search engines will find you on their own..
- Sometimes you’re asked for a brief description of your new Web site.
- Company blogs can be used both to enhance your business Web site and drive more traffic to it..
- You never will be if your new business Web site is to succeed to full potential.
- Constantly Promote Your Web Site 6.
- Although the hard part is indeed over, the key to long-term business success on the Internet is a maintaining your Web site..
- Top of the list: Be vigilant about the security of your Web site and content, your network and your customers’ private information..
- The basics of Web site security.
- Watch out for unusual activity on your Web site.
- Restrict employee access to your Web site.
- That’s not what your new business Web site was so carefully nurtured to project..
- Give priority to any trouble with the customer’s Web site experience..
- Focusing on Web site Content to Market Your Site.
- Your Web site’s analytics software holds the keys to staying on top of how your site is viewed and used by visitors and customers..
- Whether you maintain your Web site alone or with help, know this:.
- As your company grows, improves and evolves, your Web site will need to keep pace:.
- Constantly Promote Your Web Site.
- If you haven’t tried any form of online advertising (see Step 10) and you’re disappointed with your early Web site results, reconsider..
- Building your Web site from concept to completion and going live online has added an entirely new dimension to your business..
- Building a Web Site.
- Web Site Promotion.
- Web Site Security.
- Google Web Site Optimizer.
- Web Site Maintenance.
- StartupNation Community Web site Critique Service.
- Web Site Registration:.
- Web site Security

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