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Internet File-Sharing Technology

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- Downloading is the most important thing when you are using the Internet.
- Nowadays, there are two technologies which are the most popular in the world.
- They are Direct Protocol and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Protocol.
- Part I focuses on the History of File-Sharing Technology.
- Anyway, almost two decades ago, BBS was probably the most widely used file sharing method..
- It is a network that was initially based on the UUCP protocol for dial-up connections and.
- Usenet remains one of the largest carriers of file sharing and Internet traffic.
- Usenet itself has also been the target of legal challenges pertaining to its use in file-sharing..
- In 1990, the real thing starts with the formal proposal of the World Wide Web, followed by the introduction of the MP3 standard, at the end of 1991 [3].
- In June 1999, Napster was released as a centralized unstructured peer-to- peer system, requiring a central server for indexing and peer discovery.
- It is generally credited as being the first peer-to-peer file sharing system.
- In the case of Napster, an online service provider could not use the "transitory network transmission".
- safe harbor in the DMCA if they had control of the network with a server.
- Gnutella, eDonkey2000, and Freenet were released in 2000, as MP3.com and Napster were facing litigation.
- Gnutella, released in March, was the first decentralized file sharing network.
- In the Gnutella network, all connecting software was considered equal, and therefore the network had no central point of failure.
- The network was proprietary and encrypted, and the Kazaa team made substantial efforts to keep other clients such as Morpheus off of the FastTrack network..
- This drove users to other P2P applications and file sharing continued its exponential growth.
- Until its decline in 2004, Kazaa was the most popular file sharing program despite bundled malware and legal battles in the Netherlands, Australia, and the United States.
- As a result of such lawsuits, many universities added file sharing regulations in their school administrative codes (though some students managed to circumvent them during after school hours).
- With the shutdown of eDonkey in 2005, eMule became the dominant client of the eDonkey network.
- Pro-file sharing demonstrations took place in Sweden in response to the Pirate Bay raid.
- In 2009, the Pirate Bay trial ended in a guilty verdict for the primary founders of the tracker..
- Those are clearly definition of 2 most usual file sharing protocols:.
- A peer-to-peer, commonly abbreviated to P2P, is any distributed network architecture composed of participants that make a portion of their resources (such as processing power, disk storage or network bandwidth) directly available to other network participants, without the need for central coordination instances (such as servers or stable hosts) [4].
- In fact, a pure P2P network doesn’t have the connection of client – server but only node-node that functions as both ways upload and download on the network..
- Peer-to-peer was used in VoIP, Real-time chat, HDTV online, etc….
- popularized by File-Sharing systems such as eDonKey, BitTorrent, Gnutella..
- Peer To Peer Networks.
- Some of the most popular options for file sharing on the Internet are peer- to-peer networks, such as BitTorrent and eDonkey network..
- Users can use software that connects into a peer-to-peer network to search for shared files on the computers of other users (i.e.
- peers) connected to the network.
- Those files can be downloaded directly from other users on the network.
- Nowadays, BitTorrent become the Number.1 file sharing network on the internet.
- Other users download that torrent file and run it by any torrent client to download data piece by piece.
- File Hosting Services File hosting services are a simple and traditional Client-server model method to download file, video, and any kind of data that is not webpage..
- Two of the most popular file hosting services:.
- http://mediafire.com.
- MU) http://megaupload.com.
- Because of the principle of peer structure, this protocol has many advantages compared to other commercial networks.
- In peer-to-peer network, all machines involved provide resources, which may include bandwidth, storage space, and computing power.
- So the more machines join the network, the stronger overall ability of the network becomes..
- As nodes arrive and demand on the system increases, the total capacity of the system also increases [8.
- The most important problem is that consumers can be faced with a number of risks when they download and use commercial P2P file-sharing software programs [9.
- A file-sharing program which users download and use include other software, such as spy ware or adware.
- Finally, because of the way files are shared in network, users, especially children may be exposed to.
- User (client) also can only download files or programs directly from the servers through client-server network.
- In this situation, users can download directly files or programs from the servers and do not depend on the numbers of computer involved in the network.
- If there is only a fixed numbers of servers, while there are too many clients participate in the network, the data transfer capability will be reduced..
- It is the big problem that you try to download a file while there are too many users are downloading it, the.
- So you should not use this protocol to download any big files because of the slow speed..
- It is really a good choice for you to download file or program directly and quickly..
- So if you want to download.
- First, there is not a shadow of doubt when we call file-sharing technology is the essential factor of using the Internet..
- The Client-Server Network is readily to download small files, and sometimes safer than P2P Network.
- Nevertheless, with the huge file, if you want to download by the Client-Server Network, in this case the ratio of getting file corrupted is higher than using P2P Network.
- not including you have to take too much time to download because of low speed and file split.
- That why both method of downloading are still using commonly and independently on the Internet..
- Finally, I hope that you can figure out the similarity and difference between P2P Network and Client- Server Network.
- Nowadays, the two main types of file-sharing technology, peer-to-peer and client-server, are applied widely and deeply everywhere in the internet.
- Then you can make an effectively decision when you want to download files from the Internet..
- http://www.internetdownloadmanager .com/download.html.
- You can try it in 30 days or buy it with ~400000VND..
- http://www.internetdownloadmanager .com/buy.html.
- You can sort the list by any column by clicking on a column header..
- -Right click in Browsers: You can right click on a link in your browsers, and select "Download with IDM"..
- -Drag and Drop: You can drag and drop links to download with IDM..
- -Add URL button: You can add downloads manually using Add URL button..
- On the main menu, look at Download tab, find and click the Option button to open the option panel..
- You can also change this directory by picking Properties item in the right click menu of a selected category in the main IDM window.
- But you can change the directory to save the file before downloading in Download File.
- -Download: In Dialogs group box you can control how IDM dialogs are displayed.
- You can disable.
- For more detail of using IDM, you can open its manual..
- http://www.utorrent.com/downloads This is a free-ware so that you don’t have to pay any money to use it..
- -Browse to a site that serves torrent files and peruse their list to find a file you want to download..
- Select the *.torrent file you saved in the previous step.
- The download item should appear in the main window..
- Configurations for µTorrent: you can press Ctrl + P in the main window to open the preferences panel..
- Here are some explanations of the preferences tabs:.
- For more detail of using µTorrent, you can open its manual..
- WikiPedia.com.
- File sharing.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_sharing..
- File Sharing – History..
- pctips3000.com.
- http://www.pctips3000.com/file-sharing- history/..
- Rüdiger Schollmeier, A Definition of Peer-to-Peer Networking for the Classification of Peer-to-Peer Architectures and Applications, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, IEEE (2002)..
- torrentfreak.com.
- http://torrentfreak.com/bittorrent-still-king-of- p2p-traffic-090218/..
- http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/decent ralization/message/3160..
- Peer-to-peer..
- [Cited: May http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer- to-peer..
- ạ ồ ẳ WikiPedia.com.
- [Cited: May http://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer- to-peer..
- Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing Technology, Consumer Protection, And Competition Issues.
- ehow.com.
- [Cited: May http://www.ehow.com/

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