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Essential words for the toefl part 2

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- They function the same way as guide words in dictionaries, indicating the first and last words of the pages.
- Therefore, regular use of a thesaurus will build your vocabulary and help you prepare for the TOEFL..
- Most of the same word labels used in dictionaries appear in a thesaurus.
- Let's examine an entry for the word maximum..
- in the first entry indicates that the word could be used as a modifier of other words.
- indicates that synonyms for the word follow.
- At the end of the listing appears the suggestion see best 1.
- This suggestion refers us to the first entry for the word best if we wish to see more words with meanings related to maximum..
- The second entry gives the synonyms for the noun form of the word.
- indicates that the word is used as a noun, and syn.
- This entry also refers the reader to the word climax for additional words related to maximum.
- At the end of the entry, antonyms, marked with the label ant., are listed..
- At the end of each lesson, there are five TOEFL -like vocabulary questions that contain all of the words in each lesson.
- The TOEFL-like questions are an excellent vocabulary review as well as thorough preparation for the vocabulary section of the TOEFL..
- By studying the lessons out of order you will be defeating the purpose of the review system..
- The intricate design of the vase made it a valuable piece for her collection..
- I cannot begin to understand all of the intricacies of modern automobile motors..
- The entry features the word intricate.
- Directly under the word, you will find other forms of the same word.
- they represent the different parts of speech of the word.
- For each of the forms, the part of speech is given.
- The following abbreviations for parts of speech are used in the word entries..
- In the case of intricate, the adjective form, adj., is presented as the key word.
- Other forms of the entry, intricately and intricacy, are listed below the main entry..
- The key word is then defined in clear, easy to understand English.
- Under the definition you will find a synonym for the key word.
- In the example above, the synonym given for intricate is complex..
- Below the synonym, there are two sentences that show the usage of two different forms of the word..
- that is, the words surrounding the key word tend to support and clarify the meaning of the key word.
- Let's look at the two sentences in the example..
- The key word will always appear in the first sentence.
- The key word sentence is followed by a second sentence illustrating the use of one of the related words, but with a different part of speech..
- If no related words are given, then the second sentence serves as another illustration of the meaning of the key word..
- Some word forms are not included in the entries.
- The word entries provide you with all the information you need to build a powerful TOEFL vocabulary..
- First, read the 15 entries of the lesson carefully, including the definition, different forms, synonym, and example sentences.
- It is important for you to associate the key word with its meaning and synonym.
- These are the three most important parts of the word entry..
- Look up unfamiliar words that appear in the example sentences..
- This time when you study the entry, cover the key word, then look at the meaning and its synonym..
- Then identify the key word.
- Finally, cover everything in the entry, except the meaning, and identify the key word and its synonym..
- You are now ready for the matching exercise at the end of the word list.
- The purpose of the question is to test your knowledge of synonyms, a key skill for the TOEFL.
- In this example, you must choose the synonym for the word intricate.
- Nearly all the words that appear as answer choices are key words introduced in the same and previous lessons.
- The intricate design of the building's facade is typical of buildings of the nineteenth century..
- This test question is typical of the questions on the vocabulary section of the TOEFL.
- You must choose the word that has the same or similar meaning as the underlined word in the sentence.
- Most TOEFL, questions do not use the word in a sentence context that will help you with word meaning..
- Therefore, as we learned in Chapter 2, you will probably not be able to determine the meaning of the word by reading the sentence.
- Most of the answer choices for the test questions at the end of each lesson are key words introduced in that lesson..
- On one side of the card, write the key word and its related forms.
- On the other side of the card, write its synonym.
- It is suggested that you organize your cards by alphabetical order of the synonyms or by the lesson number.
- Keep two groups of cards: one group for the words.
- Essential Words for the TOEFL provides you with two TOEFL Vocabulary Practice Tests on the pages that follow.
- After you have studied the vocabulary lessons in this book, take both of the tests on separate days..
- Although on an official TOEFL you will be given 45 minutes to complete Section 3 of the test, you should complete the vocabulary items in less than 15 minutes, in order to give yourself ample time to answer the longer Reading Comprehension items.
- Thus, allow yourself no more than 15 minutes to complete each of the Practice Tests that follow..
- For each item you answer incorrectly, look up the word tested in this book.
- This will provide you with additional information on the meaning of the word in different contexts and perhaps other ex-ample sentences demonstrating its usage..
- For information on interpreting your performance and converting it to the TOEFL scale, follow the directions in Scoring Your TOEFL Vocabulary Practice Tests, at the end of this Chapter.
- Now take the TOEFL Vocabulary Practice Test 1..
- It is evident that animals played a predominant role in the world of the upper Paleolithic Period..
- Some experts believe that the functions of the print media will be replaced by audio or visual media..
- The enormous rigid plates that make up the outer shell of the Earth continually move relative to one another..
- The process of eutrophication involves a sharp increase in the concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen and promotes the growth of algae..
- The sugar maple grows to a height of 120 feet and has a dense crown of leaves that turns bright red in the fall..
- John Quincy Adams was a conspicuous opponent of the expansion of slavery..
- The evolution of agriculture in the early years of the twentieth century was characterized by the partial mechanization of the sowing and reaping processes..
- One of the most striking aspects of Indian cultures was the production of ceremonial costumes and ornaments worn during religious rituals..
- The innovative use of iron and steel in construction represented an important advancement in the building industry of the 1800s..
- The primary task of the kidney is to maintain the volume and composition of bodily fluids (2)..
- The vital laws of geologic succession were not fully understood until the end of the eighteenth century..
- One of the most beneficial effects of the automobile has been to permit nearly everyone in the automotive countries to travel for recreation..
- The human environment, in the biological sense, is chiefly a hostile one..
- All of the outer surfaces of the human body are covered with microorganisms that are potentially harmful..
- One remarkable form of communication among insects is the dance language of the honeybee..
- In the United Nations, controversies generated by political differences are generally settled by compromise..
- have been found in the state of Ohio..
- Active volcanoes are scattered over the area of the Earth known as the Ring of Fire..
- Most migrant workers move in a well-established pattern according to the season of the regions where they work..
- An intensification of internal stress and conflict among social, racial, and ideological groups has had profound effects on education in the twentieth century..
- Equality, human rights, and justice are prominent issues that came from the United States' civil rights movement of the 1960s..
- Scoring Your TOEFL Vocabulary Practice Tests.
- Essential Words for the TOEFL contains two TOEFL Vocabulary Practice Tests.
- These tests are provided so that you may determine what effect the study of this book has had on your knowledge of TOEFL vocabulary and on your ability to answer vocabulary questions in the TOEFL format..
- The tests will also provide you with a fairly accurate estimate of how you would do on Section 3 of the TOEFL, if that section consisted of Vocabulary questions alone.*.
- Find the key (list of correct answers) that corresponds to the TOEFL Vocabulary Practice Test that you took.
- The key to both tests is located at the top of this page..
- Score each test using the key.
- Place a C next to each correct answer in the book..
- Count the number of correct answers and write that number in the space called Number Right below..
- Write this number on the line that corresponds to the Scaled Score for Test 1..
- Your Average Scaled Score on Test 1 and 2 is the best estimate of how you would perform on Section 3 of the TOEFL, if it consisted of vocabulary items alone

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