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How to prepare for the toefl essay 2nd edition part 5

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- To write a good essay,you must know what the topic asks you to do.
- You must write on the topic.
- The most common essay types are agreeing or disagree- ing and stating a preference.
- It is more likely that you will get one of these essay topics to write, but you could also be given one of the others.
- You must know how to recognize the tasks in all four types.
- Making an argument Agreeing or disagreeing Stating a preference Giving an explanation.
- How can schools help these students with their problems? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer..
- Do you agree or disagree ? Do you support or oppose.
- If you could change (something), what would you change?.
- Which of the following should you do?.
- Which of the following is most important to you?.
- What would you give to help someone?.
- How would you do something?.
- How would you do something/choose between two things?.
- (Topic 141) If you could make one important change in a school that you attended, what change would you make? Use reasons and spe- cific examples to support your answer..
- In this essay, you must state an opinion and defend your point of view.
- You must give reasons for your thinking.
- You usually discuss only one side of the issue..
- Making an argument.
- You will have to determine what needs to be done, make a choice, and support your hypothesis.
- In these essays, the topic is usually written in the future or conditional tense..
- you must look at what the topic is asking you to do..
- (Topic 148) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing games teaches us about life.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer..
- (Topic 131)ODoyou agree or disagree with the following statement: Only people who earn a lot of money are successful.
- Use specific rea- sons and examples to support your answer..
- In this essay, you must discuss both sides of an issue.
- You must also state your own personal preference and give reasons to support your choice..
- I Which opinion do you agree with? i.
- i Which would you prefer?.
- if Would you prefer to.
- Which viewpoint do you agree with? I om.
- Use specific reasons and details to support your choice..
- What do you consider most important: (list)?.
- Why do you think (something happens)?.
- (Topic 152) Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources, such as forests, animals, or clean water.
- Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion..
- Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer..
- In the twentieth century, food has become about your hometown, what would you.
- Has this change improved change? Use reasons and specific examples.
- the way people live? Use specific reasons to support your answer..
- and examples to support your answer..
- (A)Make an argument.
- do you prefer-items made by hand or should spend the whole school day on aca-.
- items made by machine? Use reasons and demic studies.
- Which opinion do you agree.
- specific examples to explain your choice..
- with? Give reasons to support your answer.
- (B) Make an argument (A)State a preference' (A)Make an argument.
- Do you agree or disagree with the follow-.
- What gift would you give to help a when you win.
- Use specific reasons and.
- child develop? Why? Use reasons and spe- examples to support your answer..
- cific examples to support your choice..
- (A)Agree or disagree.
- (B) Agree or disagree 4.
- Think of the most important class you have.
- Do you agree or disagree with the follow- ever taken.
- ing statement? Universities should give the much? Use specific reasons and details to.
- same amount of money to their students' explain your answer..
- Use specific reasons and exam-.
- pies to support your opinion..
- Others like to be with friends details to explain your answer..
- most of the time.
- Do you prefer to spend (A)Make an argument.
- (B) Agree or disagree your time alone or with friends? Give rea- sons to support your answifer.
- (B) Make an argument.
- In order to write a good essay, you must clearly state your thesis.
- A thesis statement focuses the direction of the topic and helps the reader understand what you want to say.
- Would you rather have the university assign a student to share a room with you, or would you rather choose your own roommate? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.
- Thesis statement A.
- Thesis statement B.
- A thesis statement must be on the topic.
- Pay close attention to what the topic asks you to do..
- Which of these two opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer..
- This thesis statement is NOT a good thesis statement for this topic.
- It takes two of the words from the topic and writes about exploration possibilities.
- This thesis statement is off topic..
- Thesis statement C.
- Choose the thesis statements that are appropriate to the topic.
- What is one of the most important deci- sions you have made? Why was this deci- sion important? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer..
- (B) Deciding to leave home to attend school in the US has been so far the most important decision I've made..
- Someone who was considered an educated person in the past (for example, in your par- ents' or grandparents' generation) would not be considered an educated person today.
- Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer..
- (A) If you define education as earning degrees, than I would have to agree that today people are more educated than they were in the past..
- (B) It was more difficult to get an education in the past since there weren't as many schools..
- Why do you think peo- ple visit museums? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer..
- (A) New museums are opening in almost every city in the world..
- Which would you fJxeJex~li1e {elJ.~QJ1,~lJ.Q.Q.
- explain your choice..
- (B) Computers and television are two examples of technology that will change a lot in the future..
- How will this change affect society? Use specific details and examples to develop your essay..
- Write your own thesis statement for the five topics above..
- Look at the Model Essays in the Appendix..
- First, of course, you must have some thoughts.
- You must have an opinion about a subject.
- Concept maps will help you organize the topic.
- Do any or all of the following activities on your own or in a group.
- In your opinion, what is one change that should be remembered about the twentieth century? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.

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