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How to prepare for the toefl essay 2nd edition part 14

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- Is there a topic sentence for each paragraph?.
- Are there supporting details for each topic statement?.
- Is there a conclusion?.
- Are there run-on sentences or sentence fragments.
- Are there misplaced modifiers or dangling modifiers?.
- Are there transition words? ".
- Are the paragraphs.
- Are there .
- Proof the following essay by answering the questions that follow..
- is she sympathetic to the characters' difficulties, or does she think the characters'problems are there own fault? Children learn how to form preferences and make judgments when they're reading..
- Point 2: Examples: Make judgments Helps form a child's personality, Develop preferences for different types of stories of the characters' situations I I.
- Which of the following sentences is the thesis statement for this essay?.
- (D) None of the above..
- Which of the following sentences is the topic sentence for paragraph 3?.
- (B) Children learn how to form preferences and make judgments when they're reading..
- Which of the following sentences supports this statement: Reading opens up a whole new world to a child..
- In which paragraph is there a sentence fragment? Correct it..
- In which sentence is there a dangling participle? Correct it..
- (A) Sentence 4, paragraph 1 (8) Sentence 1, paragraph 4 (C) Sentence 2, paragraph 5.
- Which sentence is not parallel with the others in paragraph 2?Correct it..
- Which topic sentence is not parallel with the others? Correct it..
- Which object in sentence 2, paragraph 2 is not parallel with the others? Correct it..
- In paragraph 1,the transition phrase For that reason connects which two ideas?.
- Which paragraph is not indented?.
- Which sentence does not end with the correct punctuation? Correct it..
- Which sentence does not begin with a capital letter?.
- (A) Sentence 5, paragraph 1 (8) Sentence 2, paragraph 2 (C)Sentence 3, paragraph 3 13.
- Which word is not spelled correctly in this essay?Correct it..
- (A) lets in sentence 2, paragraph 2 (8) there in sentence 3, paragraph 3 (C)ways in sentence 2, paragraph 4.
- I Point 1: We need to make empty land attractive and useful.
- I Point 2: We need to plant shade trees.
- Ii Point 3: We need a better entrance.
- Which of the following sentences is the thesis'statement for this essay?.
- (0) None of the above..
- Which of the following sentences is the topic sentence for paragraph 4?.
- (A) We need a more noticeable and attractive entrance to our community..
- Which of the following sentences supports this statement:Theseareas could be made more attractive and useful..
- In which paragraph is there a run-on sentence? Correct it..
- In which sentence is there a misplaced modifier? Correct it..
- (A) Sentence 2, paragraph 1 (B) Sentence 1, paragraph 2 (C) Sentence 2, paragraph 3.
- Which modifier is not parallel in paragraph 5? Correct it..
- Which adjective in sentence 4, paragraph.3 is not parallel with the others? Correct it..
- In paragraph 5, the transition phrase Our next step connects which two ideas?.
- (A) We don't have a recreation area./We should hire a landscaper..
- (B) We don't have shade./We don't have trees..
- (C) We need an attractive entrance./Our neighborhood is safe..
- In paragraph 3, which words provide cohesion?.
- (A) In paragraph 1, Since (B) In paragraph 2, For example (C) In paragraph 4, all the time 11.
- Which sentence is not correctly punctuated? Correct it..
- (A) Sentence 1, paragraph 2 (B) Sentence 2, paragraph 3 (C) Sentence 3, paragraph 4.
- (A) Sentence 2, paragraph 1 (B) Sentence 5, paragraph 2 (C) Sentence 2, paragraph 4.
- Which word is not spelled correctly in this essay? Correct it..
- (A) be in sentence 2, paragraph 1 (B) by in sente~ce 2, paragraph 4 (C) four in sentence 1, paragraph 5.
- Which word is not used correctly in this essay? Correct it..
- (A) enough in sentence 1, paragraph 1 (B) alot in sentence 2, paragraph 1 (C) get us in sentence 3, paragraph 4.
- Aim, in this modern world, every student needs to learn how to use computers skillfully.
- It takes much longer to watch iriformation in a book, and often the book you want is not immediately available..
- Computers are an important tool in the modern world, so students have to learn how to use them.
- Therifore, we need to have a computer for every student in the school..
- Which of the follO\I\1ingsentences is the thesis statement for this essay?.
- (C) Every student needs to learn how to use computers skillfully..
- Which of the following sentences is the topic sentence for paragraph 2?.
- Which of the following sentences supportsthis statement"Computers also provide information more quickly.".
- In which sentence is there a misplaced modifier? Correct it.
- (A) Sentence 4, paragraph 1 (B) Sentence 2, paragraph 2 (C) Sentence 3, paragraph 4.
- In which sentence in paragraph 3 could parts be made parallel? Correct it..
- Which sentence in paragraph 5 could parts be made parallel? Correct it..
- In paragraph 2, sentence 5, the pronoun They refers to which antecedent?.
- (A) In paragraph 2, up-to-date and latest (8) In paragraph 3, appear and return (C) In paragraph 4, important and develop 11.
- /Which paragraph is not indented?.
- (A)Sentence 2, paragraph 1 (8) Sentence 3, paragraph 3.
- (C) Sentence 2, paragraph 5 .".
- (A) than in sentence 5, paragraph 1 (B) Therefore in sentence 3, paragraph 4.
- (C) to in sentence 2, paragraph 5.
- (A) However in sentence 2, paragraph 1 (B) unlike in sentence 1, paragraph 2 (C) watch in sentence 3, paragraph 3.
- Proof the following essay.
- Are there run-on sentences or sentence fragments?.
- Are there l11isplaced modifiers or dangling modifiers?.
- Are there transition words?.
- Are the paragraphs indented?.
- Are there punctuation marks such as periods at the end of each sentence?.
- Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers.
- Parents shape their children from the beginning of their children:S-lives.'They teach their children values.
- A school may want to take the children camping, but a parent may be afraid of the child getting hurt.

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