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MySQL Administrator's Bible- P12

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- In addition, many of the configuration options can be controlled at server runtime..
- Another function of the binary log is to enable replication.
- The contents of the binary log are any statements that occur in the server that could potentially modify the databases.
- The binary log index file is a plain text file that keeps track of the current binary logs.
- To set the filename and path of the binary logs and binary log index file, specify the following options:.
- The operation of the mysqlbinlog tool is pretty straightforward..
- In the following example the entire contents of the mysql-bin.00001 binary log are converted into text format and copied into a new file called output.sql.
- In addition to the relay logs there is the relay-log.index file, which is used to keep track of the currently used relay log.
- Relay logs are automatically deleted by the SQL thread of the slave server when it has executed all events in the log and it is no longer needed..
- Specifies the location of the general query log file.
- Specifies the location of the slow query log file.
- The long_query_time server variable is used to control the granularity of the logging of slow queries.
- If the logs are disabled, no logging occurs regardless of the value of log_output .
- When this is done the server closes the binary log currently in use and creates a new binary log by incrementing the sequence number of the file by one (in relation to the previous log).
- With the flushing of the error log the server:.
- The option name is a bit of a misnomer because the binary logs are rotated after the size is reached, so the size of the file may be slightly larger than max_binlog_size .
- It was ported to version 6.0 of the server as plugin components.
- You need to install the libsemisync_master* files in the plugin directory of the master server and the libsemisync_slave* files in the plugin directory of each slave server.
- If you do not know the location of the plugin directory, the command SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE.
- ’plug% should tell the location of the plugin directory.
- On the master:.
- Upon execution of the INSERT DELAYED statement..
- Often administrators will use the last octet of the server’s IP address because this will typically be unique from server to server.
- To use more unique integers, the serial number of the system or the entire IP address could be used, such as or even the IP address plus the port, such as .
- You will need to replace host with the hostname or IP address of the slave server..
- Most of the configuration on a slave server is done dynamically using the CHANGE MASTER command..
- The basic idea is that you need to take a consistent backup of the master, noting down at what point in the master binary logs the backup was taken..
- The --master-data option to mysqldump will automatically store a CHANGE MASTER TO statement at the end of the export.
- Master_Host The hostname or IP address of the master server..
- Relay_Log_Pos The current position of the SQL thread in the relay log..
- Last_Errno The error number of the last replication error that occurred..
- Last_Error A description of the last replication error that occurred.
- Exec_Master_Log_Pos The position of the last event executed by the SQL thread from the master binary log..
- Seconds_Behind_Master Shows how far the SQL thread is behind the IO thread in execution of the relay logs.
- Last_IO_Error A description of the last error encountered by the IO thread..
- Last_SQL_Error A description of the last error encountered by the SQL thread..
- Almost all of the fields listed in Table 16-3 can be used in the CHANGE MASTER TO statement.
- Each of the following sections briefly describes an elaborate setup you can use as needed..
- As pointed out before, each server must have a unique server-id entry in the [mysqld] directive of the configuration file..
- The difference between this configuration and the standard configuration is the addition of the log-slave-updates and log-bin statements.
- There are other reasons to enable the binary logs, including incremental backup, point-in-time recovery, and consistent configuration setups in the event that one of the slaves on the bottom is promoted to be a relay slave..
- This will improve the overall performance of the server.
- At this point replication will break on one of the servers because it can not insert a row with the same ID..
- Two entries in the [mysqld] section of the configuration file are needed to resolve this issue:.
- Like master-master replication, circular replication offers no performance gains for writes — even though the writes can be balanced among three or more servers, each server will have to perform all of the writes eventually, because the writes will come through replication.
- Circular replication introduces a very large problem: A problem with one server can affect the rest of the servers.
- This means that if a problem occurs — for example, a network issue causes Server A not to be able to connect to Server D to read the binary logs — the rest of the servers are affected..
- replication to be synchronous — the only reason mysqld has lasted so long without syn- chronous replication is that ordinarily statements are processed very quickly.
- Most of the time, there is very little delay from the time a statement is executed on the master to the time it is executed on the slave..
- The premise of the mk-table-checksum tool is that it should calculate checksums for tables on both the master and slave servers.
- Using a smaller chunksize may improve concurrency because less of the table is locked, but actually ends up slowing the process down..
- The use of the checksum table does help to minimize these effects..
- Benchmarking is the execution of a standard suite of programs in order to assess the performance of the system or systems being tested in a methodical manner relative to performance of other systems.
- In the end, using benchmarks provides a better experience for the end user of the application..
- Many of the same techniques used to profile a server are used in benchmarking..
- Some of the tools that can be used to benchmark mysqld include mysqlslap , downloadable from http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/6.0/en/mysqlslap.html and sysbench , downloadable from http://sysbench.sourceforge.net.
- --detach=num Each of the connections closes and reopens after execution of num statements..
- --host=name Specifies the hostname (name) of the mysqld that mysqlslap connects to for conducting test runs..
- --number-blob-cols=num Determines the number of BLOB fields used for.
- --ssl-cert=file_name The filename of the SSL certificate used for SSL-based connections..
- --ssl-key=file_name The filename of the SSL key file used for SSL-based connections..
- --ssl-verify-server-cert When using this option mysqlslap verifies that the Common Name value of the server’s certificate is verified against the hostname when connecting to the server..
- Specifies the number of seconds to run each test.
- Average number of queries per client: 2.
- This is an important consideration, as it will allow for a more accurate view of the server’s actual ability.
- The mysqlslap tool is one of the most flexible (and easiest to use) tools available for benchmarking servers..
- --max-requests Limits the total number of requests.
- --num-threads Determines the total number of threads created..
- --percentile Display the average execution time of some percentile of the requests.
- With the default of 95%, sysbench will drop 5 percent of the longest-running queries..
- The CPU test mode runs a calculation of the prime numbers up to the value specified by the --cpu-max-prime options.
- This test focuses on the speed of the CPU and is useful for com- paring different processors.
- The following example shows a run of the cpu test with a maximum prime number calculated of 20000:.
- Number of threads: 1.
- The I/O performance test mode is one of the most complex and comprehensive test modes avail- able in SysBench.
- --file-fsync-end Performs a fsync() call at the end of the test.
- Merges up to this number of I/O requests.
- --file-num=num Specifies the number of files created for the test run..
- Determines the total size of the files generated for the test run..
- Number of threads: 2.
- Number of threads: 32.
- --memory-block-size=value Determines the size of the memory block to use for test..
- Number of threads: 64.
- --thread-locks=num Specifies the number of locks for each thread.
- 8 --thread-yields=num Specifies the number of lock/yield/unlock loops.
- Specifies the number of DISTINCT range queries in a transaction..
- Specifies the number of UPDATE queries using an index in a transaction..
- Specifies the number of UPDATE queries that do not use indexes in a transaction..
- Specifies the number of ORDER range queries in transaction..
- Specifies the number of point select queries in a transaction..
- --oltp-simple-ranges Specifies the number of range queries in a transaction..
- --oltp-sp-name=value Specifies the name of the stored procedure sysbench should use when called in sp test mode..
- Determines the name of the table used by sysbench..
- --oltp-table-size=num Determines the number of rows in the test table..
- Number of threads: 16 Doing OLTP test..
- Regardless of the database you choose to use, it must already be created before the test run begins and the user must have the appropriate permissions on the database.
- When performing benchmarks, regardless of the program used there are several principles that you should keep in mind.
- Alternatively, if the performance is severely impacted or gets a lot better, you have no idea if it was because one variable, the other, or the combination of the two..
- Just as mysqld has a BENCHMARK() function that can benchmark based on one expression, there is a SHOW PROFILE statement that gives a description of the profile of a particular query.
- Their values are the current values of the system counter for each variable

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